If I designed some ROAR and THAM to reach 18Hz they would have to be installation built or truck transported with crew requirements, not an option in my book, and compared to the number of users requiring 40Hz and up with a decent SPL/size ratio at a low-ish cost I would think they are fairly few.

Maybe I'm just old :)

But I'm not dismissing the fun of it, its just likely to be a run around for those requirements, I'd rather go (I cant believe I writing this) BR or Sealed and compensate with DSP and power to reach that low, it would be cheaper, easier, lighter and smaller, it just would not be as fun.

Thus is inevitable 🥲 dsp an easy little box forever the end.

But the game isn’t over. Paraflex Aint gonna get nowhere soon without competition… there’s only one thing that beats a paraflex . And that’s a proper ROAR.

Walking a fine line but stirring the pot nevertheless. I got them both and I got to say ROAR has gott an Ace up its sleeve. It is naughty but nice. Paraflex is helter-skelter its spot (or can be) on Very little margin for error before it quickly dropping off a cliff of destructive interference or ring a ding ding ding all over (exaggerated somewhat but based on real world experience and the not so lovely sound of it or the room nodes stirred up with it . Sonic casserole of tambourines and annoyances often full of gaps and nonsense..

Nobody considered the driver offset as an asset in all those and compliment to the folding . -nor was it necessarily convenient for the needs of the design or able to see it in a simulation to - nevertheless that’s where it’s hiding a glorious secret in the never ending alignment of waveforms and super position within the design. these things are monsters, and between you and the circle O man they can come full circle no pun intended 😝 !! look at the parallax angle of the speed of light in radians versus degrees and as circumference of a circle as a distance and apply to the closure (from closed ends and spacing ) look at offset driver positions. That’s where TL forgot to look, they just guessed at an odd Harmonic and left it as such since that that was only the beginning and there’s two sides to play with. Synchronicity is real even when it’s polarized.

Dust off the cobwebs, Because Sweden has always been where it’s at. Harry Olson Is also Swedish if I’m correct?
There’s a perfect pattern in the 8th order of qw functions in physics (dimensions of a sphere surrounded by Spheres that share all sides as a ‘kissing point’ that are the same sizes (perfect ) . It’s 860 over and over and over and over forever. Just like the sun is it’s also then seen at Saturn as the logarithmic scale on 860 forever to the end of the universe just like this


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Thus is inevitable 🥲 dsp an easy little box forever the end.

But the game isn’t over. Paraflex Aint gonna get nowhere soon without competition… there’s only one thing that beats a paraflex . And that’s a proper ROAR.

ROAR = true BP6S.
PARAFLEX = BP6S that acts like a BP6P.

It's the position of the low tune port exit.

ROAR is more TH...ish.
one more question from someone with not too much background in the physics of loudspeakers: from the isobaric loudspeaker Wikipedia page: "The two drivers operating in tandem exhibit similar behavior as one loudspeaker in twice the cabinet."
Would that be applicable also to this kind of speaker if one would like to have a more easily moveable cabinet (at the expense of two drivers instead of one and 3dB lower sensitivity) So would it be possible to have roughly half the size ROAR cabinet with similar behavior or is that only for closed / bass reflex cabinets?
Quarterwave designs are based on wavelength ratios and crossection areas which cannot be altered without directly impacting the tuning of the cabinet and/or amplitude response, so no, even is a more powerful arrangement (i.e isobaric) may solve the amplitude bit there is a clear risk of turbulence losses is reduing the crossection area in order to make it smaller.
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Quarterwave designs are based on wavelength ratios and crossection areas which cannot be altered without directly impacting the tuning of the cabinet and/or amplitude response, so no, even is a more powerful arrangement (i.e isobaric) may solve the amplitude bit there is a clear risk of turbulence losses is reduing the crossection area in order to make it smaller.

(Add this to that ^^^ and take it in slowly Or else it just creates headaches or stomach cramps trying to ;( laugh out loud) actually a function of Distance over time in the way that those are both interconnected and can be seen in gigantic amount in space or astronomy as red shift or the ability to age or distant stars from incredible amounts of time and space distance away in the same way that function is occurring and available to observe in all of the subwoofers types especially specific fourth order and then also Roar and Paraflex which expose it quite nicely when used appropriately and accurately.

You have not milked the turnup completely therefore you are missing a detail that is incredibly important in everything and once exposed it really really shines as it should have long long long ago because it was obviously discovered in a long long time ago and used for whatever reason by the Egyptians and left for us inside the pyramid to decipher in math by the dimensions of a room in there called the kings chamber that chamber contains all of the roots so to speak of parts of a circle that then represented in a rectangleOr cube in 3-D versus 4,5,6,8 d and trans into the circle as then spheres in multiples on top of one of them.

This has nothing to do with anything except the sun and light and sound on earth. What you utilize that and then of course incorporate your CSA and your details to which you must satisfy that driver with its needs and VAS and QES etc. you have created a system that if all of these things exist and folding included presents the same intervals and not at random or bogus shortcuts there is a simple answer to all of us at the end it’s dividing 360 into 12 or 24 parts but it gets incredibly confusing when you go to explain how they all come together and work but there’s a short list of things that are easy to see very hard to grasp because you can’t grasp spiral trigonometry in multiple dimensions and chopped the hurdles from light to sound that easily obviously including time domain and intergalactic quantities of parsecs as how they relate to the second on earth. But if we skip all of that and go straight to the meat and potatoes we find 86400 seconds on earth in 360° of spin is a day which is 24 hours and +43200 seconds is 12 hours but only exactly that twice a year on two days otherwise that drift to a longest day and shortest day which themselves have exact amount of seconds in them.

All of that information in the details of itCreate the absolute perfect roar or the most perfect possible Paraflex meanwhile they have the same affect on a plain old transmission line versus an offset driver transmission line which also incorporates the same exact thing in its own way which is nothing but the 0 to 300 in 360° which exposes the 365.238 in 360° which in Paraflex creates the absolute requirement of a 13th part on the 12 that it is segregated into if breaking it down into 30 cm in 360. There’s two sides fed into one making 3 abd 9. If you do that with the correct CSA for the correct driver and the correct conditions you get A CSA change they can only occur in one place and that’s at 180 otherwise from 0 to 180 and 360 all the way back to zero you must have the same or a double or or a ratio that allows those two to coexist only split at 180. Therefore when you get off the exit which will be the 13th part or L4 five in response will show you at 860 hurts and 8600 hurts and 18920 Hertz, Something that only that can because that represents something more important than anything at the end of the day as it does in the details of this and what you get is exactly the same precision or exact us in alignment that created the same thing in the mass of the planets in the solar system is done with the same exact application in math.

It might sound confusing it might not make sense that’s because nobody’s looking instead they just searching for an answer that is a quick buck or creates this certain type of condition that only a small box is needed for? Well too bad because all those conditions and restrictions and compromises are only a little bit away from a really really great thing and that thing is a mathematical absolute created by the parallax angle of the speed of light or an arc seconds of the speed of light as a radian is to 360° Can you see those numbers and what 240° represents is also the part of the volume of a sphere equation which only the radius than changes cubed.And that’s the eighth out of 12 numbers that make up 360 the ninth would be the exit on a pair of flex which is 1 1/2 of the 30° were both drivers are entering from either end zero and 360 and if you look 30° from 240 is 270. And 30° the other direction is to 210. 210 is 3.6666. Just like 180 is 3.1428571428… And 360 is 6.2857142857… Those numbers and 30 which is 3.6 6666666÷7 and number one of the 12 parts of the circle is put into pi pieces expose 24 pie pieces which is 2619 and then 15° and also the golden ratio was 1000 or 1/10 or one part missing. Oddly enough someone’s in there you find 36528095238 is a year currently on earth but it has not always been that way and all of this represents in a much grander scheme and broader look at it out of band with and far far above and far far below those numbers and frequencies you will see the numbers create the expansion rate of our universe and deeper into that you will find numbers that represent 186,000 as the speed of light even though that’s the same thing as 299792458 in kilometers versus miles those numbers will converge in the opposite direction as does the golden ratio when starting at one and moving upward in the Fibonacci sequence. Those numbers are weird those numbers are goofy and they’re all over the place they don’t even make sense half the time and it’s awkward but if you dissect that to the microcosm or take it to the macrocosm version of them they are crystal clear evidence that those numbers are within and describing the pattern even if not quite exactly what it’s really really taking place in physics at the highest level meaning smallest molecular one neutron in Dead center of the sun to one helium in the dead center of the sun as fusion begins 1 to 4 so does quarter wave as a function of physics which will not reach the surface of the sun for some 20,000 years possibly however the moment it leaves the service of the sun for some reason and in someway it is instantly and only 500 seconds or five or 50 depending on what way you wanna look at it arrives at your face as warm but nothing ever moved nothing ever happened until of course it was in our atmosphere where the shake rattle and roll of air particles began amongst other things. And all the sound boom is is the release of oxygen photons from the dropping of its electrons back into their spot as valence orbits that makes thunder. This is all intertwined into what we can see in a quarter by piper distance and set it up that way and in a roar or a pear flex it’s a compounded version or a similar device which in a offset driver entry quarter weigh pipe exposes add an exact number feeling of the void of the three times the 1/4 waves function of the main waves numerical collision of 360 or 270/90 that we’re working with at called phase. 1440° is for spoons of 4 90° parts and what have you? 176÷7. Which exposes the first of many errors it’s subsequently in circle math which are not errors they are points to note things occur in an expanding sphere. 176 versus 175÷7 is 25 versus 0.142857… If you use these numbers in the right way they explain everything they don’t just look awkward or look like a pie that’s not supposed to be the right pi, because the difference between the 22÷7 pie and the pie as in zero3.141592… Also represents something very important if you look closely and dive even deeper you’ll see that represents a number which looks like 1/8+ a little extra as well and well that might mean nothing it certainly is peculiar and if you wanna take a stab at that one there is an endpoint that makes sense in any of these numbers will you keep chopping them up in quarters or take 1/7 and multiply it times 7×7×7×7 and the next shortcut to the big bang number is the fact that if you do that 11 times what number do you arrive at? And what number does it take to be makes 0÷7 not zero? Or negative number that’s relevant those steps 1-7 In one sevenths express numbers that then expose the parts of pie as 1122 3344 and so on but Within that is the transfer of numbers 2° on a circle where you will then see the number of spins exposes another cycle on top of the cycle in the numbers game that plays out further and further 25 5075 100, 400-1600?? 1609.142857 is that number now there’s a correction for that many spins from that 1600 in the much much bigger math of super circles and circles in the same way that the procession of the equinox of our own planet is 25920 and it’s quarter weigh function is 6480 just like a season is to a year neither of which are based on 360 if you are going to get the correct number for that and you can see in science and Astronomie they have now shown that the procession of the equinox is not too 25920 it is slowing down and all of that is represented in these quarterly pipes already these numbers already do this if we look and see and tune around 30 cm in 360 and split that up with a 30 cm offset driver entry in Paraflex or Roar to the part of the next remaining piece that you’re going to applyBe at the other side the driver in a compound entry or the other side of a driver in a series entry the back wall for pressure face as opposed to the other direction towards the exit or towards the next driver which would be the exit in the CSA change represents something that in math and physics and everything is in all of this exact same way it spells it out when you see this when you look at 860 or 8600 or 18,920 Hz and everything in between at that interval of 860 when and if those all lineup you have done the appropriate math and C essay to find the answer to whatever that is? I don’t know but you got admit it sure looks kind of nice on the rescreen as a response doesn’t it and it sure looks like something simple to build if you ignore the turns as some kind of advance centerline method with the paved instead you use the parallel walls as your distances and forget the final tuning as it’s somehow not as important as reality is in between what you do is what you get and what you want to be looking at if you’re really ever going to get something worth something?

75 is 7.5° 150 is 15° 300 is 30° and in a circle and in sound or whatever you Gotta do to make a subwoofer suddenly got really really really matters that’s 30° just keep poking out and never ever fails to deliver the most beautiful response if used appropriately and expanded at the right place at the right time appropriately no flares no nothing until after The fact and that would be an established cycle of a quarter wave already so the system has like a fundamental reference of which to build from because the roar can clearly so can the Paraflex be flared after that convergence occurs but anything before is just a disaster as it is and would be in building up a proper harmonic set for a quarter wave function which is more important than any of this nonsense or horns or bottlenecked bass reflex whatever that’s fineBut it’s a shortcut and it is preventing anyone from seeing anything that may well be better than all of it and always has been in physics and math medical reference what is there to see in there to use it and I can’t stop doing it that’s all I do is never even tried to put Perflex in raw into my mid range and by way of matching the subwoofer below it by the same ratio as the frequencies to which they play but centimeters of each of those 12 parts is reduced proportionately back not unlike the 1.5 or 3 is to octave that then is now a steppingstone from 32 Hz in 30 cm parts and it’s not;(It’s not necessarily exactly 32 Hz mind you there is a window of opportunity to keep That 860 relationship in check but when you are and then you build backwards off of that whatever you’re doing is working out perfectly in the frequencies above because that’s what you’re looking at and then below it would seem the infrasonic version can step in at 16 hurts her so another threshold piece of whatever reason in making sound as you can clearly see making 16 hurts with a street corner a pipe is all but impossible if not sitting right on some type of border that only can be best and buy a reduction in CSA or a cheat? Clearly a mass loading or a bass reflex type action, which you can only get away with a little bit and then one way that racial is expressed in the Perflex or the roar somewhat if a person chooses to put the required two or four drivers into the system in order to create that obvious situation and driver offset needed in all of this and also oddly enough a most wonderful week and awesome balance if horizontally opposed to the system as well and in general you’re creating a monster of perfection in reflection that is a sonic erectionPossibly the most excellent thing there is and in very well be may be its connection to the math and physics of the sun and light and numbers and time to time he’s in all of this once you really take a look beyond the little speaker making microcosm that forces us to miss out on the big picture of that creates this??

I don’t know that’s my best! All I know is it works and it works far better and greater detail than anything anyone else seems to be doing yet every single thing that you guys are all doing is stuff that I am copying essentially and then for whatever reason overtime became drawn to tweak a little bit and switch out the wee bit and your most excellent designs all of you guys including Martin King or whoever designed the office a driver transmission line which obviously isn’t Martin King it’s more like GM in my personal opinion the man who deserves a lot of credit for a lot of things for a lot of people in DIY as newbies became not so new and leapfrog because of his efforts and all of this encompasses David McBean because without him none of us would even know what we’re talking about even if some of us don’t know what the other guys talking aboutLOL!!(typing words is very very hard to explain these things and it gets stupid really quick but)

You are all heroes of sound in my book and whatever the hell it is I’m creating here with your ideas it sure is heck is awesome and hats off with huge amounts of gratitude this kicks ***!!
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Quarterwave designs are based on wavelength ratios and crossection areas which cannot be altered without directly impacting the tuning of the cabinet and/or amplitude response, so no, even is a more powerful arrangement (i.e isobaric) may solve the amplitude bit there is a clear risk of turbulence losses is reduing the crossection area in order to make it smaller.

It is very interesting how Rohr can come up with a relatively small CSA and get away with it in that high-pressure area much like the high-pressure raises is the boiling point of water or cavitation on an impeller in a pump input using a surfer tank with head pressure or the propeller on a submarine can get the hell out of Dodge really fast and not get torpedoed by the Germans or playing games in the Bermuda triangle over and over or in that area whatever’s closest to Fort Lauderdale Florida and Puerto Rico for liberty goal and fun that isn’t poking holes in the ocean. .

And then will it burst out into the larger CSA and creates a phase change Or impedance that then becomes significant due to its size and relative length in some sort of conundrum or system of space time and distance?? but that same thing is cavitation and pitting on an impeller and erosion of it on the trailing edge of friction or electroless us or you name it it’s corrosion or it’s those things that all common occur in the same area of numbers ?? that leads one to look further into that and other aspects of other areas of physics just acoustics wear again something and electricity happens or something in nuclear power fusion or fission occurs and by golly frequencies or numbers as atomic mass units are in radioactivity why is that? And why when then looking in space does the same location in numbers represent for example 235 uranium 92 both Mars and Earth yet suddenly after that until Jupiter there’s a big mess and that in a quarter weigh pipe can be represented of as the three-quarter and 5/4 harmonics of the quarter way fundamental and suddenly if you put all theseReal numbers of real things they are falling onto the same exact things so our vision fragments and helium and the thermal neutron that it causes division that’s a 1 to 4 ratio from the get go in fusion which is the neutron as an isotope of hydrogen and the isotope of helium one and four from the center of the sun out forever from that point and that’s atomic mass units but at that level they then become astronomical units and they really do if you look at what 1.0 astronomical unit is and then you look at everything before and after that and boost that up as far as you want to go and you will see octaves and harmonics are everything verbatim even though at first they look wrong or a little bit off they do get out of your attention and if you dissect that downYou find the same thing as 360 is 365.238, or more easily digested as a four year. We’re 1440 is 1461 almost all for some reason 1433 is There in a similar way that you can look at things in a quarter of a pipe but you really have to bust it down into 7.5° of 360 and 15 and 30 what does represent in parts of a circle because that math is all of this and once you grab it all and use it all you see that once you do it seems like it produces the ultimate quarter weigh pipes in any one of these and I can’t seem to find a way it does not work all it is is more more more more great info before by finding more and more details in the other parts of physics of itIncluding Saturn and the sun which you use the same numbers as does the diameter of Jupiter as time is in seconds on this planet right now that’s the function of all of this and everything stems from that you just got a poke it and make it sure it’s self because it’s just radians in degrees of circumference or it’s trapped in that context or a unit conversion from it 30 cm is .5238 yet 300 cm pipe with a driver entry at 104.76 cm will clearly fill in the harmonic void in the first of many odd numbered versions of the 1/4 it’s already based on this is directly related to that for over four version of it and everything there after which is a quarter more than eight at the fifth. I think that describes the function of a pipes versus pipes or whatever six order would be I don’t know versus eight I don’t even care but those numbers are numbers are when something occurs when it has an in pins or when it drops on top of it already existing and beans and therefore you don’t even notice it I guess maybe that’s the thing too because it’s obvious he was being ignored when you offset the driver in standard qw pipe where is this all unfolds to begin with and is exposed otherwise It’s just a vent that somebody shape and make a nice response and fired or wherever doesn’t mean anything or do anything in fact it’s just making a bigger mess until it’s precisely in a location that matters as a fulcrum in pressure.

The ultimate raw or the ultimate parafjex is only one look up in the sky away from being better than what they already have been and it’s quite hard to improve upon something so exciting as it is so I guess this might just be the final touch? I don’t know but long before even doing this I thought both of them were oddly amazing yet quirky and had some peculiar Arity‘s that want to put into a boundary condition got even more weird weird doesn’t necessarily mean bad it just means something was going on that was out of the ordinary and sometimes it was bad, Or clearly a very complex form of constructive and destructive interference occurring in different layers and in different places that could be broken down if you had single tones or multiple towns and beat frequencies going through there to break it down to when and where and what combinations would in fact cause he’s pressure waves to collide or two sweep across it other in a way thatNo sweep testing this speaker whatever do or could even create and only certain music could and certain combinations within that so it would be very ambiguous a very weird how very loud and pronounced it would be yet you did have to pay the piper somewheres in there but she never understood where it just ambiguously something kind of sort it was going on but then sometimes it’s hard to describe it as much experimenting and randomness it is to find that exactly where something really funky weird goes on and there are missing notes in some songs that were previously familiar possibly and that was in the folding it seemed most of the time in a pair of legsvNo sweep testing this speaker whatever do or could even create and only certain music could and certain combinations within that so it would be very ambiguous a very weird how very loud and pronounced it would be yet you did have to pay the piper somewheres in there but she never understood where it just ambiguously something kind of sort it was going on but then sometimes it’s hard to describe it as much experimenting and randomness it is to find that exactly where something really funky weird goes on and there are missing notes in some songs that were previously familiar possibly and that was in the folding it seemed most of the time in a parafjex Because that exposes random folding it has no intervals of any pressure waves were Rohr clearly was almost on the money from the get-go in that it just had no driver offset to start the system or prime it on speaker and I think either way it showed a pattern to wish you both could be much more improved and we’re Rohr well not quite having the con control in a simulation the perfect mate does present a much easier way to extract all of these things and almost as if it’s a little more driver friendly but I don’t know that’s not fair to say it’s just kind of seems like it is. And that’s not a fact at all just an idea supported by nothing But random Hobbyist level observations, That also support a great many things in the tidy version of a parafjex which looks arguably glorious as well.

I don’t have to play favorites, I get to do anything because I’m just a fan of everything That is special and these are special I don’t care who doesn’t know that yet they will get it once they apply and observe at the very least in the name of scienceBecause the numbers don’t lie math is impossible to be wrong at this point in our understanding of it and so far so good all the way out to 94.5 trillion decimal points were pie is still wrong if not using 22÷7 Hah Hah Hah Hah!! This is true when you really want to know things, because it’s that which exposes a point at which something is Occurring and even a mathematical versions of the foot using Japanese math at a time expose something between 176 in the 175 if you look. This is also in 176÷7 and 175÷7 and you can see where on a 1.75 inch… Template shows 44.45 mm or or 44÷7 something something is happening all in all of his numbers that is exposed as 25 is 25.142857 does at 1440° or descriptions of circles. these things were unknown way back then unfortunately the unknown now because the world is far too busy trying to make the best bang for the buck or short cut the deal to get to some sort of whatever they were right over run right over something special is no doubt 1000 million times in that
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Quarterwave designs are based on wavelength ratios and crossection areas which cannot be altered without directly impacting the tuning of the cabinet and/or amplitude response, so no, even is a more powerful arrangement (i.e isobaric) may solve the amplitude bit there is a clear risk of turbulence losses is reduing the crossection area in order to make it smaller.

It is very interesting how Rohr can come up with a relatively small CSA and get away with it in that high-pressure area much like the high-pressure race is the boiling point of water or cavitation on an impeller in a pump or the propeller on a submarine . And then will it burst out into the larger CSA creates a phase change Or an appearance that then becomes significant due to its size and relative length in some sort of conundrum or system of space time and distance that leads one to look further into that and other aspects of other areas of physics just acoustics wear again something and electricity happens or something in nuclear power fusion or fission occurs and by golly frequencies or numbers as atomic mass units are in radioactivity why is that? And why when then looking in space does the same location in numbers represent for example 235 uranium 92 both Mars and Earth yet suddenly after that until Jupiter there’s a big mess and that in a quarter weigh pipe can be represented of as the three-quarter and 5/4 harmonics of the quarter way fundamental and suddenly if you put all theseReal numbers of real things they are falling onto the same exact things so our vision fragments and helium and the thermal neutron that it causes division that’s a 1 to 4 ratio from the get go in fusion which is the neutron as an isotope of hydrogen and the isotope of helium one and four from the center of the sun out forever from that point and that’s atomic mass units but at that level they then become astronomical units and they really do if you look at what 1.0 astronomical unit is and then you look at everything before and after that and boost that up as far as you want to go and you will see octaves and harmonics are everything verbatim even though at first they look wrong or a little bit off they do get out of your attention and if you dissect that downYou find the same thing as 360 is 365.238, or more easily digested as a four year. We’re 1440 is 1461 almost all for some reason 1433 is There in a similar way that you can look at things in a quarter of a pipe but you really have to bust it down into 7.5° of 360 and 15 and 30 what does represent in parts of a circle because that math is all of this and once you grab it all and use it all you see that once you do it seems like it produces the ultimate quarter weigh pipes in any one of these and I can’t seem to find a way it does not work all it is is more more more more great info before by finding more and more details in the other parts of physics of itIncluding Saturn and the sun which you use the same numbers as does the diameter of Jupiter as time is in seconds on this planet right now that’s the function of all of this and everything stems from that you just got a poke it and make it sure it’s self because it’s just radians in degrees of circumference or it’s trapped in that context or a unit conversion from it 30 cm is .5238 yet 300 cm pipe with a driver entry at 104.76 cm will clearly fill in the harmonic void in the first of many odd numbered versions of the 1/4 it’s already based on this is directly related to that for over four version of it and everything there after which is a quarter more than eight at the fifth. I think that describes the function of a pipes versus pipes or whatever six order would be I don’t know versus eight I don’t even care but those numbers are numbers are when something occurs when it has an in pins or when it drops on top of it already existing and beans and therefore you don’t even notice it I guess maybe that’s the thing too because it’s obvious he was being ignored when you offset the driver in standard qw pipe where is this all unfolds to begin with and is exposed otherwise It’s just a vent that somebody shape and make a nice response and fired or wherever doesn’t mean anything or do anything in fact it’s just making a bigger mess until it’s precisely in a location that matters as a fulcrum in pressure
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I'm liking the various reports of these ROAR15s. I have 6 smaller subs that could do with the drivers relocating into some much higher output boxes and these look great. Drivers are Faital Pro 15HP1060 and supposedly good motors.

Are they very heavy though? It looks to me like they are the best part of 2 * 8x4 sheets. I guess using Poplar ply instead of birch could reduce the weight somewhat,
I cant decide between these or the Apache H15 tapped horn but I think these look much easier to build especially all the panels could be cut at the suppliers with there being no funky angles.
I built a prototype and I have to say its very impressive. I'm using a Faital Pro 15HP1060 Driver.

Firstly, Its a pretty big unit. I made this out of hardwood faced poplar core ply. After using a website to auto generate a cutting sheet on 8x4 it is indeed the best part of 2 sheets with just under 20% wastage. I calculated the cab weight to be about 48 kilos unloaded (versus 58 in birch ply) and it actually came in at 48.8.kgs

The poplar ply. This came from Jewsons. I opened a cash account before purchasing and they gave me a decent discount so each sheet was about 50 quid including VAT. bargain. However, the quality is not that great. There are some voids, bits where the layers are not glued well, and once it was cut some panels were a bit warped and took some brute force using various clamps to get them straight during assembly. I really could have done without that and it was super annoying and put me off using it again. I'm not sure another 10kgs of weight using birch would make much difference to how easy it is to move about. Birch is by far superior quality ply but I cant seem to find anywhere selling it that isnt ridiculous money. I might be stuck with the poplar ply for now.

The sound, well. its loud and very very punchy. I added an EQ of -5db at 90hz (Q 3) which gave what I thought was a better balance between the mid punch / and the low end, otherwise the mid punch was just a little over powering (personal taste, perhaps). Crossover at 110hz 24db. Then, I A/B compared it with my existing subs (same driver, much smaller cabinet) using various tracks, mostly techno. I don't think the low bass tone is quite as pure / deep sounding as my existing subs but Im not sure this would matter at war levels. To get my existing sub to match the output of the roar I had to push the gain up about 4, 5 db and even then it didnt provide the same chesty punch. There didnt seem to be any power compression when cranking it right up as far as I could tell, even producing a 40hz ish bass note the thing just seemed to get louder as the gain was pushed up to the limiter on the amplifier.

Overall I'm really happy with it. Whilst they are big and a 2 man job to move around the output from this unit is just the job and entirely worth it. Just got to to get another 3 made ready for an outdoor event next Saturday.
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The sound, well. its loud and very very punchy. I added an EQ of -5db at 90hz (Q 3)

Then, I A/B compared it with my existing subs (same driver, much smaller cabinet)

To get my existing sub to match the output of the roar I had to push the gain up about 4, 5 db and even then it didnt provide the same chesty punch.

If I understand you correctly then the ROAR is 10 dB more efficient in the mid bass where most of the energy is centered in music - compared to a BR (?) with the same driver. This matches simulation quite well. One tenth of the power for the same spl!

Nice build! Have you tried 4 of them together with some power? I would guess you will need less EQ for the mid bass peak if you stack a few of them.
If I understand you correctly then the ROAR is 10 dB more efficient in the mid bass where most of the energy is centered in music - compared to a BR (?) with the same driver. This matches simulation quite well. One tenth of the power for the same spl!

Nice build! Have you tried 4 of them together with some power? I would guess you will need less EQ for the mid bass peak if you stack a few of them.

An EQ setting of F=90 Hz dB=-5 Q=3 will have a pretty narrow effect. That's a setting I'd expect to see when trying to tame an unwanted resonance, rather than reduce output over a wider set of frequencies.

How does the ROAR15 compare to the BR speaker in terms of physical size?