A Big'un - the Audio Nirvana Super 15

,On YouTube many videos of these speakers and the bass is nowhere. Sounding almost like a phone's speaker . I bought AN15 Classic, without a second cone. I made the boxes 280 litres. Left to make holes for speakers and vented enclosures, and also to varnish.
Tell me what it is actually with the level of bass in these speakers.
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More like a combination of a very reverberant room and a cheap cellphone camera and mic.

Since when can we actually compare speakers from poorly recorded Youtube videos?

Even the cheapest phone records a very deep bass. I don't know of such a modern device which would record sound so nasty. I do not understand why the author published this video, because the sound discreditied dynamics AN15. Moreover, he posted a lot of these records, and everywhere the sound is terrible.
I find the bass more than adequate. But I will say, the AN15 feels to me like it was not designed to be a bass machine in the same way as some of the 15" woofers are designed to be that people use for heavy rock. Rather it is a full range driver capable of deep bass and with the small excursion benefit of a large cone it keeps low distortion. I would not use it as a party-rock machine. If you want it for music, you will not be disappointed.
Bigun, I think of the 15" full range driver sort of like a Quad electrostatic in the way it's a large radiationg area. When I was listening to the 12 inch Eminence Beta 12LTA (with helper woofer and tweeter) it was really cool to hear instruments and vocals appear magically in space from (mostly) the 12 inch driver. I bet you are hearing this with the AN 15" driver.
you watched that on youtube? do you think that this record enough bass?

I find the bass more than adequate. But I will say, the AN15 feels to me like it was not designed to be a bass machine in the same way as some of the 15" woofers are designed to be that people use for heavy rock. Rather it is a full range driver capable of deep bass and with the small excursion benefit of a large cone it keeps low distortion. I would not use it as a party-rock machine. If you want it for music, you will not be disappointed.
I don't have my computer hooked up to external speakers so with the built-in speakers of my iMac it's not possible to tell if there's bass on anything - I didn't even bother checking out the link.

If bass is a priority for you, I would suggest not restricting yourself to a single full range driver, even if it's 15" big. You will likely be happier with a proper woofer (or two...)
Hello Bigun, and to everybody else.

I am interested in a comparison from everyone who has had the possibility to hear the 15 inch Nirvanas in the 13.6 cabinet and some systems consisting of 15 inch woofer + compression driver into a horn.

The AN 15 inch advantages are well known: no x-over, sound comes from a single source.

The satisfactory low frequency output mentioned by Bigun attracted my attention, however it also rose some questions (curiosities may be a better term):

1. In terms of grunt how does 13.6 compare to a 15 inch+compression horn? I mean speakers like JBL S4700 or Cornwall give drums, and other percussion instruments very close life like scale. Is the AN15 in 13.6 close? Or does it lacking it noticeably?

2. Related to 1 above, how about when increasing the amplifier volume, when listening to such demanding with percussion lots of bass tracks, can you reach a satisfactory loudness level without perceiving the driver bottoming out/ or distortion and say..oh yeah it's plenty loud for me, and the driver remains clean to my ears, i am not referring to deaf-rock concert levels, just being able to reach a comparable non-amplified live music level and still the driver to remain clean sounding to the ears? Let's say non amplified drums, double bass?

3. The 2 way 15 inch with horn systems are having an ease with which they reproduce drums and demanding bass instruments, I am especially referring to the compression driver part, so a snare for example is reproduced with ease, how do these AN 15 compare? Do they lack here?

I realise I may have written some stupid stuff / questions up there, and I am aware it is a high efficiency 15 inch full range driver. But still from people who heard both types of systems I would like to know such audible impressions.

Please excuse my English if not very good here and there, it's not my native language.

Thank you very much!
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i’ve never heard one of those 2-way speakers with a big woofer and horn for the highs (although I nearly had something like that set up with my Apollo project which is another thread somewhere) but I imagine that if you are looking for bass performance with high power handling and lots of punch then the two way option will be a bit better than the single driver, as emk2 says, because you can employ a high power woofer dedicated to the task. i’m still using my single driver as my main system because it has been more than enjoyable. I did once hear a huge >four-way stack at a DIY meet in Toronto and it was more than impressive. it was loafing along on very little power and had a clarity from top to bottom that beats out my single driver. I would say it had no personality which is a complement to the goals of the designer. but it was huge and completely impractical for my house. as 2picoDums says, There is something special about the sound of an open back speaker using this audio nirvana driver, which may not provide the same gut punch as some other methods, but it has a purity of sound that grows on you. it’s also nice to see that my single driver is still available from audio nirvana. I have not been able to cause it to bottom out and the sound level is capable of exceeding my comfort, it digs deep.

The single driver is not without a crossover it simply uses a mechanical approach to separating the high frequencies from the low frequencies by using a wizard cone. No that’s not a typo, I call it a wizard cone because it is really impressive in what it achieves in terms of lack of fatigue and very good dispersion within the room
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Open baffle then add about 6 dB eq (say around 30Hz) to compensate for some of the roll off.
These speakers are incredibly dynamic on very little power (not more than 2W rms) for a medium room eg say 30 feet by 30 feet.

I think around 450mm to 550mm wide baffle seemed to be the sweetspot. Going wider reduces roll off but you start losing the magic of open baffle (like the band is playing live in your room).
A little bit of eq and Bob's your uncle.

Edit: Alternatively, a slot loaded open baffle does the job.
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Just to wet the appetite.
These ones are 10" Alnico Classic.

I have
15" Ferrite Super
10" Super Neo
10" Classic Alnico (Not yet listened to)
10" Classic Ferrite (Not yet listened to)


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It basically comes down to how you listen; "gut punch" or "purity of sound". Some say FR speakers will never touch a cornwall, others sell their Klipschhorns after hearing what a 15" FR can do.

The excitement inherent in the ability to play concert loud-clean, with a lot of gut punch no longer appears to me (due to age, I presume) so I sacrifice much of that capability for something different. Make your choices according to how you listen these days.
Just to wet the appetite.
These ones are 10" Alnico Classic.

I have
15" Ferrite Super
10" Super Neo
10" Classic Alnico (Not yet listened to)
10" Classic Ferrite (Not yet listened to)

wow, you are a fan :D

I always thought the 12” Super Ferrite looked promising too as the data sheet and FR is close to the 15”. I guess you liked the 10” Neo as you have got yourself a few more 10” sized cones ?

I’ve realized that I very likely didn’t need to build the Big’un speaker as big as I did, it could have been smaller without loss of performance.
I've been modeling up the AN 15 classic ferrite along with the Aurum Cantus G1 giant ribbon together...The classic Ferrite responds better than the Alnico version, a high Db all along the board. The biggest of the AC ribbons is a top Db performer as well.
A first order filter coming in at appx. 6K is needed to keep the big ribbon away from 110 Dbs.



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wow, you are a fan :D

I always thought the 12” Super Ferrite looked promising too as the data sheet and FR is close to the 15”. I guess you liked the 10” Neo as you have got yourself a few more 10” sized cones ?

I’ve realized that I very likely didn’t need to build the Big’un speaker as big as I did, it could have been smaller without loss of performance.

I have an open baffle setup with a single 10" and 2 x 15" drivers.
I plan to swap out the 10s to see which one I like best.

If I was going to purchase a single driver I would definitely purchase the Super 15".
My opinion could change after testing the Classic drivers.

The 15" is definitely an awesome driver.