a nice K-tube tweeter

I'm still hoping to finish the Karlson tube project I dreamed up a couple years ago (link).

I got as far as roughing out a couple tubes, and then life got in the way. I still have a bunch of promising drivers to try out. Shouldn't be too hard to put together a multi-amped test bed with my Rane RPM88.
Hi Bill F.

Post #63: "...multi-amped test bed with my Rane RPM88..."

Good thinking, I forgot all about the Rane MA 3s I've had on the shelf for years now. That'll help. :)

I've been messin' w/ some cheap GRS PZ1188, just trying to find a little time, and get a few things set up to listen to. Don't have anything set up to measure w/, so largely a waste of time, but putting the large 2"I.D. cardboard K-tube over the 1"I.D. fiberglass K-tube softened the response, nearly sounds promising. I used about 1.5" of acoustic foam at the base of the K-tubes to hold and center the big tube over the little one.



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Have al a happy newyear.

Somebody on trynergy threat did advise me to use a K-Pipe tweeter like this for injecting hf from 2 a 4 khz into the horn throat close to the 2 inch wideband driver.

For this I need a small pipe, on a 1 inch tweeter, I do not now what happens but maybe it is interesting.

I need to bend the pipe slightly.

Now I did put a tweeter in mouth for testing. I do like the pipe approach.



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