6th Annual Vancouver Island diyFEST 2009

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thanks for the offer...

but I wouldn't want any to make the trip alone, ether coming to get me or driving myself. Perhaps if any in Calgary need a ride I would gladly offer one up to them.

So if any of you know someone who wants to come out and needs a ride....

Jeff, sorry you're not well.
I feel kind of bad because I really don't have much of anything new, but I'll see if I can't come up with something. This last year has been a little hectic...much like the previous ones.

Anyway, I will be there, barring any unforseen problems. I'm planning on getting there Friday afternoon, so I can help with any "gitten' ready chores" or whatever, and not have to step on Geek's head in the middle of the night. My buddy (who may not be wearing a dress after all) will probably arrive on Saturday.

Hope to see everyone safe, sound and as crazy as ever.

Best Regards,
Joined 2001
Paid Member

I note that the map is missing the ferry to Port Angeles that comes right into Victoria Inner Harbour.

planet10 said:
Excellent. You going to bring your wife up the mountain?

A map in the 1st post of last years event thread



Thanks for the map link!

As to my wife comming up the mountain, she will certainly be invited and enchouraged to come along, but at this point I am not sure if she will be interested or not. I think it will just depend on her mood for the day. She is very accomodating to my hobbies, but thinks the whole audio DIY thing is "Geeky".

She will probably ask me, will there be many other wives?
How has the spouce attendance been in the past?


Joined 2001
Paid Member
rx7mark said:
How has the spouce attendance been in the past?

We see them... one year a pair of them actively participated. Ruth will be there, and if they show up only briefly wives usually appear for the BBQ (Roast Beef, chicken, and Jesse is bring a couple salmon again this year)

There is something to be said for the wife seeing that there are others even "crazier" than you.

planet10 said:

There is something to be said for the wife seeing that there are others even "crazier" than you.


Of course, there also those (sniff, sniff) who supply a veneer of sophisticated, civilized splendor to offset the rather primitive behavior of the natives. Once again, I will impose the necessary sense of opulent grandeur that goes hand in hand (or rather glove!) with being a member of that select elite, the Audio Aristocrats.

I fully intend to lead the procession, as my valet carries that venerated relic, "The Exodus Crossover" that is only unveiled at the Holiest Audio Happenings!

Unbelievers are struck dumb when they actually behold the sight of those who have been allowed to approach, kneel and touch the unblemished inductors. You'll witness the tears of joy that freely run down the cheeks of the Chosen as they're granted the supreme honor of "Caressing the Crossover."

Best Regards,
Glitteronimo J. Worthmore IV
planet10 said:

We see them... one year a pair of them actively participated. Ruth will be there, and if they show up only briefly wives usually appear for the BBQ (Roast Beef, chicken, and Jesse is bring a couple salmon again this year)

There is something to be said for the wife seeing that there are others even "crazier" than you.


Thanks Dave, I will let her know that she will not be alone amongst the crazies!

Is there something I could bring to contribute to the BBQ? Sounds like you might have the protein covered, anything else not spoken for that I could contribute?

Joined 2001
Paid Member
rx7mark said:
Is there something I could bring to contribute to the BBQ? Sounds like you might have the protein covered, anything else not spoken for that I could contribute?

All contributions are welcome. Ruth is in charge of the feeding. You can email her at <ruth at silversaltstudio dot com> if you don't want to just bring one of your favorites to share.

Mr. Worthmore - please check the levels on your transdermal med patches before attending the show, we don't want any unfortunate accidents. (and make sure to bring your dual citizenship papers just in case)

The Advanced Support ambulances can be over 15minutes away on a weekend, and as all of us of a certain age are aware, every minute counts.

see you there, sir
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