What was the FIRST album you listened to?

The first album I remember listening to is Jim Croce "Photographs and Memories" on my parents' Panasonic 4 channel stereo. My favorite song was Bad bad Leroy Brown. I still have it! That panasonic system later became mine. I got 2 speakers and my brother got the other 2 and a new sherwood receiver. When I got older my Dad made me a pair of speakers that sounded much better. Years later I blew the tweeters when I borrowed his Dire Staits "Love over Gold" album. Good times. Btw still have that record too!
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First owned was Jimi Hendrix - Are You Experienced?
That was my fifth LP, picked up in a junk shop for A$1 in perfect condition. I'd never heard of Hendrix but thought the cover - the UK one with Jimi wearing a cape - was cool. What a fantastic album.

Unfortunately, I later bought an album with a cheap-looking cover which screamed 'Jimi Hendrix' but turned out not to have any Hendrix content at all, it was all fake!

In high school, we'd drink beer and listen to Firesign Theater for hours.
Don't crush that dwarf, hand me the pliers......

Can I get Duluth on it? Duluth, Bucko, you can get Terra del Fuego.....

There are a few more fragments stuck in a dark corner of my memories somewhere, but we weren't exactly drinking beer when we listened to Firesign.
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First music that I heard was on maybe a Mattel type of record player. It used a steel needle! Hmmm.... So, the first album that I owned was given to me by a friend. Elton John's classic album with Your Song on it.... First album set that I bought for myself was 4 LP set of Chicago. It was live, and I lived for it. I was probably 12.
First owned was Jimi Hendrix - Are You Experienced?....... Dad wouldn't let me play "that noise" when he was home. I still enjoy it.
It was the summer of 1967. As with many generation gaps my parents hated my choices in music. One day I had some friends over at my house making a racket with some electric guitars and tape recorders. During this time there was some disgusting drivel flowing from the TV one night a week called the Monkees TV show. 4 guys who faked their way through acting like performing musicians who eventually did learn how to play while making lots of money.

My mother loved the stuff. She even offered to buy us tickets to the Monkees concert in Miami which was a few weeks away. We laughed. One of my friend's older brother convinced me to take mom up on the offer for the tickets. It seems that the opening act was an up and coming guitar player that was good, so we went to the show. The place was full of screaming teenage girls and we nearly bailed before the show started, but then the most spectacular performance of showmanship and trick guitar playing that anyone has ever seen appeared. The screaming girls were not impressed. This act convinced all of us that we would never be rock stars, and also convinced me that I had to have one of those grey boxes that the guitar player had three of. About a year later I scored a dead Echoplex at a flea market and fixed it. The Echoplex is a 1960's version of a guitar looping pedal done with a magnetic tape loop and vacuum tubes.

The trick guitar player was Jimi Hendrix!
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