11th Annual Vancouver Island diyFEST 2014

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. . . at night. Sometimes you just have to let your hair down. :) Jesse, thanks to you and your consulting team, we got it up and running and after some tweaking, or was that beer, it did sound pretty good.

Cal, did you have a name for these? Perhaps the "Kahoonas"? :D

I agree, the sound was right nice. Jimmy sounded great! :) I wish I could have stayed and listened longer. For the past couple of years, I get a bit of tinitus after listening too long to loud music, or especially a lot of bass.


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I attended the Seattle Symphony about 4 or 5 years ago. My seat was at the opposite corner of the hall from the bass drum, and it was aimed directly at me. I forget the piece, but that drum played hard and loud for probably almost 10 minutes. My ears rang for about 4 days after that, and ever since I'll get that ringing again if exposed to too much.
Hello my other brother:
I am afraid I do not have a good story tell. Nothing silly happened. No stone burning, No speakers got blowed up, No chicken coop turning. Maybe we are getting boring like the rest of the world. Folks are just getting used to our antics.
I did think it was pretty cool watching Daniel and Brandon build that amp from the garbage /junk bins in less than two hours. No plans or diagrams just right from the top of Daniels head. But I guess we have come to expect that sort of thing from the two young smart guys.
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