2nd Annual Vancouver Island diyFEST 2005

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Joined 2001
Paid Member
and another shot (of the other 2)

BTW. This design is quite excellent -- but in the end the ports were stuffed and they became close to aperiodic (again more on that in a later post)



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planet10 said:

Cal was/is sufferng from what comes before a root canal, and was heavily sedated. Stairs were a bit much to operate.

Here are the "extended" open baffles (3 sheets of Illusus' mercedes floor board super ply). Who says open baffles can't do bass?


I wonder what he was suffering from maybe to many :drink::drink::drink::drink::drink::drink::drink::drink:

Cal Weldon said:
Well Jason,

When you get a little older and wiser you'll begin to recognize the difference in the effects between alcohol and medication. And if you're wondering, yes I feel a lot better now that the antibiotics have reduced the infection in my mouth. Thanks for your concern.

I'm just pullin your leg cal. You were great company at the event same as brent any all the others..
Many thanks to Dave and Ruth, our generous hosts at last weekends get-together. Their hospitality was first class. Thanks also to Tim and Ally for bringing all those speakers all that way!, and to Scott for doing the same. Some great(looking) and sounding stuff was there. Chris's RH34 amp, beautifully built and showing a lot of sonic potential as well.
. Tim's Extremis 3 ways, (ya want bass?) Scotts beautiful GM ML TL's, and WR125 bipole's, as nicely done as your likely to see, along with his other speakers. Dave's OB's with the Korean drivers, sounding VERY good, and Chris's bipoles, with the Fostex FE127's(?) sounding clear and open, with some very nice cabinet work as well.
Thanks also to the "Hounds" for providing the CD12. Yes, a ridiculous price, but a fabulous sounding player. (ok Brent, you take the Jolida, I'll suffer with the Linn!) Good to see Cal, Jason, and Frank there as well . These gatherings are great fun. Next year?? Thanks again Dave!
Hi Dave,
Saturday's get together was a lot of fun, thank you much!

In terms of the ML shoot out if I were forced to choose I would have thought the light one's were the plywood. Wrong again, go figure. Maybe more listening time or different selections would have made a difference?

For me the big surprise were the open baffles playing outside,,, I'm a sucker for tubes and turntables.

Thanks to all,
The shootout continues

Hello all:
I have been away from my computer for a while so I have not been able to chime in on this thread.

As noted by the other folks thanks to Dave and Ruth for putting up with us and putting us up. I had a great time and got to hear some very nice speaker designs. I got a chance to talk to every one and had a nice smile on my face most of the time.

Cal was in very good spirits and was comfortably numb most of the day. I think the general anaesthetics were doing a good job at keep the tooth pain away. He liked the space around him and was a little bummed out that he did not bring his outdoor speakers. He liked the home audio stuff but it was clear to me that Cal likes his music big, real big. Maybe next time we can book a soccer field and he can let the Altec bad boys show their stuff. Glad to hear that the tooth is better.

Thanks for the nice comments about my speakers. Yes I do like real wood. It is not for everbody and someday I may use plywood. I just like the interesting things you can do with real wood.

The Wr125 bipole is layed back at a 6 degree angle. As Dave noted I started with a design that was posted here and made a few adjustments. The 6 degree lay back is intended to have the focal point intersect a point 36-38 inches off the floor at about 8 feet away. This should be your ear when you are sitting on the couch. I also liked the idea of doing something a little our of the ordinary. I have been listening to them a lot and really like the way they sound.

One thing I have learned about these high excersion drivers is that they can be modeled and placed in cabinets that are tuned too low. I think designing above Fs is the way to go. They will play low but when the power is turned up they tend to flap a bit. Might have something to do with the roll off not real sure. For my listening this design is superior to the ML TL I built.

I like the CSS drivers but this get together leaned a bit far in that direction for me. I still really like fostex drivers. My favorite so far is the fe127 bipole either my ML TQWP or Chris's MLTL both designs are clear clean and detailed.

The plywood / MDF thing was interesting and for me there is no clear winner. If there was it would have been solved long ago. Both materials have pros and cons. I think Dave has stated it clearly the final answer for me is well it depends, on some music I think the MDF will sound nicer than the plywood on others vise versa. Like everthing in home audio it is a complicated series of compromises and a never ending persuit of nervana. Perhaps comfortably numb with an ear to ear smile is the way to go after all.

I missed listening to Jasons mini A, I was hoping to hear it with my speakers Oh well I will be making my own this fall so the wait will not be too long.

I was very impressed with Tim's big boy speakers called Ruby. Now that was big music for me. I think Cal was out dancing in the yard during that part of the review. The earth drum was cool those extremis drivers do sound nice. The speakers are as big as my wife so I do not think she would let me build them. They might fill up the living room too much.

It was far too short a visit to really critically listen to any one set of speakers. We had a lot of gear there and in reality it was all very good. We tend to get a little nit picky, looking for flaws and fine details to comment on. Over all I like the CSS drivers, it is easy to design an enclosure that is tuned too low. The fostex drivers are hands down the king of the mid range. Al Wooley ribbon tweeter is great it is very clear and clean it has good range and once tuned in it blends well with the CSS drivers. I do not have a sensitive enough ear or deep enough pockets to appreciate the Scotish disc player. I thought the Jolida was better. I did not know the price difference untill after the comparision. The vinyl on the rega p3 was also very nice, too bad records are so short. I just get into the comfort zone and I have to get up and change the record. Too bad Rega does not make a stacker turn table.

All in all a great time was had by this guy
Nuff said for now

Ps the granite slab cut like butter with a hot knife!!!!
I have a few interesting ideas for speakers, and stands, and shelves, and other things solid. More to come on this one later
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