A DIY Ribbon Speaker of a different Kind

MC Audiotech Forty-10

While thumbing thru a recent Stereophile, stumbled on a blerb about the Fort-10 and thought of this thread.
A search didn't uncover any postings on it so figured I'd add one.

This is a new offering from the guy behind the Linaeum tweeters.
An array of 10 larger transducers of that type are married to a Ripole bass module with active EQ.
MC Audio | MC Audio


  • Forty-10.png
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  • Forty_10_brochure-1b.pdf
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  • Wide_Band_Linear_Transducer_White_Paper.pdf
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...I'm good with horu5's 'bent ribbon' approach...including the..*G*...well, I won't 'needle' about it....;) I'm a dipole fan, but I'd agree that the back wave could be problematic, so good luck with the damping routine....

Any new venture into a 'known unknown' calls for a bit of 'best guess'....and besides, DIY is full of that. *S*

WrineX....First glimpse of the 40/10 struck me as 'Mid-Century Modern' vibe (bottom) with a 'compressed take' on a PA horn on top....😏

SAF? You're kidding.... -5, and falling.... I can hear "...That is NOT going into My Living Room, end of line...." *Stance like a 'cage boxer'* *L*

My spouse is pretty liberal when it comes to speakers, but...Even she would want something draped over them....which would make them look like very big tombstones, which neither of us would enjoy the 'reference'....her 65, me 70....

I'd hold for a 'deep listening session' before pulling the $ trigger....and being a bachelor couldn't hurt. ;)
..oh, Yeah....Hi, y'all. *S*

Been way too busy for awhile now to hang 'n harangue...while CV drove everyone into hiding, 'we' got really busy, and still are....

When you build things that draw (or have about to 'drive') the kids outdoors during lockdowns, self-induced 'stir-crazies', and constant PlayStation....

You work.
Still are.
'We shan't not complain'....;)

...but I 'pop by', to see whazzup....*G*
music soothes the savage beast
Joined 2004
Paid Member
While thumbing thru a recent Stereophile, stumbled on a blerb about the Fort-10 and thought of this thread.
A search didn't uncover any postings on it so figured I'd add one.

This is a new offering from the guy behind the Linaeum tweeters.
An array of 10 larger transducers of that type are married to a Ripole bass module with active EQ.
MC Audio | MC Audio

I have heard this speaker at audio show few years back. I did chat with the designer. Since I like linaeum tweeters and have used them in the past.
One thing which I did not like too much was that imaging suffered in comparison to typical speakers with just tiny tweeter. When you have highs emanating from multiple sources spaced out, imaging suffers. Just my observation.
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Hi, adason...*S* Yeah, the Bose 901 approach to mid>highs. ;)

A 'line array' ought to work better, without the curvature, but...*shrug*

I recently ran into a link on a ripole subwoofer that I've got all the bits 'n drivers (not the spec'd, but available for abuse) that I'm curious to fart about with....

Jazzman's DIY Electrostatic Loudspeaker Page: Ripole Subwoofers:

...co-related with This, from Nelson of all people....


...and, being the ESS'er AMT fan I is, in the midst of Walsh wanderings still...

(Got 'gifted' with The 'ESS series Eclipse 2241am Electronic Crossover', probably from that era....among other items....)

....makes a date with my saws 'n stuff almost inevitable....*L*
WrineX....yeah, I'm easily doomed by my abuse of Angulish... ;) It lends itself to my deviant distortion of phrase phases.... *L*

Fortunately, all those teachers that attempted to pound proper into my little mushbox cranium are likely dead or in a home drooling at the TV....

Hopefully, their ghosts laugh....

"Well.....he learned 'Something'....just...not what we'd expected....?!" *L*

It's been an odd 'n awed sort of day so far. My regular cardiologist is ill, and not 'working' anymore. A younger fellow, last 'visit' via Zoom due to the CV (which is apparently not his issue....the big 'C'? Maybe...)

It's just weird to think one might outlive ones' cardio, y'know? And the one that basically got me 'stable' (Yeah, I 'heard' that..."Jrig...Stable?! 'Right'...." *wild laughter*), gobbling non-rec drugs 2x daily....

Life would be funny if it wasn't so tragic.

Just 'musing about that on a sunny Tues in AVL...

....why do Beautiful Days seem to have at least one dark cloud?
...rhetorical query...the answer to which subsumes deeper roots than humans have.....😔
music soothes the savage beast
Joined 2004
Paid Member
Hi, adason...*S* Yeah, the Bose 901 approach to mid>highs. ;)

A 'line array' ought to work better, without the curvature, but...*shrug*

I recently ran into a link on a ripole subwoofer that I've got all the bits 'n drivers (not the spec'd, but available for abuse) that I'm curious to fart about with....

Jazzman's DIY Electrostatic Loudspeaker Page: Ripole Subwoofers:

...co-related with This, from Nelson of all people....


...and, being the ESS'er AMT fan I is, in the midst of Walsh wanderings still...

(Got 'gifted' with The 'ESS series Eclipse 2241am Electronic Crossover', probably from that era....among other items....)

....makes a date with my saws 'n stuff almost inevitable....*L*

forget jazzman, he a mooroon
"Curiosity killed the cat, and the bulk of 'sci-fi and horror movie expendable characters'."

So, adason...is it the ripole design concept that 'bites', or just jazzmans' approach to that type of sub? I've no commitment as this point to that design; it just stoked a level of interest...

Does N. Pass' 'SLOB' approach (multiple small woofers) make more sense?

The comment on O. Heils' "multiple rods...parallel cones...(etc.)" became the Transar, which long ago and far away I actually got to hear in person....

Huge....'fragile', as one report noted it has to be rebuilt prior to a show in Chicago (I believe...it's been quite awhile back...).

A later variant seemed to be the Tymphany LAT250 sub, which 'came and went' almost as quickly. Certainly smaller...unheard by yours truly, but of fascination none the less.

LAT Tymphany

If you'd care to expound, I'm of eyes to read. *S* ;)
I will get back to you after all, as there has been further significant progress.

The damping of the membrane

The damping has now become thicker. On both sides, initially 4mm (2x2mm) set back a little and increased to 8mm (2x4mm)

It is even more important to make the damping irregular. The distance should vary from the beginning of the membrane to the damping!
Also front and back not at the same (time) distance.
This leads to a more even frequency response.
The membrane becomes more stable against resonances.
Unfortunately, I realized that a little late.
When I make changes to the membrane, I don't have to remove it first. That makes the whole thing look pretty improvised.
The half rubanoid has important advantages over two cylinders, with no negative consequences.
So there is a better center location and no comb filter effects!
Voices are without harshness ....

Ps: I know that my speaker is not a beauty.

Nothing like pics 'n plots to peruse, peril. 👍😃
A single lobed Lin would seem to favor L or R, depending on it's placement....just a wild hare guess, but...🤷‍♂️

May be worth trying, but I'd be ready for steeled for a degree of disappointment. One might try it on an earlier version just to satisfy the curiosity of it,
Every now and then one must create a 'clunker' just to know where not to go.... ;)
Thanks vor the invitation, you and your friend they is very friendly.
In this forum, it is very difficult to understand, without misunderstanding, to most off the text. i understand about 30-40 %.
in my live, i search the reality, fun. virtual is not my strength.
everyone wishes clarity. Virtual particle life in the universe, for a short time and go return to the "dirac lake".
Nevertheless would like friendship assume.