Acoustic Horn Design – The Easy Way (Ath4)

Joined 2004
Paid Member
Oops, I forgot to re-normalize the parameters - here it's correct + the core of a gnuplot code.

k1 = r0*r0
k2 = 2*r0*tan(a0)
k3 = (R*R - k1 - k2*L)/(L*L)
x0 = sqrt(r*r + (s*m*L)**2)

y1(l) = R + u - sqrt(u*u + k3*(l-L)**2)
y2(l) = sqrt(k1 + k2*l + k3*l*l)
w(t) = t**q

x(t) = x0 - sqrt(r*r + (s*L*(t-m))**2) - b*(t*L)**2
y(t) = w(t)*y1(t*L) + (1-w(t))*y2(t*L)

set parametric
set trange [0:1]
set samples 100

plot x(t),y(t)


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Did you try the User Guide?
tried with the config file as :

OutputRootDir = "C:\Horns"
MeshCmd = "C:\Horns\gmsh-4.9.3\gmsh-4.9.3-Windows64\gmsh.exe %f -"
GnuplotPath = "C:\Horns\gnuplot\bin\gnuplot"

and even after adding those lines in the config the same problem when I click the ath.exe file also tried to create a shortcut and referenced the ath.exe same problem.

what else to be done?

I have got the above response in commandline