100W Ultimate Fidelity Amplifier

Wow. Looks really good.
I'm curious to see how it sounds.
My next project!

regards Olaf

thanks friend! :) today i did not had more time so i only mounted output transistors to L-profile and than L-profile to heatsinks:


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it will be powered by this 400-500VA transformer,cooled by combination of two APEX Fan Controles. there will be in pair temperature controles (one for each heatsink) so the one that "feels" more temperature it will start fan. in paralel to them there will be a fan controle that is being activated by output signal,so i believe that there be a small window for error of activating a fan...

it will have four 4700uF of capacitors per rail,and the speaker protection will be APEX-Zack NE555.

the last picture shows how it should look like in an amplifier casing.


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yes i could, but this way it is more practical to me to dis-assemble it if i have to change or fix something on amplifier pcb. also,there allready were some holes on heatsink flange at places where transistors should be...
Olaf,cooling fan will be on one side of heatsink group, and the bottom and top of chasing will form a sort of wind tunel for air to flow.