Resolved - Implemented Like buttons

Do you not already possess the ability to simply not put stock in such a feature?

Its actually kind of wild; it’s rather easy to dislike/disagree on this forum and the most rampant form of it is to argue. Agreement/liking is not as easy as it basically adds more clutter. The whole point of a like button is to reconcile this disparity.
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Can a poster/OP have the ability to allow or disallow the feature?
+1, I'd setup my personal preferences in the Control Panel to NOT accept any likes. At the very least don't tally the "likes" and display the total of them under the avatar. The numbers are meaningless and imo have no basis for any qualitative comparison.

That said, it appears I have been using the "like" button incorrectly. It seems, on another forum with such capability, that I only ever use it when a poster says something particularly witty, sarcastic, or satirical. Never for any technical prowness, at least from me.
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Joined 2002
Paid Member
I seem to remember a Buffalo DAC vs CS4398 DAC argument on VB where vocal supporters of a specific kit manufacturer turned on a European DIY DAC project based on a CS4398. Unfortunately the post that led to that debacle was made by me, though it was a discussion that had festered for a while before the "likes' were introduced.

And therein lies the problem, you can have folks with zero credibility (like me) gather dozens of likes for a post that had zero utility or relevance to the topic at hand, while much more valued contributions are ignored. The problem is not with the content, but it should be the nature of a free-flowing discussion to resist being swayed to any one side by a numerical weighting of fans. We already have plenty of pretty heated debates that require (occasionally) external help to cool down. The 'Like'/'Agree' button is a catalyst, not a balm, and inflames situations like this further.

While I know plenty of folks on the forum are mature enough to see past the post 'rating' and evaluate content on its own merit, same can't be said of everybody. I'm not against a button per se, but I do have a foreboding that we'll be back here soon discussing how to 'improve' it.
I am against the like button. The reasons have been mentioned multiple times, but the role likes play in how a thread and conversation develops is a key reason why I don't frequent ASR much anymore and why I don't like places like reddit at all (and I am still in my twenties - so it is not an age thing). Too many people trying to come up with posts that they assume will garner them some likes, even though the post is pretty much meaningless to the discussion in progress while other much more valuable posts go under the like radar. Not that I can't see the merits of a like button, but generally there are just too many people around who are more concerned with receiving confirmation instead of contributing something meaningful. Not saying diyAudio can't be one of the communities where it works out just fine, but I remain highly sceptical.
I have not seen that. IIRC it is called a reaction to… it doe snot tell me why they reacted.

Can you post. ascreenshot wher eit shows those?

Joined 2000
Paid Member
FWIW, I really like like buttons.

We are definitely going to try out a few things.

I think it's such a nice feature to be able to "thank" someone for replying to you and letting them know you appreciated the effort they made. Some thanks which the thankee might otherwise never receive because nobody really wants to litter a thread with single line "Thanks for that!" posts.

A lot has been discussed on this topic, I won't say more. I just wanted to let it be known that we definitely will be trying to find the right fit. I tried it 10 years ago on here in another form and it was quickly weaponized and we shut it off (I think it kept your total score, can't remember, we'll try new stuff until we find something that fits).
I subscribe to a music message board devoted to Yamaha electric pianos of all ages.
There's three pages of forums. Much of them devoted to technical aspects. But there's a running forum for "Songs played by forum members," where contributors can post a link to a tune they've played, Currently there's around 40 tunes on it.(Single page)
I prefer as do as some others, to "like" the tunes to which I've listened, rather than comment on it with a "well played" or whatever, (no one says anything over critical, "we're all adults on there"). This means that that the original post doesn't keep getting dragged up to the top of the page, every time some comments on it, giving the opportunity for new submissions to stay at the top and stopping the oldest ones disappearing off the bottom of the page too soon.

The "likes" outnumber the "comments" on each tune by about 10-1, which I think is quite good.

I subscribe to a couple of other hobby boards where there's both a "like" and a "thanks" facilty, there's never any problems.
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A lot has been discussed on this topic, I won't say more. I just wanted to let it be known that we definitely will be trying to find the right fit. I tried it 10 years ago on here in another form and it was quickly weaponized and we shut it off (I think it kept your total score, can't remember, we'll try new stuff until we find something that fits).

I wish someone would say more so people can understand the trepidation. This has been a solved problem for years now so in the absence of any specificity the hesitation appears to be driven by FUD and unwarranted. There are well over a handful of audio forums I can think of off the top of my head with this implemented and likely hundreds upon hundreds of other forums. Is there any evidence at all that the wheel needs to be reinvented here?