7th Annual Vancouver Island diyFEST 2010

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Hello Lads

Well it is starting to look like I am going to be able to come down for the get together.
I promised Ruth last year I would not try and burn any more stone so the fire warden does not have to be concerned on that account.

I do not have much of interest to bring down but I am sure I can muster up a giggle and a smile or two from our wooo-is-me Cal.

My brother in law got some "Gout be-gone" pills and all is working out for him. So perhaps there is hope on the horizon for the now dry Cal.

Here is a picture of a gift I made for a friend that retired this year


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Jeez Scott,

Stone, wood and a boat, what could be cooler than that!

I presume that the boat is actually functional, is that a Whitehall? From the picture it looks similar, although the shape of the transom would be more of an indicator.

Like all your projects, this is just beautiful to look at and I'm sure the quality of the workmanship is up to your usual high standards.
Great Stuff!

Best Regards,
Hello Terry:
Not sure of the maker of the boat it was a handmade lap strike cedar rowing ship. When I got it, it was one step from a garden box. At this point in it's life, it is doing the best it can to be a roof over the bar. It can keep the rain out but not a whole lot more.

Tony: I am not sure where to could get a tug boat.

Looking forward to the Get Together
I intend to show up Friday evening, hopefully after dinner at the Moon Pool in vicky town. I will be bringing the Mark Audio drivers with spotted fever.

I am also trying to talk Rene' Jaeger into coming along, because if he does, he will bring with one of oddest and sonically most beautiful amps I have ever heard. And the output section is solid state! But that doesn't even begin to hint at the wonderful weirdness of this beauty, just a revolutionary rethink of amplifier topologies.

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It will be great to see you. Keep in mind that Friday evening is informal BBQ nite.

We'll have to compare notes on spotted A7, just hooked mine up. I hope you can talk Rene into coming, i'd really like to see and hear his amps.

And i'd like to announce that Mark has dispatched a pair of hand built Alpair 10 Mk2 for there 1st appearance outside Hong Kong. Accompanying them are a pair of Jordan JX92 of recent prodution for side-by-side comparison.



diyAudio Member
Joined 2005
Keep in mind that Friday evening is informal BBQ nite...

So if I come, I can leave the cummerbund behind? Damn thing doesn't fit any more anyway.

Do you have an schedule/itinerary/agenda for the whole event? I skimmed through the thread again but didn't see anything.

It'd be cool to meet Bud too, and see/hear his Chicken Polks, er... spotted fever Marks.

Joined 2001
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Alpair 10 + JX92S have arrived

The pre-production proto-types hand built by Taniguchi-san have arrived. I'm getting as many hours on them & the JX92 as possible before the event.

Seen here with A7 on one side and A12 on the other. Cone size of JX92 and A10 are very close.



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No formal schedule... 3 "sound rooms (maybe 4)"... people bring stuff, we listen, talk & play. No way we can do everything we'd like so we don't try.

We just hope everyone leaves with their brains leaking out from information overload.



Cal and I will be there to maintain order and give instruction on proper behavior. We could also serve as tour guides for those unfamiliar with the grounds surrounding Castle Dlugos.

I'll jump the gun and issue a word of warning: Chewing the bark on certain trees may be harmful to your mental health!
Hey Dave, I just realized the drivers I want to hang on your famous OB wall might be a bit much for them. I think the drivers are about 40 lbs. apiece. What do you think we can do? Maybe get that guy with the strong back to help support them? Also, the 16" frame has a cut out of about 14 3/8" methinks we might need a better securing method than the painters tape.


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Joined 2001
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Hey Dave, I just realized the drivers I want to hang on your famous OB wall might be a bit much for them. I think the drivers are about 40 lbs. apiece. What do you think we can do? Maybe get that guy with the strong back to help support them? Also, the 16" frame has a cut out of about 14 3/8" methinks we might need a better securing method than the painters tape.

The big baffles can only accomadate 8" (i have some client W8-1808 i'd like to try out)

I have a jigsaw, we may be able to scare up something you can cut holes into.

Joined 2001
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I was talking with Bob (Creative Sound) today, and he is bringing over some clearance stuff. I also expect Gregg the Geek (Custom Valve Design) is likely to bring some of his boards, and i'm going to be offering up any stock of completed units for 20% off and will have lots of free or by donation & cheap stuff up for grabs. (so bring money if you think you are going to be tempted)

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