2nd Annual Vancouver Island diyFEST 2005

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So thank's again to Dave and Ruth for putting us up ( or is that putting up with us?) and feeding the crew while we got to listen our hearts out. I only wish they could have done something about the rain overnight. Interupted an otherwise beautiful night's sleep.

Back to speakers, I've never heard so many different systems using the same driver in my life. We already knew it was a winner but this showed us how versitle that little thing is.

Now, when are we gonna have one of these with some real speakers?
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more speakers (brent pics now)


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I cleaned up my images

Sorry to anyone who got a look at my pictures before I cleaned them up. Yes that really was someone mooning the camera :) I won't say who but it is someone I have to look up to (hint) when I stand next to him.

Dave, thanks for the fun times. I learned a lot and the great 3D sound of Chris's Jolida jd603 CD player is still floating around in my head. Thanks guys for letting Jason and I swap in and out so many different combinations of things. Like a couple of kids in a candy store.

I didn't get to hear all the speakers, but what I did was great. Well done guys. I will be wanting to try a pair at home soon, but first I have to get that 3D sound of the Jolida CD player coming from my USB DAC. I think a tube stage is required.

How did my DAC do? Well it didn't get much air time but I was told it sounded good jitter and tone wise but the sound stage was flat and I have to agree. I don't feel so bad because there was also a $20,000+ Linn CD player that got even less air time because the Jolida was so good. The Linn was on loan from a local shop, the fact that no one owns it says a lot.

Anyone else who heard my DAC have anything to say about it? Good or Bad. Any suggestions on what to try to close the gap on the Jolida?
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And a set of WR125 bipoles where Scott took my original design (itself based on the Tim Forman TMM) and worked it. They use a waveguide loaded ApexJr tweeter. When 1st played they has 2.2 uF, but that was too low, a switch to 1.7 uF really brought them into focus. The romboid side profile worked out really well and the cosmetic detail with the ST bezel and the solid wood "horn" is stunning. The ApexJr tweeter was an experiment to see how much was really needed up top on the WRs & it turned out REALLY well IMHO. The tweeter adds almost nothing to the cost of the parts (the XO cap is more expensive than the tweeter), so someone who wants a less expensive system than with FR125s, this works.



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Joined 2001
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One of the things we did for this event was to build up 2 pair of bipole ML-TLs based on the FR125 (front) & Wr125 (back) in cabinets that are identical except that one is plywood & one is MDF. There is a very clear difference between the 2 -- interpretations of the difference between the 2 depends on who you talk to. I have a clear interpretation, but will save that until others have weighed in (everyone who has a comment on the plywood/MDF please chime in) so that i do nor influence any comments -- i think we will find that in the end choice of material will depend on your personal preferences (Scott thinks solid wood works best -- and his boxes were no slouches (and incrediably pretty).

We tried to keep it secret as to which was which (and i even heard comments that attributed the wrong material to the wrong box -- i assume based on preconceptions of what each should sound like -- but by the end of the shoot-out people knew (one heft of each box was enuff to give it away).

BTW the dark ones are ply, the light MDF.



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