11th Annual Vancouver Island diyFEST 2014

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First upload failed. I tried to do it from my phone....:headbash:

I had an excellent time last night. It's always great to see the people on this forum in person.

Thank you to Dave and Ruth for hosting. The food and setting are always top notch.

I'll post some more thoughts later on when I have a few minutes to gather my thoughts.



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Home safe, finally. Ferry traffic and border crossing both real smooth. Traffic north of Everett was TERRIBLE.

Anyway, had a great time and enjoyed all the conversation, music and friendship. Thanks to all, especially Dave, Ruth and Chris. Got to enjoy a little more time with Cal on the ferry ride.

I'll see if I have any decent pictures to post tomorrow. A couple of folks also asked for the attached schematics.



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Hello my friends:
All is good up Island. Stopped for a family visit in Duncan for the afternoon. Got home around 7:30pm. My wife was not as impressed with my winnings as I am. "Not another set of speakers? Stop buying those raffle tickets or win something useful."

Hmmmmmm, Oh well, she will get over it.

Thank you again to Ruth and Dave for letting us gather on your mountain. Here is my impression summary:
Best Amp: John's 6b4 PP
Best new driver: Chris's MAOP7 (the little white ceramic one in the horn)
Best Buddy: Cal
Biggest sound: Cal's "small" out door set up
Coolest moment: Daniel decided @ 10:30 Saturday night to make an amp from the junk pile and in two hours it sounded pretty good.

Lots of great talk and good times.
Thanks to all. I am already looking forward to next year
My wife was not as impressed with my winnings as I am. "Not another set of speakers? Stop buying those raffle tickets or win something useful."

Hmmmmmm, Oh well, she will get over it.

Maybe she'll change her tune when she hears the FHXL's you build with those drivers.:D

Maybe we can get a "toaster" for next years raffle.;) Would that be more "useful"?

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Maybe she'll change her tune when she hears the FHXL's you build with those drivers.:D

Maybe we can get a "toaster" for next years raffle.;) Would that be more "useful"?


IIRC, there is a bespoke pair of enclosures to be built that needs to be as compact as practical for air transport, and therefore the Floorstanding MarKen trapezoid was selected. And of course since there was actually one pair of each 10P and10.3 loaded up by brother Scott for construction and selection, she'll be doubly impressed - I know my wife is always pleased to see multiple versions of same enclosure kicking around.

Toaster, hell no - that's but one of the non standard uses for the Tiger Torch that Scott has discovered- but perhaps a Festool Domino joiner. According to Bernie, at only $1600 Cdn, one of the better investments a woodworker can make - provided there's no one else using the shop ;)

An externally hosted image should be here but it was not working when we last tested it.
I'll add my own comments as well.

First a great big "Thank You!" to Ruth and Dave for once again making us feel so welcome to their house and the event! I certainly had a great time although for some reason I felt a little low on energy. It might be the rain we've experienced in Seattle for several days prior to the event which also had overcast skies in and around Victoria. My mood is, like many people in Cascadia, certainly affected by the weather!

What did I like?..............Everything actually! But a few standouts were the "Ceramic Cones" that sounded quite nice overall, especially for a small driver. My understanding is that they are the only pair in North America!
On the back balcony DaveR's DR-1's sounded excellent with it's series crossover and Super Tube-Friendly Impedance Curve!

Amps and Demonic Gizmos? I liked John's amp the best (Anyway, I think I did? :rolleyes:) although Jeff's amp sounded quite nice as did DaveR's amp. Jess's Tube input / SS output amp was pretty nice as well. Actually, they all sounded excellent and not one of them had any real sonic faults that I could hear!
I believe it was Jess that had put together a small "E-Cono System" set up that was able to make some very nice music at a cost that even a teenager could afford! Pretty sweet! I wish I'd jotted down some notes on what-all Jess had there.

I didn't get to hear everything....in fact, speaking of "not being able to hear everything", Cal had his Tri-amped System there that was, uhh....Much!
It was, to say the least, quite stunning! In fact, I happened to walk in front of his system while it was playing and am (only now) starting to regain tactal sensation in my extremities.

Best Regards,
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Think I found it, or at least one very close. Don't know if it's ok to post auction URL's, so the title is "LM3886+6N11 68W+68W amplifier board".

One other comment I should share is that Jess recommended using a power supply very near to the spec limits for the chip. Says they sound sweeter with the higher voltage even if you don't need the max power from the chip. I thought it sounded really nice. And it's cheap.

I see you can also get the bare boards for cheap if you want to roll your own audiophile version. Just search for "LM3886 6N11".
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Cal had his Tri-amped System there that was, uhh....Much!
It was, to say the least, quite stunning!

Front, back and at night. Sometimes you just have to let your hair down. :) Jesse, thanks to you and your consulting team, we got it up and running and after some tweaking, or was that beer, it did sound pretty good.
Most of my hair is now mostly gone as some of those upstairs types came after me yanking out clumps at a time saying turn the ****ing thing down. :) Dave even had a special defence mechanism. I hope Ruth got a shot.


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