4th Annual Vancouver Island diyFEST 2007

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Cal Weldon said:

Speaking of beer, I know a lot of you think that it might influence a decision or two. That was comfirmed Saturday afternoon when I walked down the driveway to find a group of testosterone and beer laden individuals attempting to set a granite slab on fire with a tiger torch. It only took, oh, about a half bottle of propane to discover that rock still doesn't burn. Pure genius there.

An externally hosted image should be here but it was not working when we last tested it.

The image pretty much says it all. Your a talented guy Cal.... beer in one hand and torch in the other.

I'm with you though.... we needed at some big horns. Those dinky little girlie drivers just don't cut it, especially outside. Next year I'll fill my pickup truck with some big horns and try making it by Canadian Customs without getting myself thrown in jail.

I can hear the conversation now....

Canadian Customs Officier: Do you have anything to declare?

Kevin: Yes... I like women with big tits.

Canadian Customs Officier: Do you have anything of VALUE to declare?

Kevin: No.

Canadian Customs Officier: What do you have in the back of your truck?

Kevin: Nothing.

Canadian Customs Officier: Can I have a look.

Kevin: No

Canadian Customs Officier: Mr. Haskins... please get out of the vehicle and keep your hands where we can see them.

You get the idea...

well, we've got our nerds, our geek(s), dorks, and wannabees (actually, they didn't all make it, did they :devilr: ), who's left ?

On second thought, it's too bad there wasn't any video of team desctructo in operation - I'm pretty sure mrs B hasn't seem me swinging anything with that much gusto for years. (go ahead, insert your diminutive jokes here - after 35yrs with Sue, I think I've heard them all - and yes, it did take at least 15 minutes to recover)

Also too bad the torch wasn't put to better use on Sunday morning on the coup
Cal Weldon said:
The only thing we came close to destroying was Kevin's liver. Mmm...barley sandwiches.

Don't worry Al, this was your first one. You'll get better.

Those Canadian beers where pretty filling. I didn't NEED anything to eat after a dozen of those babies.

BTW... all of my pictures after about 6:00 PM are completely gone. Evidently, Minolta didn't do a good usability test with someone as intoxicated as me when designing the user interface.
Kevin Haskins said:

Those Canadian beers where pretty filling. I didn't NEED anything to eat after a dozen of those babies.

BTW... all of my pictures after about 6:00 PM are completely gone. Evidently, Minolta didn't do a good usability test with someone as intoxicated as me when designing the user interface.

excellent - no need to bribe you to destroy the evidence of our insanity, vanity and cupidity
well judging by the pleated inseam, fresh manicure, and highly toned abs, I'd guess none other than our good friend Cal

We love ya man, but maybe next time we can conscript the Team Kokanee girls to provide the colour - no on second thought we'd be too distracted to watch our footing, and something /one would get blowed up real good
Kevin Haskins said:
Golden Ears Terry Olsen judging... Cal with hands in pockets, .... next gentleman is someone I don't know and Tony, the party bouncer in the last seat.

An externally hosted image should be here but it was not working when we last tested it.

see, Cal is ambidexterous after all- (you know there's no bottoms to those pockets, eh?)

I think the gentleman to Tony's left is Doug - responsible IIRC for the delightfully massive E-linear
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