Server Upgrade Next Week

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Joined 2000
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We're now in a position to be able to safely step a few rungs up the server ladder and give diyAudio the kind of hardware it needs and you deserve.

This would have never been possible without the generous financial contributions from our most supportive of members - thank you to everyone who has contributed recently, every donation has helped to make this possible.

The new server will have significantly more grunt than the last one (a theoretical 12x the CPU power and 3x the RAM) and should give us some breathing room for the year ahead as diyAudio starts to hit the limits of what MySQL and vBulletin was designed to do. At about the 2,000,000 post mark the hardware requirements start to go up in a non linear fashion so we'll be prepared for the challenge.

Once we're on the new server we'll look at every way we can to improve the performance of the forum in general, and of course explore our options in regards to the search which has been a thorn in our side for some time. Rest assured I won't settle for anything less than a search that is fast and effective.

We'll be starting preparations for the move this next Monday the 23rd and if everything goes to plan we'll switch over sometime during that week. With the change of IP address/DNS you might notice some weird behavior as we swap servers. I'll post updates as they come.
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Rock on Jason!!!! :D diyAudio starts to hit the limits of what MySQL and vBulletin was designed to do.

Perhaps one of the resident scripters here could write an archival script where threads inactive for a year or more are automatically gzipped and tossed in a seperate, searchable database?

Just an idear.

( x2 on the pics :D )

Joined 2006
Paid Member
Old server vs. new server?


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Joined 2000
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Don't get me going ZM - Jason still owes me a t-shirt so I don't want to be getting any stains on his thread. :whip:

Tshirt design has been whittled down from about 40 designs to just one. Expect an announcement in the next day or two!

We're not on the new server yet - I've been flat out preparing the new articles, articles system, and gallery - lots to launch!

Server pics have been requested!
Joined 2006
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I have made a mistake by stating that Jason “owes” me a t-shirt. :gasp: The correct way to state this is that Jason has stated that he is going to give me and other $$$$ contributors a t-shirt as his way of expressing his thanks for our contributing to diyAudio. :hohoho:

I very much appreciate his kind and generous gesture of this gift as well as all of the hours and work that he and many others contribute to this forum. :worship: It humbles me to consider that this really is a labor of love for Jason and the core group :grouphug: that keep diyAudio up and running. As a result of their work we have a place to discover new tricks and toys and get to complement others on their accomplishments or help someone out with some advice. There are some of the worlds best designers and builders present on diyAudio, and I have had many hours of pleasure reading the threads and then burning my finger tips (not really) putting together some new project that I saw presented here.

I gave (and will continue to do so) some $$$ to support the cause – but what I have contributed is very little compared to the gifts I have received by hanging around and reading the threads presented here.

I know that not all of us are blessed with spare cash to toss in for the cause and that is ok because thanks to Jason and Crew this is a free forum.

I’m looking forward to my little present of a t-shirt from the gang at diyAudio. Now if I could figure out a way to have a cute “server” show up at my door step and make me an offer to have a private wet t-shirt contest with it life would be really sweet!!! :hypno1: Well – it would be sweet until SWMBO stuck her head around the corner and asked “honey – what are you doing?” Then I would be making $$$$ contributions to either the local jeweler or an attorney :h_ache:
Joined 2000
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Me too :)

But if it's a dedicated server for just diyA, anything above 600MHz is just so much heat for a webserver....


The new server is an iPhone 3GS with a Samsung SoC S5PC100 processor running at 833MHz. This leaves a nice 20% headroom buffer in case of any emergency processing demands. Any lag you may notice is probably due to physical distance from the phone to my ADSL router, as the wifi gets a bit choppy sometimes.
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