8th Annual Vancouver Island diyFEST 2011

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Meeee tooo!!!! Alas - my Mighty Dog Manfred is waiting for me in dogie heaven. I miss him everyday!!!!!

Great domestic scene, straight out of Norman Rockwell.


What could be more heartwarming than a picture of a man, his faithfull friend and his Tin-Foil hat!

Best Regards,
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Bring large speakers. :cheers:
To bad this is all I got


Yes, I remember the ceremony where the Islanders (who were overstimulated from their native intoxicating beverage) were performing their pagan rituals with torches, in front of their Sacred Granite Altar.

Another time, one of the natives became so overcome with paganistic fervor, that he rushed around with a crowbar (another native fetish) and in the end destroyed a Chicken Coop. He probably needed a live Chicken, to sacrifice on the Granite Altar, as part of some sort of primitive ceremony. Even recently, several Salmon have been gutted and ritually cleansed near the former location of the Coop, to (evidently) appease and placate the Chicken Gods.

I'd believe that these atavistic practices are certainly worthy of a detailed study by any aspiring Cultural Anthropologist.

Best Regards,

Maybe this event isn't for me
Joined 2001
Paid Member
To bad this is all I got

Terry brings those kinds of projects all the time. We thou usually have to provide work space & tools so he can finish something at the last minute.

Maybe this event isn't for me

All those guys have been a number of times, and are just pulling your leg and passing off inside jokes to each other. They are all really quite tame (but all colourful).


No pictures of c2cthomas ... he hasn't been able to make one yet (be a nice drive thou... most of the way across the continent, and 2 trips thru the Rockies :D)

This event is perfect for you. Just expect your brains to be leaking by the end from information overload :D

It is always nice to see

Joined 2006
Paid Member
No pictures of c2cthomas ... he hasn't been able to make one yet (be a nice drive thou... most of the way across the continent, and 2 trips thru the Rockies :D)

Here is one of "Steve" and Dr. Jim Griffin (da man on "line array" speaker design - plus just about anything you can put a driver in). Da guy on the right is me in my in my old fart disguise (I'm really only 49) and that was at a little meeting of the Nashville Audio Society. Oddly enough Steve wanted to know more about stealth fighter technology than speaker design. My answer - I did things with Meteorological Science - (like earth and space "weather" - sun spots and magnetic storms and tornado's and will the sun come up tomorrow kinda things).


  • Thomas and Jim and Steve.JPG
    Thomas and Jim and Steve.JPG
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Terry brings those kinds of projects all the time. We thou usually have to provide work space & tools so he can finish something at the last minute.

All those guys have been a number of times, and are just pulling your leg and passing off inside jokes to each other. They are all really quite tame (but all colourful).

This event is perfect for you. Just expect your brains to be leaking by the end from information overload :D

It is always nice to see


It's Dave that's pulling your keg!

Here's a before and after pictue of one poor soul that made the mistake of drinking some of Dave's infamous "Turkish Coffee":


You see, it's not all wholesome fun and games. I believe they had to drive a stake through that guy's heart to get him calmed down.

Best Regards,
Terry "The Transformer" Olson
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Just an FYI to anyone living in Washington or able to come through Washington. I'd be willing to pick up people from the Port Angeles ferry (Coho) and bring up to the event. I won't be staying the night or anything, but it might save some money not bringing a car over.

That is if you don't mind carrying your speakers. Once here though I have room in my car ;)
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