4th Annual Vancouver Island diyFEST 2007

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leadbelly said:
Hmmm, you seem to have taken a lot of pictures of Cal, Kevin...

Did any of the tenters notice the pickup rocking during the night?

Cal did end up in a disproportionate number of the pictures. It could be that I'm harboring subliminal feelings for him. He bought the beer and there is no more endearing sign of affection as far as I"m concerned.

But no... I slept with Terry, Doug & Ed out on the back porch and the only shaking was from the massive amount of snoring.
Kevin Haskins said:
He bought the beer and there is no more endearing sign of affection as far as I"m concerned.

That big cooler saved the party for me, as my 2 bottles of merlot didn't make it the distance!

Kevin Haskins said:
But no... I slept with Terry, Doug & Ed out on the back porch and the only shaking was from the massive amount of snoring.

Not *my* snoring, was it? :)
Kevin Haskins said:

Cal did end up in a disproportionate number of the pictures. It could be that I'm harboring subliminal feelings for him. He bought the beer and there is no more endearing sign of affection as far as I"m concerned.

But no... I slept with Terry, Doug & Ed out on the back porch and the only shaking was from the massive amount of snoring.

I luv ya man, but keep your hands to yourself

OK, no problem

what's that rustling over there?

next year, ceremonial headdresses and sweat lodges? I'm sure there'll still be some well aged firewood lying around, and perhaps event a new Zen meditation / yoga workout / ceremonial herb garden

or not
Kevin: ya better make that 4 things:

At the top of the list would be Sue; like many more of us than readily attest, as if it would diminish our "manhood", without the support* of my manifestly better half, the rest would not be possible.

*support = "sure honey, spend all weekend in the shop ( I'll know exactly what you're up to, and it won't include pestering me) "

For some reason that entirely escapes me though, she wants to avoid these shin-digs, and if she ever read the forums, I'd definitely find how comfortable the couch really is.

OK, I'll admit this picture isn't new, but she still looks that way to (if not at) me


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