"Best" connector for DC power to audio stuff

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I am designing and prototyping high quality audio devices to run from nominal 12VDC power supplies.

Most wall warts, and many existing 12VDC products use the ubiquitous 5.5mm/2.1mm DC plugs and sockets, or the 5.5mm/2.5mm variant.

I could use this system but it doesn't handle much current and the quality of connection is a bit, well, hit and miss.

So I am looking to spec a better grade of DC connector.
Cigarette lighter plugs are huge and grotty. There are lovely multipin locking mini-DINs but current capacity is an issue and they are not exactly a standard.
So called 'merit' plugs look interesting but they don't lock and I am not sure if they are really going to be adopted as a new standard. Standard XLR/Cannon type connectors scare me because there are so many variants used for so many different things. Microphone, speaker, mains voltage, who knows?

So, can anyone comment, or recommend a DC connector that is reliable, robust, easy to get and can handle at least 5Amps?

Any input much appreciated.

ps. The only reason I would like to use a reasonably common standard is to ensure that the products can have a reasonable lifespan and not be tied to a connector that drops out of use.

cheers, blakkington :cheers:

USB Type C, but only if you are capable of making a truly USB PD compliant device.
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