7th Annual Vancouver Island diyFEST 2010

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Just returned from the diy fest and must say there was good sound to be heard from various shapes and sized speakers spread throughout the property.

Thanks to Dave and Ruth for putting up with everyone.

And a special mention for Cal being in charge of after hours driveway flashlight patrol to make sure we find our cars in the dark!

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Final max count on attendance was 23 1/2. Half dozen less people kept things a little bit less hectic.

The 1/2 was Stew's virtual attendance. (Stew really wanted to be here... but he got caught in a Catch22). He sent along his tone arm tutorial. He couriered arm tubes and pen refills. Bernie did lovely wooden headshells, and wooden bases, and at least 1/2 dozen people went home with arms.

Pictures to follow.

The 1/2 was Stew's virtual attendance. (Stew really wanted to be here... but he got caught in a Catch22). He sent along his tone arm tutorial. He couriered arm tubes and pen refills. Bernie did lovely wooden headshells, and wooden bases, and at least 1/2 dozen people went home with arms.

I'm one of the lucky arm recipients. Many thanks to Stew and Bernie for their efforts.

Thanks P10 - just counting all of BudP's little EnABL blocks should keep me busy for the next few hours!!! :rolleyes:

you'd need to dig out your jeweler's loupe to count them all - particularly those on the "dust cap" dome, or save yourself the eye strain and just listen

Mark had already raised the bar on performance from a "dinky little metal cone" :rolleyes: with the A7/ A10MKII, and Bud's polka dots just dig deeper into the fine grain and texture of detail.
Dave Rosgaard and I left the Stargate to Planet10 at 9 am this morning and pulled into Dave's Driveway at 5:20 pm after having to wait to board the second ferry.

Dave R had a great time, as did I.

I'd like to thank Dave, and especially Ruth for once again hosting an event that is just about the most fun you can have and still look people in the eye the next morning! Good Music, good gear, good food and great people to share it with, what a blast.

Note: Of all my winnings I gave away four prizes, not three, keeping only a pair of "polka dotted" drivers for myself. As I consider myself indebted to both Bud Purvine and Dave D. for putting up with me all these years, I have taken a vow to return to the mountain fastness of Castle Dlugos next year with a pair of "Nabled" speakers toin order to go head to head with Don the Doorman's promised pair.

Best Regards,
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Fun and good sound

Hello folks
I made it home safe and sound as well. Reliving some of the interesting conversations I had makes the journey go quite quickly.

Lots of fun this year. A warm thank you and hug from up island to Ruth, Dave, and Chris. Daniel you are a god of electronics. I marvel at how quickly you diagnose stuff and get it fixed up. You are truly a helpful DIYer with the coolest toys.
I always love spending giggle time with my brother from a different mother. Cal you are the greatest Man!!!! I hope we did not cause too much kaos but it does come as part of the package. At least we did not do any burning stone experiments this year.

For me the hit of the show was the three way by David Rosgaard. I just wish my newly repaired Aikido/F4 had a bit more output to really put them to the test. As was said by others that is one very good sounding speaker. Good for you David.

Nuff said for now

Thanks again
Many, many thanks to Dave & Ruth for hosting what's become a highlight of my (challenged!!) social calendar!
The hospitality is second to none. Throw a great bunch of folks into the mix, and the event truly becomes one not to be missed.
Thanks to Chris for his willingness to swap speakers/components around, even into the late hours!
Terry's generous gift of a pair of Alpair chr70eN's was most welcome, but definitely "a stick with two ends" as the sawdust my surely fly, or else!!
(hoping you didn't blow all your luck at the 'fest, and have saved some for the Wash. state Lottery!!)
Thinking also that Cal at least deserves honourable mention, if not an outright prize for his version of a Winnebago!!
Best to all, looking forward to next year already,
Terry and I made it back via our amphibian route this afternoon. Thanks to Dave D. for the extra caffeine boost this morning before departure. :D

For a first-timer, I had a great time – new friends, great weather, and a lot of great gear and good tunes to check out. I am impressed with the unbelievable sound from the single drivers.

I appreciate the kind words on my 3-ways, and glad to hear so many enjoyed them. It was amazing to see the talent of so many others, driven by such enthusiasm. Must . . . find . . . antidote . . . to . . . this . . . solid state . . . rut. Must . . . seek . . . tubes! ;)

And of course, the hospitality was second to none. Thanks to Dave D. and of course, Ruth.

Looking forward to doing it again.
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Terry (with his Obama Bib), , speaker assembly/electronics checkup, back deck, Tysen & Jeff discussing the state of the art,Barry.



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Ruth has posted a whack of pictures here: http://7thannualvidiyfest.shutterfly.com/


Thanks for taking the time to get so many of them up so fast Ruth!!! :worship:

My hat's off to you for being able to have that lot over for a weekend AND doing the photo's as well - AMAZING!!!! :D:D:D

Wonderful bunch of great looking speakers and gear!

I'm practicing some degree of self control by not commenting about the attendees. Obviously by even making this small statement I still need some more work on that - but then I do have many years of therapy remaining. :rolleyes:
Once again an event to remember.

Up until about 9pm Saturday that is. All though it didn't rain, I wasn't as dry as I thought I might be so things get a little hazy after that.

A big thanks to Ruth and Dave, gracious hosts as always. Good food, good company, good music, what more do you need in life?

It was really nice to see old friends there. Ones that you come to know through these events and the new ones that were there for the first time. Sad also that some couldn’t make it. Nanook Stew comes to mind. The place wasn’t the same with only one dork there. I did see the box of arms with headshells that together with someone else they had there for others to enjoy and take home. Heck of a nice gesture when you aren’t even gonna be there.

Other noobs included Dave R, Todd, Mathew and his son Colin, Daniels friend Nick, Eric, Fleming, Peter, Bob, Gary and Brenda. I know I’ve left some out but as mentioned, (including someone who’s toolkit I used) things were a little foggy later on. And maybe this wasn’t their first time but...

And the old crowd of friendlies like Terry, Chris, Bob, Daniel, Gregg, Bud, Don, Barry, Frank, Jeff, Jim, and of course, my brother from another mother Scott who remains one of the funniest and most talented guys I know. When I grow up I wanna be just like him. In some ways I have already surpassed him but I wasn’t really talking belly size. One day I’ll get up to his place and get to see all his hard work. I’m afraid the pictures just don’t cut it.

It was also nice to see those who are kind enough to donate for the raffle, that always adds an extra kick to the evening. Mind you, our good friend Terry was a bit piggy with the winning. Not sure how he kept picking his own tickets, we might have to investigate that one. He won so darn many times he had to forfeit most of his prizes, poor guy. He was kind enough to leave at least a couple prizes for his pal Cal in the way of some connectors and a beautiful Trio 12 subwoofer.

Lot’s of good speakers there including the one Scott mentioned. Terry’s friend Dave R made a 3 way with a Silver Flute 6.5 that sounded better than it should and a few of the FR in the appropriate boxes were great as well. I didn’t get upstairs much as I’m simply not allowed there after rum but I hear the systems up there were really good as well.

It was also nice to see the collections of amps and preamps that these guys put together. I couldn’t even make the box they’re in let alone the guts. Some real talent there at this fest.

The porta-potty was a nice touch too. Placed right beside the fallen peetree, in it’s honour.

Thanks again Dave and Ruth for all your hard work. I think we know what it takes to put one of these things on and are very appreciative of all your efforts. Thanks again to all those who pitched in and were a big help to Dave and Ruth whether it was with set-up, assembly or food contributions and prep work, dishes, whatever, it was a big job and it was nice to see they had help. Me? I just sat around and got funnier, taller, smarter and tougher as the night wore on. Just ask me, I was great. What? You don’t agree? Damn, I knew that would happen.
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1st functioning event speaker was a variation om the MJK/Shearer passive OB with FF85KeN + Eminience Alpha

The baffles are a coffee table top cut in half. Standard height (32"?) but 24" top/28" bottom width.

XO based on Jim's XO using parts in the junk box. Deviations were towards lower XO to compensate for wider baffle. (pics to come)

Sounds pretty good. Still needs work.



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