Worldwide falling intelligence levels & the onset of "cable mania", coincidence?

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We used to be able to buy guns in a general store here, but that stopped many years ago.

When I was a kid, we all had a gun (even my Mum had a Winchester .22 semi-automatic rifle) but I lived in a farming town - it wasn't common in Australian cities even back then. But, I can still remember K-Mart having guns and ammunition on the shelf. US citizens would think 'big deal'....but I can't even buy a gun now, not that I'd want to.

Unfortunately as a kid they wouldn't sell us gelignite so we had to steal that. Ha ha ha.
So what would your prefer? The richest person in the region being the defacto magistrate. Or maybe trial by ordeal? Or perhaps the good old fashioned mob with pitchforks and torches stringing people from the nearest tree?
As usual - you make comments that are not based in reality, it's all theoretical b/s.

How many potential terminal threats have you personally ever faced. Have you ever seen the wrong end of a gun? have you ever been chased by mafia, all armed. Ever seen a drunk on a major construction site in charge of lethal machinery. It's all theory with you and making arrogant/superior comments.

Others have put it very well - the lawyers make money and good money 'using' the law. the best lawyer wins, knows how to manipulate gullible jurors. In the 70s the 'flying pickets' got fitted up by a corrupt judge and lawyers. The Birmingham 6, Hillsborough Disaster on and on till today the Post Office horror that saw hundreds of innocent people imprisoned, bankrupted and committing suicide - they are just numbers to a head tripper like you.

When I was a lad we had 'gangs' we threw stones, we scrumped apples. Nowhere in the UK at that time were kids using knives. Yes there were a few race gangs from London that used knives and they lasted a few years. Hard drugs were unknown, I'll go further. Hash first appeared in the mid 60s but few ever experienced it until the beginning of the 70s'. Amphetamines appeared in the mid 70s and a little later cocaine. Smack was only used by Jazzmen and big rock bands in the 60s and it only came into general use at the end of the 70s sold by the Turkish mafia.

Then you go to mention how almost infinitesimal police killings in the USA are as a percentage - how pathetic, those killed are'nt percentages - they are people. I would love to be there the day that you find yourself looking down the wrong end of a sawn off shotgun. The first bang we would hear would be a massive hole, blown out the back of your trousers - now that really would be rate a LOL.
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Then you go to mention how almost infinitesimal police killings in the USA are as a percentage - how pathetic, those killed are'nt percentages - they are people.
The curious voice of science.
If your flag is current you presumably have the benefit of reading this in its original language.


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It seems to be part of the culture in this part of Canada to own firearms for hunting, sporting and protection. All my neighbours have firearms in safes. This has not been a cause for worry.

Au contraire, there has never been a home invasion, locally, and I feel quite safe. I suppose, when people are properly screened, trained and legally acquire, it removes a great deal of uncertainty.

Since 2018, however, we’ve seen a stark increase in street drugs, opioid deaths since the legalization of cannabis. I won’t presume any connection. Since mid-2020 the first visible homelessness in local urban centres made its debut, and are now nearly overrun. The homeless kitchens can’t even keep up with the demand. 2021 onward has seen an increase in crime, and firearm crime has been gang related with illegally obtained weapons, involving newcomers to the province.
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That incompetent actor literally got away from justice with a fatal shooting on a movie set...
Silly question but is it that hard to google a name?

The unfortunate death on the set of the film 'Rust' is IMO an interesting one as there are so many failings of process it is scary. Enough for a thread of its own but very likely against forum rules.
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As usual - you make comments that are not based in reality, it's all theoretical b/s.
Odd I listed things that were all considered 'justice' at some point in the past in UK and sadly some of them still are in some parts.
- they are just numbers to a head tripper like you.
Funny I thought debate was considered healthy here and personal attacks were not. You appear to not actually want to debate but just rant at me. You feeling ok?
When I was a lad we had 'gangs' we threw stones, we scrumped apples. Nowhere in the UK at that time were kids using knives.
You got some data to back that up or just imagining it?
Then you go to mention how almost infinitesimal police killings in the USA are as a percentage - how pathetic, those killed are'nt percentages - they are people. I would love to be there the day that you find yourself looking down the wrong end of a sawn off shotgun. The first bang we would hear would be a massive hole, blown out the back of your trousers - now that really would be rate a LOL.
I corrected someone who made an incorrect assertion with some data. I did not make any mention on the morality or humanity of the statistics as I considered that waay outside of what this forum should be discussing. This has clearly made you decide to have another go at me. But wishing a forum member dead is really poor way to try and win a debate.
'Black Stuart' is a proud Scotsman, but push comes to shove, like all bullies, he backs off.

He suffers from senility and colon cancer, effed off to France when he found the NHS system could not treat him properly. Until then Britannia was above all.

Just put him on your ignore list, and move on.
Your choice to report the post that offended you.
He was talking down to me, saying bits of mattress foam added to concrete foundations and slabs was an effective way to deal with earthquakes, and generally giving the impression I was dim witted.

I think adding pieces of mattress foam to concrete is a typically British eccentric stupid idea, thought up by someone intoxicated.

Anyway, I told him to back up his statement with a specific approved designed building details in a Seismic Zone 5 (highly prone) area...he has not posted on that thread since!
He was not able to show me a single instance of foam added to concrete which had been used in the construction of a building in an earthquake prone area.

Like I said, he is senile, tolerate it (or not), as he is like a loose contact, erratic in coherence.

Mods, your decision, if I violated any rules.
I have a character defect...I do not tolerate repeated insults.
Particularly from a person who cannot back up his statements.
Neither do I deal with people who are intoxicated, deaf to my communications, or simply stupid.

As for the connection with intelligence, well we all like things our way, more so as we grow older.
And we also have the inner confidence that the other person is not worth dealing happens in business and families as well, some people offend your sense of propriety.

If that is a sign of failing intelligence, so be it.

The kid who flunked 12th Grade because he was into internet reels got into a Computer Engineering course, just bought a US$800 laptop, let us see what he does with it.
He gave an extra set of exams, which is allowed, and barely cleared them, enough to get admission without losing a year.

His father and brother are intelligent, so the innate mind exists, how to guide it is the challenge at times.
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As for the connection with intelligence, well we all like things our way, more so as we grow older.
( I wasn't insulting your intelligence > I said EQ )
Re. the 'quote', I am not the same as that. I have learned that it is just a 'cold hard fact' that things don't always go our way,
in fact I have a life time marred by so many bad & wrong things unto me, that I just have to accept > Life is not always fair.
I left school at year 9 because I determined that school & I were just wasting each others time.
This makes me a 'largely' self educated person. I don't mind that - it was just my way.
All my life I have had other people say I am very intelligent > it makes me feel a bit awkward and almost urkes me.
As I have mentioned, I now live very quietly > but still with 'a mission' of learning.
I must say though, after I realized the following equation, my life was never the same.

people who are intoxicated
It is "The Lounge" after all. Most "Lounges" I've ever seen or heard of serve alcohol, if not other comfort "foods". Can you imagine a table of fellows sharing a pitcher in an actual Lounge where one or more participants need to run off to "get data" to back up some statement they happened to utter in the course of "passing an evening with a drink and a friend"? In all the other sub forums, sure; but in this one I'd propose one can say anything without necessity to go get data to back it up.
as there are so many failings of process it is scary
This is an interesting one, if there are many stages of safety protocol, does that mean individuals can become complacent, because if they make a mistake, there should be someone else down the line to reveal it? It's like if you fall down in the street and there's one person near by, they will come to help, but if you are in a crowded street, people are likely to walk past and rely on someone else stepping in.
Joined 2014
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very possibly. At the end of the day Alec Baldwin has to shoulder a good chunk of the blame as there are a couple of rules with guns at least as taught in the uk.
1. when handed a gun always check if it is loaded and that the safety catch is on.
2. Never point a gun at anyone even in jest.

So ignoring for a minute that no way should there have been live ammo on set* and (if reports are true) no way the crew should have been allowed to use a prop gun to shoot at cans in between filming the armourer should have checked the gun before handing to the director who should have checked it before handing it to the actor who should have checked it and NOT pointed it at someone and pulled the trigger. I'm not even sure in these days of VFX you need a gun that can fire live rounds but I am not a special effects person.

And of course blanks can kill at short range. kinetic energy can be a pain.

*I guess there might be edge cases where a bullet needs to be fired and a maroon can't be used but I would have hoped special protocols to be in play for that. But my paradigm is uk gun handling circa 1985.
Yep, always presume a gun is loaded and act accordingly. It IS surprising that a US actor made that mistake, being that guns are simply part of life there.

That is, I could understand someone without experience not realising how easily some guns can be discharged...the proverbial 'hair trigger'.
In TV shows like Bones and Castle (just examples), the gun is unloaded, decocked, action worked, then handed over to the reciever, who then stores it or loads it, as per need.
So the above accidents were quite careless.

And in most cases, use of live ammunition should be avoided, quite dangerous.
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