Thread notifier suddenly stopped... no emails

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About a week ago we upgraded our mail service and now have our own dedicated IP address for sending emails and unlimited sends, so there are usually 2 reasons mail wouldn't get through:

1. You have marked previous as spam to your provider and they are just following your orders. This has happened to members a few times accidentally (even a mod). We don't send our mail as "transactional" but "promotional" in order to keep complaints down (transactional emails are always delivered, and if people mark them as spam it's very bad). Whereas promotional will not send again if the sender marks as spam, has a hard bounce, etc. vBulletin has no mail feedback loop to stop sending emails to dead email addresses, so we get by like this (using the built in anti-spam features of our sending host) until we move to XF.

2. Our sending IP is on a blacklist, either your mail providers blacklist, or a larger one.

However, VictoriaGuy, I can see your mail server is happily accepting our emails. We've sent 12 in the last 24 hours to that host, and they were all accepted. Even the notification of this thread is getting through to you, or at least, to your host. What your host does with it is a question for them.
When I noticed I stop getting emails update notification I manually went to search for my thread . I found several pages a post that were never sent to me they were not in my spam and I have DIYaudio email in my contact list . I went to the thread tools and reapplied for three or four threads recently to throw on my notification list in the last few days they have been coming . Other threads from previous have not been updating no notifications all have feast still to this date .
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That last sentence is a doozy but I know it's late in SF right now :)

Not sure what to say... if there is a particular thread or email at a very specific time you can say "I missed that", I can look it up for you. Other than that, I have checked that your mail server is happily accepting emails and it is.

If there's a bug with vBulletin, it isn't going to get fixed. If you can work around it by resubscribing great.

One person I spoke to about this last month was a member for many years but never realized that emails are only sent once per login. The forum doesn't keep emailing you over and over for any one particular thread to avoid being considered a spammer. It will only send one email per thread until you log in again. "Instant notification" doesn't mean if there are 100 posts, you will get 100 emails. You'll get one, instantly, but no more until you log in.
:) Not you, the one making the post.

Post #918 made today was by a newbie and so you wouldn't get a notification for that one

OK- Understood! Thanks.
But I didn't get a notification for Post #917, which was made by 6A3sUMMER.

I'll keep an eye on the posts in my subscribed threads, and follow up if necessary.

I seem to be logged in all the time here, so not sure how that affects anything.
Notifications work for a while (weeks or months) and then they don't. It seems to be a cyclical thing with diyaudio.
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I seem to be logged in all the time here, so not sure how that affects anything. Notifications work for a while (weeks or months) and then they don't. It seems to be a cyclical thing with diyaudio.

When I say logged in, I actually meant specifically the action: "request a page from the site while logged in".

  1. You sign up for "instant notifications" to thread A
  2. You sign up for "instant notifications" to thread B
  3. Someone makes a reply to thread A, you get an email
  4. 100 more people post replies to thread A, you get no emails
  5. Someone makes a reply to thread B, you get an email
  6. 100 more people post replies to thread B, you get no emails
  7. You click the link in your email, which takes you to the site, and "resets" the notifier
  8. The next time someone post to thread A, you get an email
  9. The next time someone post to thread B, you get an email

That's how instant notifications works. In short, it doesn't spam you. You have to keep logging in and requesting a page to "reset" the notifier.

Over and above this, our mail host has gone down for 2-3 days several times in the last year, typically around the 20th of the month when we were hitting our sending limits. This won't happen any more, and is a totally separate issue.

Hope the above helps.
Thanks, Jason.

I think I understand....
I stay logged in for weeks at a time.
If I click on 'Today's Posts' when I switch to the diyaudio tab in my browser, it will 'reset the notifier'?
If I click on a link to a diyaudio page in any email notification, it will 'reset the notifier'?
If I refresh an open tab with a diyaudio page, it will 'reset the notifier'?
Whilst notifications are working fine for me at present I sometimes get the case where I do get 'spammed' - i.e. I get multiple notifications on a thread which I haven't visited since the first one popped in. In general I prefer this to lack of notifications but it does seem to happen more often than outages do.
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Paid Member
Thanks, Jason.

I think I understand....
I stay logged in for weeks at a time.
If I click on 'Today's Posts' when I switch to the diyaudio tab in my browser, it will 'reset the notifier'?
If I click on a link to a diyaudio page in any email notification, it will 'reset the notifier'?
If I refresh an open tab with a diyaudio page, it will 'reset the notifier'?

Correct... I'm not 100% about the non thread cases, but at the very least, viewing a thread does. Not sure about front page / summary pages, etc.
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No emails from here for over a week.

"554 5.7.1 [internal] recipient address was suppressed due to customer policy"

This means the the receiving email address specifically requested no more emails be sent.

The event happened on April 12th but I can't tell any more details than that as the logs only go back 10 days and it's been 11 days now.

I'm told this is usually due to someone hitting the "report spam" button in their email client, in response to which our mail host then honors the request. It's also possible it was also due to a hard bounce or something in that category, but again, the event is > 10 days old so I have no access to it.

I have removed you from the suppression list and you should now start getting emails again. If it happens again, let me know and I'll do the same again.
Thanks for fixing it. My ISP (Talktalk) has recently introduced a new email system so it could be that it has more aggressive spam filtering - or it could be that they just configured it wrongly, as they have a habit of getting things wrong whenever they perform an 'upgrade'. Sorry that they have created some extra work for you.

Email notifications now working again.
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I am pretty much getting zero emails from threads I have posted to.
I am not getting warnings of private messages either.

Hi Nigel,

I checked and your messages are being withheld from being sent to your mail host as you have requested for no more mails to come from our server. The error is "554 5.7.1 [internal] recipient address was suppressed due to customer policy"

This means the the receiving email address (yours) specifically requested no more emails be sent. The request from mail client / mail host was made on March 7th 2019.

As far as I can tell from recent feedback, this happens when people click "unsubscribe" in their email clients using the generic "unsubscribe" mechanism common to all bulk emails. This is as distinct from clicking the link in the email that says "Unsubscribe from this thread" or "Unsubscribe from all threads".

You probably thought you were telling our forum software to unsubscribe from the thread, but you might have actually clicked the general "unsubscribe from this sender" link which tells our mail host to stop sending you any more emails ever, which it looks like is what happened.

I have removed you from the suppression list and you should now start getting emails again. If it happens again, let me know and I'll do the same again.
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Nigel - something I just thought of (I was looking for the other thread in which a member had the same issue, and reported that emails still weren't coming back, can't find it)...

You may very well, or even certainly, need to go find an email from the server and manually right click (etc) on it and choose "Mark As Not Spam".

If you don't, your mail host will think we're just ignoring your request and continuing to spam you. It might even lead to other people being blocked if we're marked as a "bad actor". So please do whitelist, and and ensure all emails from us are marked manually as "no spam".