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Jumping back on board the digital train - part II

Posted 30th April 2011 at 05:46 AM by abraxalito
Updated 30th April 2011 at 05:50 AM by abraxalito

When I began writing real-time code for the 68k, the price of entry into the development game was rather high. My first project was a tachometer processor which my boss was applying on a patent for: US patent 4924420. In order to develop this we purchased a hardware emulator which became my pride and joy - it cost a sum equivalent to around two months of my salary at that time. This was a considerably more expensive solution than the other commonly used development technique in those days - EPROM emulators - it did though provide a much faster development path by virtue of providing a window into the interior of the CPU as well as a history in its trace buffer of everything it had done. During the course of this and subsequent projects which also used the 68k (later we added a 68020 too) I became a confirmed devotee of the architecture. One of my nicknames in the company was 'the cycle stealer' - if someone had some 68k code that wasn't running fast enough, I'd find some way to get it going faster.

In subsequent jobs, I never quite got 'down to the metal' again with any architecture in the same manner though I did program some PICs. Couldn't say as I loved the instruction set of any of those though with the passion I found for the 68k.

All this preamble is designed to set the context for taking up embedded system development again, this time as a hobbyist after over ten years without a single assembler byte being written. I've been seeking ways to regain those heady 68k days once again with a processor family that has a future. Given the huge overhead of learning a new architecture and tools environment I wanted to be totally sure I was making a considered decision, so I've taken a lot of time and research in coming to my conclusion.

The first thing I noticed is that assembler code is really out of fashion nowadays. Almost everyone wants to program in C and CPUs are being designed to be 'C compiler friendly' more than ever before. If you ask around you'll hear all the usual arguments against using assembler - lack of code readability, ease of making mistakes, no portability. 'Modern C compilers are so efficient that nobody codes in assembler any more' is what I've heard, time and time again. I'm not going to get into that debate here - just I have a preference for assembler myself, as a hardware engineer. I might even use some C for the bits that'll be painful to write in assembler - like anything user-interface like. Those aren't the fun parts for me though, guess I can't shake off my 'cycle stealing' heritage. C code is ultimately more wasteful of resources than assembler, it fails to grab me in the elegance stakes. Ultimately, if anyone's concerned about wringing the most out of a system, they're going to be fighting the compiler as part of that process.

The more I've thought about it, the more the arguments for using 'C' sound like arguments from 'suits' who take the fun out of things by trying to 'professionalize' methodologies. If respectable programmers use C then I for one will be disrespectable. I take some solace from the story that the original Mac was by and large hand-coded in assembler even though much of the code was lifted from Pascal used for the earlier (and unsuccessful) Lisa. Apparently they gained a factor of 50% code size reduction and I'm sure there was also a commensurable speed up.
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  1. Old Comment
    Great exposition of your past adventures in CPU programming - can't wait to hear where you're going with this & your journey getting there. Keep it coming.
    Posted 30th April 2011 at 11:57 AM by jkeny jkeny is offline
  2. Old Comment
    wintermute's Avatar
    Hehehe It takes me back to my Amiga programming days, I was slowly re-writing all of the standard OS commands in assembler. Typically programs that were say 12KB would come down to 1KB or less. which when you were running off 800K floppy disks really made a difference.

    I'll attach one of my pieces of code for nostalgia purposes

    Note that this is a rather obscure bit of code. I had an Amiga 1000 that was upgraded with a phoenix board (a replacement motherboard for the original A1000. One of the things it had was a coprocessor socket for a 68881. The 68000 did not have the necessary control logic built in to be able to write "normal 68881 assembler". The amiga's math library however could use a 68881 co-processor if one was present. It did work, and it did make my application twice as fast but I wasn't happy with that, so I disasembled the math library to see what it was doing.

    Basically it simply stuffed the registers, put something in a place that started the coprocessor, checked whether it had finished and then cleared the registers.... it did this for EVERY calculation. This was insane as the coprocessor had a number of registers, so I wrote the following code to control the coprocessor efficiently and as a result my program went from twice as fast with the co-processor to 7 times as fast with the co-processor

    Anyway It's been too long since I did 68K so I'm having some trouble comprehending what this code did (even though I wrote it AND commented it). I'll leave it to you to see if you can figure out what it was calculating

    SECTION Iterate_Section,code
    XREF _MathIeeeDoubBasBase
    XDEF @resetfpu
    XDEF @iterate

    K equ 199
    response equ $00ee0000
    command equ $00ee000a
    control equ $00ee0002
    operand equ $00ee0010
    restore equ $00ee0006

    fadd0t0 equ $0022 ;multiply fp0 by two
    fadd5t0 equ $1422 ;add fp6 to fp0
    fadd6t0 equ $1822 ;add fp6 to fp0
    fadd7t0 equ $1c22 ;add fp7 to fp0
    fsub1f0 equ $0428 ;sub fp1 from fp0
    fsub5f0 equ $1428 ;sub fp5 from fp0
    fmul0b3 equ $0c23 ;multiply fp0 by fp3
    fmul4b4 equ $1223 ;square value in fp4
    fmul5b5 equ $16a3 ;square value in fp5

    fcmp1t0 equ $0438 ;compare fp1 to fp0;
    fmsrtdn equ $c800 ;move the fpu sr to a data reg

    fm0t2 equ $0100
    fm0t3 equ $0180
    fm0t4 equ $0200
    fm0t5 equ $0280
    fm2t0 equ $0800
    fm2t4 equ $0a00
    fm3t5 equ $0e80
    fm4t0 equ $1000
    fmdt6 equ $5700
    fmdt7 equ $5780

    fmzt2 equ $5d0f ;move rom zero from rom to fpn
    fmzt3 equ $5d8f
    fmzt4 equ $5e0f
    fmzt5 equ $5e8f
    fm100t1 equ $5cb4 ;move rom 100 to fp1

    fmlf0 equ $6000


    jsrlib MACRO
    XREF _LVO\1
    jsr _LVO\1(A6)


    testresp MACRO
    testresp\@ tst.w response
    bmi.s testresp\@


    fpn MACRO
    move.w #\1,command


    fpo MACRO
    move.w #\1,command
    jsr chkfpu


    ;_iterate move.l 4(sp),a0 ;get pointer to first arg;
    ; move.l 8(sp),a1 ;get pointer to second arg;
    ; movem.l d6,-(sp) ;save all our registers

    @resetfpu move.w #0,restore ;initialise the coprocessor
    move.w #0,restore ;by restoring a null state frame

    @iterate fpo fmdt6

    move.l (a0)+,operand ;move first part of X coord
    move.l (a0),operand ;move second part of X coord
    ; testresp

    fpo fmdt7

    move.l (a1)+,operand ;move first part of Y coord
    move.l (a1),operand ;move second part of Y coord

    fpn fmzt2 ;put a zero in fp2 for a
    fpn fmzt3 ;put a zero in fp3 for b
    fpn fmzt4 ;put a zero in fp4 for a1
    fpn fmzt5 ;put a zero in fp5 for b1

    move.w #K,d1 ;want to iterate k + 1 times

    ILoop1 fpn fm2t0 ;put a val in fp0
    fpn fadd0t0 ;multiply it by two
    fpn fmul0b3 ;multiply it by b
    fpn fadd7t0 ;add the y value
    fpn fm0t3 ;save the new b value

    fpn fm4t0 ;put a1 value in fp0
    fpn fsub5f0 ;subtract b1 from it
    fpn fadd6t0 ;add the x value
    fpn fm0t2 ;save the new a value

    fpn fm2t4 ;a1 = a * a so move a to a1
    fpn fmul4b4 ;and square it

    fpn fm3t5 ;b1 = b * b so move b to b1
    fpn fmul5b5 ;and square it

    fpn fm4t0 ;want a1 in fp0
    fpn fadd5t0 ;add b1 to it

    fpn fm100t1 ;put our K value in fp1
    fpn fsub1f0 ;see if K is still bigger

    fpo fmlf0 ;move the status register to
    move.l operand,d0 ;somewhere we can read it
    ; testresp

    tst.l d0
    dbpl d1,ILoop1

    end_iterate move.w #K,d0
    sub.w d1,d0
    ; movem.l (sp)+,d6


    chkfpu move.w response,d0
    btst #12,d0
    beq.s chkfpu1
    btst #11,d0
    beq.s chkfpu_exit
    chkfpu1 tst.w d0
    bmi.s chkfpu2
    cmp.w #4900,d0
    beq.s chkfpu
    cmp.w #0900,d0
    ble.s chkfpu
    move.w #2,control
    ; moveq #1,d0
    bra.s chkfpu_exit
    chkfpu2 cmp.w #$8900,d0
    beq.s chkfpu
    cmp.w #$c900,d0
    beq.s chkfpu

    ;chkfpu3 moveq #0,d0

    chkfpu_exit rts


    Posted 6th May 2011 at 12:24 PM by wintermute wintermute is offline
  3. Old Comment
    wintermute's Avatar
    and I think that this was the same code when I got an amiga 3000 with 68882 co-processor that I could actually use the assembler to code for! somewhat simpler

    section text,code

    XREF _MathIeeeDoubBasBase
    XDEF @iterate
    XDEF @resetfpu

    K equ 255
    M equ 10

    ;@iterate: move.l 4(sp),a0 ;get pointer to first arg;
    ; move.l 8(sp),a1 ;get pointer to second arg;
    ; movem.l d2-d6/a3-a6,-(sp) ;save all our registers

    @iterate: fmovem.x fp0-fp7,-(sp)

    fmove.d (a0),fp6

    fmove.d (a1),fp7

    fmovecr.x #15,fp2 ;put a zero in fp2 for a
    fmovecr.x #15,fp3 ;put a zero in fp3 for b
    fmovecr.x #15,fp4 ;put a zero in fp4 for a1
    fmovecr.x #15,fp5 ;put a zero in fp5 for b1
    fmove.l #M,fp1

    move.w #K,d1 ;want to iterate k + 1 times

    ILoop1: fsub.x fp5,fp4 ;subtract b1 from it
    fmul.x fp2,fp3 ;multiply it by b

    fadd.x fp6,fp4 ;add the x value
    fadd.x fp7,fp3 ;add the y value

    fmove.x fp4,fp2 ;a1 = a * a so move a to a1
    fmul.x fp4,fp4 ;and square it

    fmove.x fp3,fp5 ;b1 = b * b so move b to b1
    fmul.x fp5,fp5 ;and square it

    fmove.x fp4,fp0 ;want a1 in fp0
    fadd.x fp2,fp2 ;multiply by 2
    fadd.x fp5,fp0 ;add b1 to it

    fcmp.x fp1,fp0 ;see if K is still bigger

    fdboge d1,ILoop1

    end_iterate: move.w #K,d0
    tst.w d1
    bpl skip
    moveq #0,d1
    skip: sub.w d1,d0
    ; movem.l (sp)+,d2-d6/a3-a6
    fmovem.x (sp)+,fp0-fp7

    @resetfpu: rts


    Posted 6th May 2011 at 01:43 PM by wintermute wintermute is offline
  4. Old Comment
    abraxalito's Avatar
    So I wonder how they were doing the hardware interface from the 68k to the 68881/2 ? I remember those fmove instructions were called 'F-line' and if there was no co-pro present they generated an undefined instruction exception which allowed for software emulation. Think the 68881 could manage somewhat less than half a mega-flop.... Yet the 68k took something like 4.2uS to do a 16X16 multiply and it wasn't a fixed time either, depended on the bit patterns in the operands...
    Posted 8th May 2011 at 02:30 PM by abraxalito abraxalito is offline
  5. Old Comment
    wintermute's Avatar
    Now it is coming back to me, the 68000 didn't have any commands to access the co-processors registers, or to tell it do do anything. I think the fmove instruction was introduced in the 68020 and up. I could go and dig up my 68K assembler book

    Oh and I know what the code did, just a bit rusty on the actual instructions.... It was used to create my avatar...

    Posted 8th May 2011 at 09:20 PM by wintermute wintermute is offline
    Updated 8th May 2011 at 09:22 PM by wintermute
  6. Old Comment
    abraxalito's Avatar
    Ah I wondered if it was a fractal generator, it was one of my guesses. Yes, the 68020 had the co-pro interface so those finstructions would get decoded and put into the co-pro automatically.
    Posted 9th May 2011 at 12:05 AM by abraxalito abraxalito is offline

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