3015lf TH @ 35-40hz but only 20" deep help

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Here's the layout. Take the sawdust out of the 16" dimensions (make them all 15.87" or even 15.75").


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Great job Justint - What did you power it with to get the 130dB. How does it sound? Does it go below 35Hz?

I'm planning to build 2 as soon as I get the drivers. PE has jacked up the price to $300 each so I went to Musicians Friend. The speculation I've heard
is the Chinese have jacked up the price on rare earth metals (Neodymium)?
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You should throw away the hyphen; it looks ungainly.

The king is dead. Long live the TQWP! ;)

Without the effect of the taper, the boost is limited to 6dB above infinite baffle sensitivity, no?


Don't know if that's a good idea.
We have T-TQWT: Tapped-Tapered Quarter-wave -Tube and then if a straight pipe: T-QWP= Tapped Quarter-wave-Pipe.

Both types have an access lid: if dismantled they would turn into a TQWT and a QWP ...= all in order.

6 dB seems to be about right..theoretically..

Your choice, 32 or 45 Hz

My PA is:
Alan Heath Zed 14 (mixer)
Crown xti 2000 (amp)
2 Peavey PR12 (for tops)
2 Bjorno subs (as listed in this thread)

The xti is set to cross-over at 100Hz, with the Bass Boosted 5 dB and
HiPassed at 30Hz and the tops cut at 16 KHz.

I chose not to use the ss15 because I really wanted 32 Hz and was willing
to accept loosing 3dB of power to get it. In retrospect, that's a high price
to pay for 5 semitones of bass.

Everyone loves the sound!!!


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My PA is:
Alan Heath Zed 14 (mixer)
Crown xti 2000 (amp)
2 Peavey PR12 (for tops)
2 Bjorno subs (as listed in this thread)

The xti is set to cross-over at 100Hz, with the Bass Boosted 5 dB and
HiPassed at 30Hz and the tops cut at 16 KHz.

I chose not to use the ss15 because I really wanted 32 Hz and was willing
to accept loosing 3dB of power to get it. In retrospect, that's a high price
to pay for 5 semitones of bass.

Everyone loves the sound!!!
Don what plans are those , ohhh i see noe, you posted a plan and a cut list
those look very easy to make for a wood newbie
can you post some measurements out from your prototypes ?
do you paintes them with duratex ? they look PRO !!!! and you matched the color of the Pr12
so i think i dont need more than Pr12s and a pair of the subs

btw, have you tried with just one pr12 and see if the single top can keep up with the 2 subs ?

normally the tops outperform the subs, so is almost a 2:1 ratio Subs to Tops ratio, sometimes even higher
what to know your findings
as the graphs are too low res to really read the numbers
can somebody post hi res graphs of the response of this cab ?

also some more detailed inside pics to see how the braces are installed , on the Don i cant see

what drivers can fit the box
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Details, details ...

Hi Maxo -

Plans? Post 23

Measurements? Compared to SS15, down 3dB

Paint? Latex House Paint ... Duratex would be much better. House Paint
looks good, but needs retouching after only 3 months.

Power? 200W into each top and 400W into each sub yeilds 125dB/1 meter
measured as 105dB/10 meters. The Subs are louder than the tops.

Braces? I didn't use them and it still works well.

You MUST use HiPass of 30Hz and 24dB/Octave on the sub or they will self
destruct. There can be NO leaks in the cabinet.

Hi Bjohannesen - Have fun ... You have much to learn. Get the HornRes software
and read the "JBell" thread "single sheet ..." or anything by "Tom Danley"
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thanks for the info

one question
how the box will work if you remove the front panel
if you can see the front panel covers half of the woofer if you see the box
facing you

does that thing makes some kind of reflections ?
or is part of the waveguide for the tapped horn thing ?

also i see 2 braces on the cut sheet diagram you made
where are those braces needs to be installed

and one last question, if the box goes down to 35hz,
you seet your high pass to 30 hz ? or 35 hz 24db LR or 48db if you have one, ( i think the dbx driverack only have 24db LR filters )
and voltage limit to 70% of what your driver RMS ratings are ?

Ahhhh and i see on post #10 Bjorno listed a comment for the 3015LF at 290watts on his sim, you can read that just below the thiele small parameteres
so we limit at 290 watts ?
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