Acoustic Horn Design – The Easy Way (Ath4)

Joined 2004
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Impedances of these three cases (the real parts) -


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Hi Anders,

what do you mean by donating them? This is still pretty expensive stuff :)

At the moment I have six Panasonics WM-61A that I bought years ago when I though it would be a good idea to have them around. I should have bought much more, they were dirt cheap. Of course I would be more than happy to use better mics, especially if noise could be reduced as this will be probably much more critical than I anticipaded.

I really consider bying a lot more of these (cheap) 6 mm electrets and make a dense array along the tube by simply fixing them into the wall, starting right next to the driver. But let's see first how far I can get with the setup I have...

Hi again,
I have spent some time off-line (a blessing in itself...). What i mean by donating is just that, donating. These mics are "left overs" from my former employer and i grabbed them before they where thrown in bin! I can spare six of them for a good cause but if you plan on putting more than 6 in an array it might not be the best way forward for you.
On top of the mics you will need something to drive them (ICP amps) and that will of course add to the cost, nothing very expensive or complicated but still needed. They have been used for acoustic testing in mass production of mobile devices with the main interface beeing a PC with an NI NIDAQ pci card and various SW solutions.

Let me know if you are interested.

Just so we dont get to carried away... Bliesma T34A-4 @ BlieSMa T25A-6, T25B-6, T25D-6, T25S-6 | HiFiCompass


No need to get carried away, the Sica will crush every Bliesma tweeter as far as SPL is concerned.

An externally hosted image should be here but it was not working when we last tested it.

... and how did they sound :)


Can't comment on the Bliesmas (bet they are among the best dome tweets), but I know I prefer the sound of the Sica's PEI diaphragm to most metal diaphragms.
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Joined 2004
Paid Member
So this would be the idea ...
For example, this should be possible with BMS 4554 (note that the throat impedance is referenced to ⌀17 mm, which would be the actual throat diameter in this case).


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Joined 2004
Paid Member
...On top of the mics you will need something to drive them (ICP amps) and that will of course add to the cost, nothing very expensive or complicated but still needed. They have been used for acoustic testing in mass production of mobile devices with the main interface beeing a PC with an NI NIDAQ pci card and various SW solutions.

Let me know if you are interested.

Thanks for the offer, I'll have to think about it - frankly I don't want to mess with another electronics and I'd like to stay at the DIY level regarding the costs. At the moment I'm able to use my old trusted E-MU Tracker Pre which has quite nice stereo input for pre-polarised electrets. If that shows to be insufficient, I'll just let it go...

BTW, the electret capsules arrived from Texas yesterday :)
Very impressive that you can come up with and idea and then simulate it and all! Hopefully the industry sees your work and all future horns and drivers will be perfect :) These simulations and ability to iterate variations is very valuable, demystifies horn design a lot. 99% all commercial horns seem like shot from the hip when comparing to the data presented in this thread.