Acoustic Horn Design – The Easy Way (Ath4)

Hi! Are it is possible to simulate something like this:
Hi! Are it is possible to simulate something like this:
1) Ath can't create this kind of shape directly. You would have to prepare a simulation manually - you already have the STL model, people here seem to be doing this regularly, but I have no experience with that.

2) You could create a similar shape via Ath by means of the 2-profile geometry, i.e. as a throat adapter + flat/bended board segments.
Hey team, new user here. When importing the ABEC project into AKABAK 3.1.7b97 I have this error. It also shows only a quarter of the demo1.cfg horn. When I run analysis, the analysis is blank. Any idea what is happening here? Thanks
ABEC script import in AKABAK is still limited and does not work for all Ath projects.

From the manual:
Form - Import ABEC Projects (6800)
Observation and multiple scripts. At import multiple scripts are compiled to one single script. This may have implications on specifications of ABECs sections such as Driving_Values, Control_Field, Control_Spectra. These will be imported and applied. However only the first occurrence, all further sections will be ignored.

The simplest answer is still to use ABEC with Ath, the link to download it is still on Marcel's website.

You can rebuild the ABEC project in AKABAK manually but it is a bit of effort and requires understanding how to use the program more.
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Removing the mic to speaker propagation delay to remove unnecessary phase wrapping but maintaining the relative offsets is ideal.

This is true, I wonder though if the simulated woofer will give an accurate phase or if it will just be some other version of not quite right but closer to reality, much like minimum phase with an estimated z offset.

The problem for me and anyone else using VACS text export is that it seems to like to wrap the phase and export it that way, even though the data underneath is complex and can be represented as continuous phase, I have struggled to get it out even when generating a continuous phase plot and exporting it with the preserve continuous phase option. But this is most likely just me not knowing the right buttons to press.

If you or maiky76 use your scripts to extract the data directly from the spectrum file instead of going through VACS, that problem is avoided.

In the mean time getting minimum phase in Vituix was actually very easy.

Select all the frequency response files for the driver and tick the Minimum phase box, click OK and the wrapping is gone.

View attachment 1043094

View attachment 1043095


View attachment 1043096

Can I tell you how glad I am that you made this post? I spent hours last night, tweaking one of my models, because I was convinced that the phase being all screwed up was because of some mistake I made in the ATH config file.
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Is there an easy way to modify that so that the top and bottom walls have some flat spots to make it easy to integrate midrange drivers/ports?
Sure, flat segment(s) can be added/inserted anywhere, e.g.:

Horn.Adapter = {

Horn.Part:1 = {    ; flat walls
  L = 0.4   ; --> 0.4*Length
  Segments = 1
  H = {
    k = 0
    s = 0
    a = 15
  V = {
    k = 0
    s = 0
    a = 20

Horn.Part:2 = {

(Flat wall is a special case of OS-SE profile for k=0 and s=0 -
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Marcel since ATH can generate slices then don't you want generate gcode directly? Lets say 1.5mm nozzle printing 3mm width with variable layer height. See overhang challenge:

vase mode guarantee perfect surface and then you can print another shell glue together pour something inside and glue speaker mount. This is essential for large waveguides over 40cm.
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I have added to the script mabat posted here (with some help from my freind Emily as I don't normaly write Python). I have added an extra command '11' that creates a sketch plane from 3 points. The first point becomes the origin of the plane, further draw commands in 'x' and 'y' are relative to this point and on the plane. This way cross sections of bent horns can be created. I also added command '60' that lofts all the sketches. As an example I have attached the script that draws a low res version of half my dual driver manifold. At the moment there is an issue with the ends of the loft distorting, I think this could be fixed with guide rails. Also if a high number of profiles is used an error is sometimes given about self intersection which probobly has the same cause.



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The way I do it is that, except the first and the last one (which are just a circle and a rectangle), the profiles are all composed of four individual spline segments, connected at the "corners". As you have sharp corners at the exit, I think that's the only correct way without any undesirable effects. As a result the sharp corners start emmerging already near the throat.
Now found some time for trying around. However something runs not smooth. If I use the code from Mabat's Post
I get very scattered results. I tried to normalize it; however the scattering behaviour remains. What am I doing differently maybe?

I saw that the setting for ABEC mesh resolution is only at 1000Hz in the script. Is that correct? I always assumed it must be at least equal to the highest frequency of interest?

Of course scaling is different in my view but you can clearly determine the unsmoothed response. Mabat: are your results usually with some smoothing applied?

