8th Annual Vancouver Island diyFEST 2011

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And a monument to old George Vancouver on Maui! He sure got around, that fellow.

Hey Mike,

During the American Revolution, Ben Franklin was instrumental in getting the Navy to instruct their Captains that Vancouver was to be assisted if necessary, and under no circumstances was he to be attacked or hindered, because he "was a friend to all Mankind."

IIRC, wasn't Hawaii his last Port of Call?

Best Regards,
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We also have a in Vancouver in Washington state. That's where the last VSAC took place.

Best Regards,
TerryO (I'm at Dave R's house helping on a bathroom remodel.)

Yeah, but we got the real one :clown:

So what's the deal? Everybody brings their latest, and we all listen? I'm really looking forward to it.


Some also show up to listen and go "Wow!" :D

I recently met Dave and he invited me out to this. Sounds like a ton of fun. I've never been to a DIY meet. So what's the deal? Everybody brings their latest, and we all listen? I'm really looking forward to it.


Before you make any decisions, you might want to look at the posted coverage of prior events. I've always felt intimidated (and frightened) at those events, but it's been my duty to bring both enlightenment and redemption to the Islanders.

Best Regards,
TerryO (Your Brother in Bose)
Joined 2006
Paid Member
I recently met Dave and he invited me out to this. Sounds like a ton of fun. I've never been to a DIY meet. So what's the deal? Everybody brings their latest, and we all listen? I'm really looking forward to it.

To put a bit of a fine point on things - bringing your latest "audio gear" = good thing. Bringing your latest flame - errrrrrrr - I would give that careful consideration.
Don't be scared. My older brother TerryO has spoken. That's enough for me.

Bring large speakers. These guys like things smaller than a coffin for some reason and we need more of that stuff.

The guys outside, enjoying a beverage or two beg to differ... well maybe that's just me. :)

Bringing your latest flame... it will be a good test of your relationship. Unless of of course she actually likes the overflow of testosterone :)

Cheers :cheers:
To put a bit of a fine point on things - bringing your latest "audio gear" = good thing. Bringing your latest flame - errrrrrrr - I would give that careful consideration.

Yes, I remember the ceremony where the Islanders (who were overstimulated from their native intoxicating beverage) were performing their pagan rituals with torches, in front of their Sacred Granite Altar.

Another time, one of the natives became so overcome with paganistic fervor, that he rushed around with a crowbar (another native fetish) and in the end destroyed a Chicken Coop. He probably needed a live Chicken, to sacrifice on the Granite Altar, as part of some sort of primitive ceremony. Even recently, several Salmon have been gutted and ritually cleansed near the former location of the Coop, to (evidently) appease and placate the Chicken Gods.

I'd believe that these atavistic practices are certainly worthy of a detailed study by any aspiring Cultural Anthropologist.

Best Regards,


Joined 2006
Paid Member
If I remember correctly (always a question) did not someone attempt to burn down the Granite Altar with a big assssss propane torch??? I do seem to recall that said propane torch (and any like devices) were requested to be kept off of the property. (Not to mention any names tho).
If I remember correctly (always a question) did not someone attempt to burn down the Granite Altar with a big assssss propane torch??? I do seem to recall that said propane torch (and any like devices) were requested to be kept off of the property. (Not to mention any names tho).

I agree, we don't want to mention any names, as it might embarrass Cal and Scott.

Mum's the word!

Best Regards,
If I remember correctly (always a question) did not someone attempt to burn down the Granite Altar with a big assssss propane torch??? I do seem to recall that said propane torch (and any like devices) were requested to be kept off of the property. (Not to mention any names tho).

Actually, I believe that they were using the Sacred Tiger Torch to ritually purify the Altar with the Divine Flame, prior to the ceremonial sacrifice of the "Chosen Chicken."

Best Regards,
Admiral Ruth hath declared no open flames during high fire season :-X

What type of tubes are those anyway?
They appear to be mini EL 34's. Well, not exactly. Maybe they're Doc Bottlehead's helper Elves.

Best Regards,

They're unloved TV tubes that found a home and glory in something very west coast ;)

Nope, not Doc... they're employed by Classic Valve Design and given union-equivalent wage :D

Admiral Ruth hath declared no open flames during high fire season :-X

They're unloved TV tubes that found a home and glory in something very west coast ;)

Nope, not Doc... they're employed by Classic Valve Design and given union-equivalent wage :D

Talk about a dream job!

I bet tubes from all over the world are flocking to Canada to make their fame and fortune. It's widely rumored that all the Chassis' are plated with Gold!

Best Regards,
Joined 2006
Paid Member
Actually, I believe that they were using the Sacred Tiger Torch to ritually purify the Altar with the Divine Flame, prior to the ceremonial sacrifice of the "Chosen Chicken."

Best Regards,

As Geek has stated - and he should know - Admiral Ruth will be purifying something along the lines of "roasted chestnuts" (if you get my drift) if she catches you kids playing around with toys like that again!!! :eek:

I do luv the way you have stated things tho - reminds me of things I used to say to my Mum while I ran around with my cardboard sword and wearing a pillow case as my cape. :D:D:D
As Geek has stated - and he should know - Admiral Ruth will be purifying something along the lines of "roasted chestnuts" (if you get my drift) if she catches you kids playing around with toys like that again!!! :eek:

I do luv the way you have stated things tho - reminds me of things I used to say to my Mum while I ran around with my cardboard sword and wearing a pillow case as my cape. :D:D:D

I get the impression that you've stated that in the past tense (?).

I still run around in my tinfoil hat, waving my soldering iron!

Best Regards,
Joined 2006
Paid Member
I get the impression that you've stated that in the past tense (?).

I still run around in my tinfoil hat, waving my soldering iron!

Best Regards,

Meeee tooo!!!! Alas - my Mighty Dog Manfred is waiting for me in dogie heaven. I miss him everyday!!!!!


  • Thomas with Manfred and speaker 16 April 07 120 x 120 cropped.jpg
    Thomas with Manfred and speaker 16 April 07 120 x 120 cropped.jpg
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