A Subjective Blind Comparison of 2in to 4in drivers - Round 3

Select the driver that you think sounds best here.

  • A

    Votes: 1 3.6%
  • B

    Votes: 9 32.1%
  • C

    Votes: 1 3.6%
  • D

    Votes: 5 17.9%
  • E

    Votes: 2 7.1%
  • F

    Votes: 4 14.3%
  • G

    Votes: 2 7.1%
  • H

    Votes: 4 14.3%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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>>> and speaker h (a 'loser') is the PA130-8.

I really enjoy this driver regardless of the test results. Highly recommended!

Agreed! It is one of my favorite drivers despite the ugly industrial look or max 15kHz reach in the upper end. It has a great smooth mid range and some dynamic mid bass punch with a very nice sensitivity normally not available in a budget $18 driver. I think the plain paper cone is ripe for dampening with a secret sauce to get rid of some the early breakup. Perhaps some pentagonal symmetry strips of added rubber mass may help. But it sounds quite nice as is - especially in a 0.53x Karlsonator.
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Poll closing soon please vote!

Please vote if you have not done so. The poll closes early this coming AM at 334 GMT. That is about 1034pm Eastern time in U.S. I won't be able to post reveal measurements until sometime later as I am away from computer. I will post reveal results shortly after poll closes though about 12pm GMT.
What!! You put B80 in 4th place?? :D

Interesting that poor Peerless have always scored well in blind test but received less "rave/approval" when the drivers are revealed :D

Year agree can look strange but lets see : )

I'm curious how accurate BYRTT's predictions are!

Mee too :p actual gladly had 4 drivers right at round 2, but at round 2 had more time and did listen critical via both headphones and speakers, this time couldn't find much time because a mix of busy at job and had a week vacation away from home too.

This round only listened via speaker but it was tuned :D with driver winner from round 2..... http://www.diyaudio.com/forums/full...3in-5in-drivers-round-2-a-46.html#post4397112

Anyway how it turns out had been fun as usual, and when revealed including the objective measurements we get later when xrk971 get to his computer will be very :cool: diy data as round 1 and 2 was.


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BYRTT's impressions are similar to mine. I was tossing up between B and D in the end. I voted for B as I think it is better as a full range driver, but D may make a better dedicated midrange. I think B is the SB65 too, but I'm not so convinced about what D is.
Well my two favourites were D and H.

D should have been my vote, but I rushed and voted the same day the poll came out, and jumped for H. Then wished I'd voted for D. (hey...not everyone has the time to listen and agonise for two weeks, I'm an attempt to somehow prove they are bestowed with platinum pinnae - lol too much retired folks with time on their hands, and too few viagra in their closet :D)

B was rank, overblown lower mids, maybe high Q hump, very warm, too warm, and the resulting increased 'spaciousness' that comes from accentuated lower mids? (quietly hoping it isn't the FRS5X)

So I still cant wait for the driver D and H, and also which one was the FRS5X? Cheapest driver in the test by far, but did it do awfully???
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I was also deciding between D and H with F very close for me. I initially liked B best but then it drifted down as i was feeling it was maybe a little too warm and loose in the mid bass and started appreciating some of the subtle details in D and H. Ended up picking H based on some subtle things I heard, but I really feel D and H were very close for me and it could have been D if I would have picked on another day.

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Didn't make the poll before closing time but I would have voted A.
Why didn't you other guys for that one? Remember why?

Rising response? There were a few that had a similar 'flaw' if u can call it that.

The FRS5X is one of that ilk (could it be A?)

Unfortunately most 2" have that response probably as theyre designed for arrays and to mitigate HF loss.

I kinda know I wouldn't vote for the FRS5X in this test, which is already skewed enough in favour of larger units (I believe, the results will be telling) as many samples had the rising response (not actually a bad thing in practice) but also those few sounded less 'happy' more strained.

As I have mentioned, and been 'corrected' :D :D:D the FRS5X ( as well as the TB W2 I own, do not like an XO below 3x Fs, EVEN when actively filtered. But I know nothing ....

All in all, the only driver that will score in this test, of less than 3" will be the SB.

But then, its really difficult to be confident of any result from so few votes. And yet some will be ultimately confident :D

The only confidence I have is my choice of preference in XRKs living room and set up.

I maintain that a higher XO would've actually been far fairer on the drivers, but possibly shown up the woofer enclosure...
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Didn't make the poll before closing time but I would have voted A.
Why didn't you other guys for that one? Remember why?

For me sounds as a baby child accidently has been playing around with his dads hardware EQ setting some bit too extreme cuts and boosts. For A especially in top octaves, C and G have same resonating signature but with other frq and Q parameters.
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The Reveal

Thanks to all who participated - I hope you had fun, and thanks to all who supplied the drivers as this test would not have been possible without your generosity. The poll has closed and the results are in.

Drum roll please...

Here is the answer key.


And here are the measured frequency responses (shifted 10dB to allow plotting on same graph). Measured at same location as recording mic (0.5m). Spectrum show gated at 4ms and 1/48th octave smoothing.



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Very interesting results. I was hoping that the B80 wasn't one of the top results and that B was something cheaper lol. I'm intrigued that the P830983 measures so badly (10dB variation at 2kHz) yet, we still liked it. Interestingly the SB65 has almost the same freq response problems around 2K that don't really appear in the datasheet. Are the drivers flush mounted in the test baffle and is it chamfered at the rear for airflow?
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amazing the little 2" peerless P830983 (D) ranked second with 5 votes.
I picked H which is the 2.5" SB65 (4 votes). So my top two picks were both under 3"
I recently pick up a fostex fe83en which I am also really enjoying.
I hope more people will start to use and explore these high quality small drivers even though they are weak in bass and need to be used with a sub or bass driver (FAST).

And yes I provided the sample of the P830983. I am glad this little gem made it to #2 even though I ended up picking the SB65 in the blind test. I think I might have to pick up the SB65 at some point too.

I do wish more people would have joined in the voting though this time.
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