11th Annual Vancouver Island diyFEST 2014

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This just about didn't happen for me. I get to U-Haul, hook up the trailer, no lights. Check connection, check fuses and whatever else you can with nary a tool to be had.

Suddenly an angel appeared, or as his friends call him, Faruk. Wel ol' Faruk gets down under the car with the trusty 12V tester and says:
"you need a new module"
Ya, right Faruk, first off WTF is a module and why do I need one, I rarely tow.
"well these things wear out"
Do you have one in stock?
"ya sure"
Fast forward to the computer - "nope nothing for your truck, it's too old"
Well how about a Ford Ranger?
"yup, no problem" (oh the ipain of dealing with a stupid genius)
Excellent when can you install it, I have a hot date on the Island.
"uh, no one here to install it today"
You're kidding.
"nope the trailer hitch guy is here only on Tuedays and Thursdays"
Oh ****!
So I buy the module which turned out to be only 18 bucks and headed to my mechanic.
Please, please, please!
"no problem but no special rate today, come back in an hour."
So I did, and...
I'll see everyone in the morning. :D
Sometimes your neighbours impress you.

Background: Where I live you don't park on the street. Everything is gated, locked and alarmed and that doesn't always work. Club means two things here. One you put on your steering wheel, the other you carry with you for 'those' times.

Case in point: Truck with trailer.

Neighbours: Curious.

Next thing I know the cars are moved to the underground so that we have room to do this.

:cheers: Cheers to my neighbours, beyond the call!


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"you need a new module"
Ya, right Faruk, first off WTF is a module and why do I need one, I rarely tow.
"well these things wear out"

Had the exact same thing happen to me a few years ago, except the "module" was a lot more than 18 bucks (Honda Ridgeline). A friend wanted to go fishin', but his little toyota 2x pickup wouldn't pull the boat up the ramp. So, 5am I go over to his place and hook up the trailer. Guess what, not lights, dead module. We go fishing anyway, with no trailer lights.:D

You'll have to plan for Fri nite oneof these years... sufficient numbers this year to kill 4 large pizzas :D
Cheese :D
Glad you have many, I will need help unloading.
I might even bring some Jimmy Buffet for Cal.:)
Cheese :D
If you have something other than on my iPod, I will be so pleased. I will...uh, well let's leave it for Saturday night shall we? If you need to know ask Chris or Scott.

Hint: it involves alcohol.

Glad you guys are having fun already. Heading to bed soon.
I'm already back. Had to leave earlier than the rest of the group because of baby sitter demands :(

Had a blast. Great speakers all around. Not a bad one in the group. Thanks all for bringing their creations. Still trying to learn about tube amps :D

If anyone has a photo of my speakers setup down below, I'd appreciate a copy. I didn't think about it until after. Long shot, I know.
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