7th Annual Vancouver Island diyFEST 2010

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And Dave needs to provide the following:
  • about an hour for the "workshop" and a place to do the "workshop"
  • an additional hour for listening tests, and open discussion. I think I need to bring out a new construction turntable or my trusty Sugden Connoisseur re-plinth project. Either would be suitable to demonstrate the tone arms.
  • use of a suitable system and phono stage for use during listening tests
  • perhaps some of his world renowned coffee for consumption

I will bring my new all-tube phono stage, a suitable table (I have an Ariston RD11 that whould be perfect, or one of several others :D) and a large bucket of enthusiasm.

Will that help?

frying egg issue dcx 2496. i found it was the connector cable between the circuit boards. it gets loose, i think due to thermal recycling. There's a lump of sticky stuff it's supposed to be stuck to but it don't work very well. Anyhow, being half assed I reseated the connection and never turn the thing off.
It will be good to see you.

I'm sure we can accomodate your needs. I know for one, that Bernie will be very interested in the tonearm seminar.


Make me third then, I'm up for it.

If I can get going, I hope to have a "new" linestage/attenuator ready for the meet. I'm pretty sure I'll be bringing my latest entry for "The Puget Sound! DIY Speaker Contest" which will be the following weekend in Seattle. You guys will get a sneak preview before it's official unveiling. Dave Rosgaard has indicated he'd like to come, as well as Kevin Haskins (who may just come up for a day, you know what Kevin's like!). Maybe Dave can bring his Contest entry as well, I've seen the measurements (absolutely fantastic), but haven't heard them yet.

Anyhow, I'm looking forward to seeing everyone again...even Cal!

Best Regards,
JesseG and TerryO, and any others...

well my hope is that perhaps a dozen may try the da (dumb a_s_s) arm build. I think if the finicky stuff is completed prior to the 'fest, then all we have to do is put it together together. And then listen.

Jesse, thanks for the offer. I'm still actually working on a RD11 with a bad bearing and a weak motor. I may have to change the motor, now that I have finally got the bearing figured out. Love to see anything wood that you bring:) and your phonostage. I'm sure upto your usual standards (you suck).

Bernie has kindly offered to assist with some headshell materials, and possible construction.

Terry, love to see your stuff, but better yet have a chance to visit with you and Kevin. And Cal too. Guess I should try to get some sleep. I have a job interview later today, and need to get some rest.
What I plan to bring


Plan to bring a couple of small subwoofers, the Antimode 8033, the XTZ Room Analyzer (with a usable laptop), a pair of Goldwood GW-1858 woofers left over from last year, some finished speakers, a roll of Ultratouch 1/2" jean insulation (for Dave) and numerous clearance and freebie/giveaway articles.

If anyone wants to have me bring specific products for them please let me know.

The car will be full.


was looking at some manufacturing stuff , I am Manufacturing Process Technologist (say that three times fast...). I've made a few apps and have had a few interviews, but its to the point where I'M:
  1. too old
  2. too young
  3. not experienced enough
  4. too stupid
  5. too smart
  6. over qualified
  7. underqualified and just too good looking, so much so that I'd be a distraction to all the others of the opposite sex:)

I'm thinking of creating a religion though. "The temple of Stew". Basically music and audio equipment related. Feel free to send tithes to:

The temple of Stew
po box #1-5th
General Delivery
My Delusional Mind


your first point is moot: Computer Consultations, Need help buying a new computer ?
The answer is simple :), iMac
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OK, I think I've decided to bring two of the Altecs, four Tascam's and a couple little things that showed up today. (CX2310's)


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