4th Annual Vancouver Island diyFEST 2007

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Kevin Haskins said:
More lucky couch.

Standing in the back, trying to look innocent, is none other than the gray-haired Master Manipulator, "Dastardly Dick" Morgan, the direct descendent of the Terror of the Spanish Main: Capt. Henry Morgan. Not seen (as usual!) is his elusive partner in crime, Edward West. They came quite close to pulling off one of the greatest deceptions ever visited upon a trusting, completely candid group of DIY'ers.

Yes, they nearly pulled off "The Grand Sansui Scam" except for the vigilance of our Master of Arm, Cal Weldon who demanded that they remove the grill assembly and brought to light their malicious machinations.

On behalf of the truly credulous participants that were obviously their intended victims, I would like to thank Master Weldon for his zeal and commitment to safeguarding the "flock" of Guileless Lambs that were being led to the slaughter by those Masterminds of Mendacity.

Best Regards,
Kevin Haskins said:
Couldn't get people off of that couch after the prize drawing.

You've done it! I advise everyone to print this picture and post it near your workbench. If you look carefully, one of the people in this "Rogue's Gallery" doesn't seem to belong, but in actuality is, probably the worst of the bunch, namely Edward "The Kid" West pretending he's an aesthete, contemplating and enjoying both the natural surroundings and the fellowship of gathered Audio Enthusiasts.

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Kevin Haskins said:
And whoa.... take your seats. The better half of our species also made an appearance at this event. My guess is that this was a litmus test to see whether the relationship was worth pursuing but kudos to the ladies who put up with our antics.

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So, which one of you guys is married to the babe with the sunglasses and cigarette lighter?

chrisb said:

If you think the pieces are annoying sitting on the desk, wait 'til you listen to the completed amp on a FE127

But mine, of course, will be exceptionally lovely - as are all my projects, at least while they're in the planning stage. :D

I should have the template ready in the next day or so - send me a PM

Wonderful! PM en route.


Joined 2001
Paid Member
TerryO said:
Yes, they nearly pulled off "The Grand Sansui Scam" except for the vigilance of our Master of Arm, Cal Weldon who demanded that they remove the grill assembly and brought to light their malicious machinations.

Cal may have asked... i don't know anything about that, but i was the one who asked if i could remove them, got the appropriate screwdriver & expertly removed them.

ok, so the Altecs aren't the only thing missing.


a nice silent pawl ratchetching screwdriver (Red handle ) and a 30 pc (or something like that) Mastercraft screwdriver bit set should be down near the driver boxes. My axle calved out today, so my day has been spent yarding it out....tomorrow I get to source one.

Is it possible to get a little more info regarding the boxes/drivers my bro ended up with?

if it wasn't for bad luck, I'd have no luck at all.
Many thanks to Dave & Ruth for their hospitality and generosity.

I apologize for the late arrival, due to a forced afternoon nap, and assisting my wife with repairs to her Boler trailer. I missed the "granite burning ceremony", or whatever that was supposed to be?

I really enjoyed conversations with returnees from last years "fest", and some new attendees as well.

Looking forward to next year already, maybe I'll bring my video camera .:devilr:

Joined 2001
Paid Member
Re: ok, so the Altecs aren't the only thing missing.

Nanook said:
a nice silent pawl ratchetching screwdriver (Red handle ) and a 30 pc (or something like that) Mastercraft screwdriver bit set should be down near the driver boxes. My axle calved out today, so my day has been spent yarding it out....tomorrow I get to source one.

Geez,,, now i'm down to a work stool left behind. The Altecs will fit in the subBaffles we (you & Scott) cut for the hemps, so i'll have to audition them before i send them out. Sounds like they still may well beat you home -- where did your axle break?

Is it possible to get a little more info regarding the boxes/drivers my bro ended up with?

15 litre, close to golden ratio, tuned a tiny bit lower than the Fostex recommended. Has a nice holey brace against the magnet.

Re: ok, so the Altecs aren't the only thing missing.

Nanook said:
My axle calved out today, so my day has been spent yarding it out....tomorrow I get to source one.

Good luck with that Stew.

I spent the afternoon working on the family wagon, seems the fuel pump relay has cold solder joints on the circuit board, which tend to fail when the car interior heats up.

Hey guys, thanks to everyone for coming out to the Vancouver Island diyFEST at our home this past weekend. It was a blast! I really appreciated all the food brought, the kitchen help, the cleanup help (before, during and after the Event), and most of all I REALLY liked the chicken-coop tipping! I'm not sure how you're going to top that next year... I'm glad you all had a good time; see you all next summer.
Hi all:
Sorry for not piping up with my congrats, thanks and raves before now. Got home last nite at 11:00pm, unloaded the hifi gear and 400lbs of groceries, fell into bed, to wake up to a power outage that lasted till noon. As soon as the electrons started dancing again, we had to get 8 servers and 150+ workstations going again. So, kinda busy today. However, I couldn't stop chuckling about the chicken coop and all the other great events of the weekend past.

I have some great photos which I will post starting tomorrow morning.

Till then, let me just say a huge "THANK YOU" to Ruth and Dave for organizing a wonderful event. And to Greg, Barry and all who helped out. It was really great seeing everyone again, even Terry. And really nice meeting some new people - I just enjoyed the whole thing! :D

Chris & Dave - the Milevas made the trip perfectly and will start singing tomorrow.

Till tomorrow


PS: I like Dave's idea of moving next years' event back to mid August so I can bring fresh salmon.
Major thanks to Ruth and Dave for putting up with me for five days. Yeah, was that long! Didn't fell like it though ;)

Got a few pics for tonight. More tomorrow.

These mini Fonkens are rather impressive when backed up by a sub:
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But then, why do something small? Scott's gorgeous beast and stand:
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Breaking an almost perfect "Fonken Fest" turnout, a pair of Hemp 4.5". These sounded quite impressive!
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A close up:
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Rear deck with only a few speakers out:
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That's more like it!
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Frugal horns and their "corner simulators" for outside:
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Pair of gorgeous metronomes powered by Jesse's handcarved wood enclosed chipamp:
An externally hosted image should be here but it was not working when we last tested it.
Re: ok, so the Altecs aren't the only thing missing.

Nanook said:

a nice silent pawl ratchetching 8 screwdriver (Red handle ) and a 30 pc (or something like that) Mastercraft screwdriver bit set should be down near the driver boxes.

* is that an audiophile tool? :clown: - and Dave thought it was a gift; - a guy can never have too many screw drivers/bits (unless you count the ones with unstripped tips)

if it wasn't for bad luck, I'd have no luck at all.

Stu - if after this WE your bride still condones your audio hobby, you've still got horseshoes in surplus
Kevin Haskins said:
Scott trying his hand with the propane torch.

My recommendation is that next year we bring a tank of oxygen and some burning bars. They make short work of about anything including rock, concrete, re-bar, etc... Might have a hard time getting it across on the ferry.

Heck no Kevin, with Terry's gift of the gab and your charm, the ole boys at Canada Customs wouldn't have a chance - just tell 'em you're helping a buddy clear some stumps from his back 40 - but I'd recommend leaving the AK47 or Glocks at home.
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