A NOS 192/24 DAC with the PCM1794 (and WaveIO USB input)

I need an opinion of yours guys.
Output level with 1.2V RMS is not always enough, especially with quiet recordings.
But when I turn up the volume to the maximum on my amplifier, there is quite a lot of hiss from the speaker, I can hear it even from 3 meters away from the speakers.
So I am a bit confused. If I build a preamp to increase the volume up, also the hiss will be amplified. But I need more volume without hiss.
I am sure the hiss comes from the DAC because if I unplug the RCA interconnect from it, the power amplifier becomes dead silence.
Do you have any experience with this?
The Hiss occurs due to the quantization noise at 44.1 and 48 kHz tracks. On the website there is a section for this.

practically you will never be able to hear this unless the recording is extremely low signal (never had this) or…. The player software somehow is not running at full volume, which is recommended anyway.

if you turn up the volume such that you notice the hiss, and start some regular track, it must be very very loud, right ?

Link to dddac web site with quantization noise theme
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I tested it yesterday and it is definitely quantization noise when playing 44.1/48 signal. At 192KHz I can hear no noise at all :)

mbrennwa sorry for saying that but your system or ear is not up to the task if you do not hear any noise when playing 44.1 or 48Khz music at max volume.
But one thing is important: if there is no signal (music stopped, idle), the DAC chip is probably muted and no noise can be heard. But as soon you start playing music, the noise becomes obvious.
Final Round for the DDDAC1794-PBT
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After celebrating the special 10-year anniversary of the DDDAC1794, it is now time to release the next version of this successful DIY-Project: the “DDDAC1794-MK3″. As always, there is “good news and bad news”. In particular for the loyal group of DDDAC1794 enthusiasts worldwide.

What is the “bad news”?
Unfortunately, there was no real way around it. As time moves on and boosted by the Covid pandemic we have seen an increase in demand for electronics components as well components getting short or even end of life. Some of the components used in the DDDAC are still uncertain in their availability (crazy long delivery times) or are just “end of life”. Enough reason to rethink how to keep the DDDAC available over a longer period of time to a broad audience.

What is the “good news”?
I have been working on the re-design of the DDDAC1794 for some time now. The goal was to maintain all the strong features and high quality of the current DDDAC1794 NOS DAC and apply new insights where possible. Squeezing even more sound quality out of it. The latter was a difficult task, given the superb quality of the current DAC. Prototypes have been built and been reviewed by me, Dick and Marco from Audio-Creative. They have extensively tested the prototype and provided some helpful inputs which will be applied in the final design.

A different design and approach for the new DDDAC
A good amount of user-feedback has been flown into the new set-up and design. For example, the PCB board is now a full-4-Layer design with power and ground planes. The PCB Layout is optimized for digital signals. Improved I2S buffering and regulation in the digital and analog circuit. Fitting (mechanically and electronically) to the new board I designed a new power supply, based on the well-known DDDAC power supply. The new design is equipped with active MOSFET rectifiers. More SMD components are embedded to make DIY construction an easier task. An option to connect an external Choke, creating a “CLC setup” is also provided. This option gives a significant sound improvement! More about the technical backgrounds and insights will be posted once the final batch is available.

But …
… the new boards/modules of the DDDAC1794 will no longer be mechanically compatible with the current DDDAC (Mainboard with stacked modules). The new design will be mechanically different. What of course remains is the use of the PCM1794 processors. I wouldn’t know of a better one which sounds so good. If implemented correctly…

… due to the wide offering of SPDIF to I2S converters, the SPDIF function on the new DDDAC is no longer available. It “only” has universal I2S input.

The new version
… will consist only out of one PCB board containing the mainboard functionality and 4 PCM1794 chips (which is the equivalent of 2 decks in the current version) It can be pre-set for mono (being a Left or Right channel) or stereo use. One PCB board will be a full DDDAC equivalent to the old Mainboard+2 DAC-Modules. Two boards on top of each other will give the possibility for a double mono L+R setup with the equivalent of a 4 decks DDDAC-PBT. Interfacing is made easier with added U/FL connectors. Current consumption is halved and more niceties …. The valued concept of upgrading by parallelizing multiple DAC sections stays the same as before. Even here more than 2 boards parallel will be possible by connecting outputs together.

What exactly will it be and what will it look like? I will post and elaborate deeply on this when the new DDDAC1794 is back from production and ready for sale.

Still some good news:

Have you been considering an upgrade of DAC boards for your current DDDAC1794? Or still buy a set of the current version? Now is the time to make decisions! There are some main and DAC boards left in the Audio Creative web shop. But gone is gone!

In case the current stock is sold out, or you are too late, no worries, there is a very last chance…
On my blog Site there is a form for a Last time buy (“Group Buy”) Link to Post on my Blog Site
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@melorin - What a coincidence, I am building the same configuration for my existing DDDAC. I have been told that Ian's HDMI receiver board is capable of working in isloation and does not need to be hatted on to a RPI/SBC stack. I will be using the https://www.audiophonics.fr/en/dac-...ter-ufl-i2s-for-dac-dddac-module-p-17234.html adapter to feed the DDDAC with ufl cables. I will be sending i2s signal from the HDMIPi Pro mk2 to this hdmi i2s receiver.
Sure @melorin. A great coincidence I must say. Anyway, i was already supplying the DDDAC the i2s signal coming from a BeagleBoneBlack SBC, FifoPi, ReclockPi stack fed by external Andrea Mori clocks and it worked well. So with that experience and the feedback that I have received from Ian and another friend, I have high hopes that this configuration should also work. I will be placing my order with Ian tonight so will keep you posted. Cheers.