8th Annual Vancouver Island diyFEST 2011

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... cause I'm stuck at home (again).

As always , a shortage of cash. The wife re-injured her back (the 4th time in 4 years!---she may be forced into retirement at 45), :crying: she even arranged to have the time off to go to the island this year.

Stew, I'm truly sorry to hear that. I was hoping to see you this year, as I'm sure the rest of the gang did as well.

If any want to webcam the listening sessions or live discussions ( audio or audio +video). perhaps I could participate at some level. The talk heard out there is as important as the projects presented.

That's a great idea, although I'm not sure how, or what, that would entail. I bet that would make a great U-Tube segment with a lot of hits. Even with my dial-up modem, I'd be willing to wait the 4 or 5 hours for it to load.

A couple of interesting things going on: turntables as usual (Garrard Lab 60 and Dual 1214 projects started), improved "219" tonearm.

That sounds interesting as all get out. Are you posting anything on it yet?

TerrryO: Did you get my email concerning the PNWAS digital system comments? Hope so. A completely valid option as long a someone can solder and follow instructions well. Nice thing is that the "Yamamoto inspired" DAC can be configured for USB, optical, coaxial S/DIF, etc. Non oversampling . In the same "spirit" as the Shiga clones.

I'll take a look at it and forward the info, although there's a number of Club member's that seem to think that only expensive, store bought gear could possibly be any good. It's certainly frustrating for those who know better, but such is life.

When I finally get my :cuss: together, I'd like to visit before I die. Dave, got room for a granny shack up there?

I really hope you don't wait "that long." Some of us are starting to get up in years and may not be around. I'm thinking of the others of course, as it quite simply doesn't apply to me!

Best Regards,
guys, thanks...

TerryO: Really, have a look here. Yamamoto inspired NOS DAC. A MAC or MAC mini, some good software and you're done. Keep the 777 and whatever DAC as a cd player, or use whatever comp you end up getting.

Dave: I take it you don't want any Charlie Manson look-a-likes. I think I may have something more socially acceptable. I'll send something along as soon as I can.

The tt projects are way better than imagined. Anyone want an old Oracle Alex for a very reasonable price?
Of all the things I have built since last year, I think this one will fit the bill the best.


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Well - of course the problem with that plan is both guys getting up to P10's house with any beer left - and remembering where the hell they left the boombox at....... :rofl::rofl::rofl:

OTOH - I don't suppose it would be the 1st time a search party needed to be sent out looking for someone or something...

"We're all seekers in our own way."

~Count Terrefino Olsonovavich (13th Century)
old son of a witch? that goes a long way to explaining last year's skin walker accidentally caught on film

How dare you insult the memory of that stalwart defender of the Eastern March. It's said that the great Serbo-Italian Count Terrifino Olsonovavich stood on the right of his blood brother and comrade, Count Vlad Tepes in the defense of Wallachia.

Besides it's pronounced Olso-nova-vich. So, You just better lighten up mister!
Don't provoke me into doing something I really don't want to do...

OH NO, it's happening again....

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