Acoustic Horn Design – The Easy Way (Ath4)

Joined 2004
Paid Member
I wonder if the petals would print better with a flat back - and low or no infill.
How and why?
This is my current approach that seems to work very well (hollow, no supports) -


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Joined 2008
Paid Member
I mean like on the sand horn was IIRC. Curved front, straight back of the roundover. I think it would make it slightly easier to print - especially with 90 degree segments, there would be no overhangs if printed with the flat part on the bed. It might reduce the printing time and material consumption a bit and provide more volume for filling.Also there would be more area for gluing. Printed infill is not necessary if it will be filled later. The 45 degree segment should print fine as is. I was only playing a bit with PrusaSlicer. I think I will try that.
Joined 2004
Paid Member
This is probably the cleanest I can make it (0.2 mm layer, 2 perimeters, completely hollow, thickness from 5 to 11 mm).
Now I need twenty of them for a pair...


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It's not cheap, but ColorFabb NGEN really blew me away. It's far and away the best filament I've ever come across. It's about as resistant to warping and cracking as PETG is, but the finish is much nicer.

PETG is probably my favorite filament option, but the finish just looks terrible when compared to NGEN, PLA and ABS.

One of these days I probably need to just break down and start using PLA again, because annealing it seems to make it about as good as anything, as long as you complete that extra step.

The main thing that's been stopping me is that I keep trying to figure out how to get ABS to print nicely. If I succeeded at that, it would probably make PLA and NGEN unnecessary.

decisions decisions decisions...
Man, I should reach out locally. I have a decent large format 3D printer (Folgertech FT5) with a lot of aftermarket structural parts such as CNC aluminum components for the printer head, gantry, z-axis bed, etc. If someone could help me get it going I would be happy to run it stateside for diyaudio people wanting prints at cost.

Maybe I should visit you John. Are you in Vegas now? Last I checked you were in San Diego..

Yep, nearly finished with my move out of California. Goodbye high taxes.

I'd be happy to help. But asking me for advice on 3D printers is kinda like asking a blind man for directions lol

I'm not known for making good prints...
Make it cardioid. Oversized D&D 8C.

From what I can see, the Dutch & Dutch 8C is nearly at the limit, as far as size goes.

Basically the bigger the delay is between the radiation from the front of the cone to the rear of the cone, the more issues you get with the radiation pattern. You reach a point where there's more SPL to the SIDE of the speaker than to the front!

The Linkwitz and Kreskovsky speakers ran into the same problem, which is why the baffle kept getting smaller and smaller and smaller over time.

Linkwitz baffle circa 1999:

Linkwitz baffle circa 2012:
