Server Upgrade Next Week

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Joined 2000
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I do apologize that we haven't moved yet, I've been focused on dev and prepping lots of "almost finished" things before we hit 2,000,000 posts instead of the server move (which won't be a simple affair). Rest assured that our present server expires in about 10 days so circumstance will force my priorities!

Our host liquidweb were kind enough to take our server down and take some pictures. Our new home will be a hyperthreading dual quad core Xeon 5520, 15k SAS RAID drives, and 12GB of RAM. The current server we're on is running really hot during peak periods, it's really struggling, so the new server should make a huge difference.


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Official Court Jester
Joined 2003
Paid Member
I just hope that mounted PSU isn't part of original case ;
that's one of worst pc cases I had experience with .
pretty high failure rate , at least with ones delivered to my part of world .....

besides that - I hope they mounted intake vent for HDDs , on front panel .

just my 2c ....
Cool! Thanks Jason!

I just hope that mounted PSU isn't part of original case ;
that's one of worst pc cases I had experience with .
pretty high failure rate , at least with ones delivered to my part of world .....

Not just your neck of the world, I had to double my PSU capacity when adding many more spinning aluminium disks in the box ;)
(It could handle the RUN current, but the START current killed it)

Joined 2000
Paid Member
I just hope that mounted PSU isn't part of original case ;
that's one of worst pc cases I had experience with .
pretty high failure rate , at least with ones delivered to my part of world .....

besides that - I hope they mounted intake vent for HDDs , on front panel .

just my 2c ....

Thankfully there is no need to hope about the server having what is required. But it's good that you ask, so you can know some more about our host, Liquidweb.

Liquidweb is one of the most well respected hosts in the business, as you'll quickly find if you delve into any of the major hosting forums. Their SLA includes 100% uptime, 24x7 server monitoring, 30 minute response, and 30 minute hardware replacement. Their wholy owned datacenters, connectivity and support are all top notch, as I have experienced first hand the last 3 years. There is a video on their front page you might like to view to get a feel for kind of quality environment that the box lives in. They aren't the cheapest host, but they are one of the best and we've recieved faultless service from them to date so I sleep well at night knowing we're in their capable hands.
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Anders, I'm sure you meant only the nicest things and the most constructive criticism possible in your post. Your feedback is valid, and my retort is both tongue-in-cheek and honest at the same time :)

The reality is that for the last 10 years the cost of hosting diyAudio was greater than the combined amount of donation and advertising income, and I just paid the rest out of my own pocket every year. I've gone to great lengths the last few months to increase the number of ways that diyAudio can fund itself, and I'm actually very proud that we can now afford better hosting and offer the membership improved services. In general we're not the most well heeled crowd and our advertiser interest will be rather limited to niche supplies and products and not expensive gear with large advertising budgets.

I think it's poor form to discuss figures as this is ultimately a private and personal venture for me with some long term dreams, but suffice to say this new server costs twice as much (per year) as we made last financial year from donations. Since the introduction of "membership benefits" donations have been stronger (thank you!), and I'm taking a punt that they will remain strong and be able to support the increased costs.

Like our audio, we want the best value for money we can get that addresses our needs. What do we need? It's clear that everyone is screaming for a better search and a faster website. I've prioritized for this over the potential for some hardware hiccups, knowing that our host has a great hardware SLA. Should we have some downtime this year it would certainly be inconvenient but I'll still be happy with the decision I made as 99% of the time we'll be enjoying the benefits of the decision. This year is going to be a delicate balancing act between time, income, and expenses. I'm working full time on this and I'm doing the best I can.
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Joined 2005
Paid Member
Hi Jason,

I think my input has triggered something that I did not intend to in the beginning.

Of course I meant well and I think you and everyone else are doing a tremendous job running and developing this site. I do participate more frequently on other Swedish forums and I hold this forum as an example how forums should be run.

I'm sorry to hear that this forum does not found its own costs (I'm part of it I guess), unfortunately I think it's quite common among forums.

Now, I did make comment about the hardware. What I've learnt over the years is that small savings easily become losses over time.

I only have one more question. Does the hosting company charge the same amount of money regardless of server form factor and required labor in order to exchange parts?
Joined 2000
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Your input is entirely valid and I'm happy to have the opportunity to tell it how it is.

To your questions, the pricing is different, and labor and parts are 100% free as the server is rented (not purchased / colocated). We require a managed server in the USA with 24x7 service. I'd love to purchase our own hardware in the future and colocate but we're currently too small for the savings to outweight the costs. According to my (weeks of) research, we need to get to the size of needing 2 or 3 servers minimum for colocation to be a viable option. When we can get to that size I will be ecstatic, somewhat like moving from renting to owning your own house I imagine :) There has been no skimping on the guts - a pair of formidable Intel Gainstown CPUs, ECC RAM, and 15k SAS drives in RAID. In the future, we'd love to have two servers (web and DB) and use a CDN to make static content faster worldwide, but again CDN doesn't come cheap.
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Joined 2005
Paid Member
Ok, that put things in another perspective.

Regarding hardware,
Personally I would have liked to see redundant powersupply and HDDs in a 4 disc hot swap module (with good cooling).

But if the SLA and price is good everything is fine. :)
Ok Anders, now is the time!!!

I haven't been around much lately, but used to spend LOTS of time on this forum.

I was just reading this thread about the new server and fully realize that it takes money to buy these things.

I just sent $50.

My personal challenge to you is this - if, during the last year, you have enjoyed this forum, spent more than two hours total, and have learned or built something that made your hifi better, step up to the plate and help support it!

We've got lots of good folks and info here and it would be too bad if it went away.


It doesn't have the be much, but every bit does count.

Thank you Jason for everything that you've put into the site!

PS - I really wish we had the opportunity to be able to buy DVD backup copies of certain parts of the site. I would love it to ensure that I never lose the info, and would gladly PAY for it!!!

Best regards,
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Thanks Anders,

Very cool!!!! :cheers:

I think if everyone kicked in some $$$, then yes, we'd have the best equipment available. But keep in mind there are also monthly hosting costs...

For now, it's working well, seems fast and I have no complaints. There is also something to be said for using standardized equipment in the datacenter with a stock of spare parts readily available.

I watched the liquidweb video about their datacenters and it seems like a workable model. I too would rather see more robust hardware, but if they have good luck and can guarantee 100% uptime, then I have no complaints. I'm certain that their cost model is considerably lower than if they went with top-end hardware from one of the big suppliers.

In the event of failure, with raid drives like we have, if their system has the capability to switch to a different virtual box using VmWare or something like it, I can see where they wouldn't need fancy hardware and would be able to guarantee 100% uptime like they do. (I'd guess they have a 30 minute response time or something like that in the SLA which would allow them enough time to switch boxes if necessary).

They would save a considerable amount of energy going with blades and a "green" design, but that is their decision.

Again, thanks for stepping up! :)

Kind regards,
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