Acoustic Horn Design – The Easy Way (Ath4)

Is it correct to say the knee is at 1kHz and the waveguide loses control at 500Hz? I don't understand crossovers so I know your woofer played a roll here too but I don't understand how it integrated, or if the integration is even visible in the measurements.


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Is it correct to say the knee is at 1kHz and the waveguide loses control at 500Hz? I don't understand crossovers so I know your woofer played a roll here too but I don't understand how it integrated, or if the integration is even visible in the measurements.
I would agree with that statement.

I looked into putting the knee at 500 Hz. But the waveguide and the woofer (24" and 18" respectively) was just too much to handle. If it had been easier, I would have done it. After nearly some two decades with them now, I am happy with the compromise. Several people have noted that the 15" is just a bit better (subjectively) than the 12" which, of course, was better than the 10", and from this I took that going to 18" wasn't going to buy me much.
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can we see a frontal picture, @CinnamonRolls? I still do not understand how the compression driver terminates into the waveguide ...

The green part is where the bolts fasten the waveguide into the surface of the compression driver. Below that is the conical portion of the compression driver with the 22.5mm cylindrical throat. It ends just above the phase plug about 25 mm down into the compression driver. The DE250 has a conical exit that is empty so it's easy to fit the 3D printed "internal ring" in there. The phase plug ends where the orange waveguide starts. The DE111 is similar but not as deep. I tried to make the cylindrical throat diameter the same diameter as the phase plug exit. Does this help?

I attached a 3mf file so you can see what it looks like in 3D if you have the free Microsoft 3D Builder program (or any 3mf viewer).





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Even if there are resonances induced by the ring extension, they are well-behaved as you showed already. It should be easy to correct the FR even with a simple minimum-phase EQ (including any time domain effects). It probably illustrates what Earl has been saying all along, that the throat acoustic impedance has only a mild effect on the frequency response.
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It creates resonances in the impedance. After I take better measurements @mabat and @gedlee will have better data to offer opinions on how much they think EQ can mitigate the problem.
Just some anecdotical evidence: I used a screw-on adapter to fit a flange-mounted compression driver to a waveguide that doesn’t. This introduces a parallel duct section, probably much longer than the short section in your printed waveguide. It did not appear to be desirable:
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Let's not forget that even without a ring plug, such reflections are already there, simply due to the existing conical exit section. With the ring plug it's just a bit different shape. The advantage being the smaller throat diameter within which all this happens. With the ring plug it's actually a bit shorter. It really improves the system in the end, as the presented data suggest.

Adding a cylindrical extension to an existing exit of a CD is a different and lot worse thing to do..
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- I would try to insert a piece of an open-cell foam (cotton wool?) into the cylinder, just to see the effect. It could be relatively dense for this purpose so it would better show what are the frequency regions where these reflections/resonances are actually in effect (if at all).

In this context I would like to draw attention again to the FANE CD131, which is quite nice (and cheap) 1" driver - it has a 3-slot annular phase plug ending at ⌀16 mm and 30° conical exit. Just perfect for these experiments. I hesitated to use the cylindrical extensions but as they seem not to cause any real trouble, this opens up some new possibilities.
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