Addressing John Curl's concerns on low noise designs

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Originally posted by syn08
You guys are amazing

As soon as I posted the Hitachi devices information and a dealer in the NA (but not before I sent my own order) (to which I am in no way associated) ran out of 2SA1084 and raised the price for future deliveries to absurd levels ($3.57 from $0.57). It happened before, but now was faster than ever.

Same here on the 2SK222 JFET except they never restocked.
john curl said:
Looks as good as anything I have seen, Syn08.
Now, I will have to catch up.
syn08 said:
Not enough time to even handmatch (TM) your JFETs.

You diagrams looks similar to what my circuits would show.

Y.ou know.

Those 2 circuits I compared to yours.
Even John Curl was kind enough not to ignore,
but he really commented that the NE5534 was a wellknown circuits application.
And that 4+4+4+4 BC550C/BC560C really can work as a lownoise input.

One difference is that I do not have the money nor the place to do and present such diagrams.
This is why I often use my Simulation (free pirated copy) to do some stuff.

One other amazing thing with Janneman, John Curl, Wavebourn and Fotios
.. is that they can have the guts, to comment even my human thoughts.
They are not retarded to be rigidly only technical transistor fools.
Darn scared not to be off topic in any line they write.

Scott W. is a good reader .. but he has not presented much of a philosphy that I can take serious.
Scott Wurcer is a thinking man, I know. With a good sense of humor. (Breaking in Cables Machine)
But he certainaly no Shakespear when it comes to using his PC typewriter.

Remember, everybody, you do not to be impertinent or annoy people,
just be cause you add some human thinking.
Our moderators ARE HUMAN, TOO .. remember this.
Netlist, planet10, SY, Analog .. they all have been ordinary userrs and People of Flesh & Blood, too.

At least they have been .... long ago ..... ;)
They sure know about LIFE, AUDIO & TRANSISTORS and knew what came first,
and what will count most in the END, when you or your loved one is dying of CANCER.

After all we use Electronics to make are days in life poass and Meet a few people to talk with.
It is not we were born to live our lives to Please the board GOD and do tpost echnical audio findings.

I would rather have this on my final stone:
:cool: Lineup, He was a good human Soul & true Loyal Friend :cool:


:( He was a true Audio Genius and successful Constructor and Dealer of his Amps :(

.. but people are different :D what a luck they leave the good part of being human
to me
so I can die with
A Satisfied Mind

Bob Dylan's version is the recording I prefer
Bob Dylan:

your thinker
Lineup ;) your proof:
... that to be a true human DOES NOT HAVE TO exclude being an inventive, creative audio mind


Bob Dylan:
*** fotnot

Money cant buy back
your youth when youre old.

Or a friend when youre lonely,
or a love thats grown cold.

The wealthiest person
is a popper at times.

Compared to the man
with a satisfied mind.
How good I made my reservation:
S W is a thinking man with a good sense of humor
... and this you might agree is a good beginin' and some fine human quality.

He who can take a joke .. is who I can take seriously.

.. and the negation:

A human person, man or woman,
that can not laugh at him- herself
is not much to use for decoration of my Jesus Christ Mas treee.

Self distance, puttin' your AD524 into perspective is defintely something to yern for
PS. Using an avatar as an excuse for paint the picture of your positives
is a mild form of bragging.
The British have this way, too. Put in elegant and polite words even the things that are hush and ugly.
Have a look into the english Houses of Parlament and compare it to the Senate/Congressroom of USA!
I certainly have made my choice... which is the more serious and cultural variant.

When you see what the Brittish throw at eachother
while the americans in Washington try to keep their masks - I know it is only acting.
And that behind their backs they throw the same and 10 times worse mud at 'the other political enemy'

lineup - a pretty decent judge of character
- comes often with age - but not to ev'ryone :(
lineup said:

Self distance, puttin' your AD524 into perspective is defintely something to yern for
PS. Using an avatar as an excuse for paint the picture of your positives
is a mild form of bragging.
The British have this way, too. Put in elegant and polite words

The avatar was a joke, I thought that was pretty clear. Someone emailed it to me as a joke in the first place.

Real commercial interests do muddy up this place on occasion, the best counter to that is to help people do the "best" DIY. I personally think everyone here could DIY a complete system on par with anything one could buy. That is why many "audiophile" concerns deal with virtually unobtainable parts or construction techniques that are prohibitively expensive or "secret" knowledge like that of the alchemists or freemasons.
Syn08, I exaggerated when I said that I changed my design, since in principle I was already going to do it, previously, following your example.
All I have to do is change a 10 ohm resistor to 1 ohm, and change the servo return point. Already done and laid out. I haven't yet selected the 1 ohm resistor. Anybody have a favorite? Mills, Resista, Caddock, ...?
I might remind you that I use ESSENTIALLY the same input stage as you do, and have done so for more than 25 years. The only real difference is that I have AC balance to minimize 2'nd harmonic and my servo return is at the input, (not the best, but appropriate at the time).
john curl said:
Are you sorry now that your company 'wasted' all of that gold? ;)

TI still does a full range of ICs in ceramic/gold DIP cases, for military and space applications. Such an IC that would otherwise cost $1 sells for about $200 (of course, price includes HiRel, etc...).

Certainly, at this price point, they qualify for high end audio. I can see it:

"Our products are build around components for the space age, specially qualified and selected for the best possible sound".

This would be one way to push ICs through the audio magazines reviewers thick skulls.
john curl said:
Syn08, I exaggerated when I said that I changed my design, since in principle I was already going to do it, previously, following your example.
All I have to do is change a 10 ohm resistor to 1 ohm, and change the servo return point. Already done and laid out. I haven't yet selected the 1 ohm resistor. Anybody have a favorite? Mills, Resista, Caddock, ...?
I might remind you that I use ESSENTIALLY the same input stage as you do, and have done so for more than 25 years. The only real difference is that I have AC balance to minimize 2'nd harmonic and my servo return is at the input, (not the best, but appropriate at the time).

For this particular implementation, as you can see in the picture, I used Vishay/Dale 0.25W (and some 0.5W) 50ppm resistors and I regret it every moment. Those 0.25W things are very difficult to handle manually, they are to small for my eyes.

BTW, I ended up using 2.2ohm instead of 1ohm in the sources (and 86.6ohm instead of 39ohm in the feedback loop), to add a few dB to the headroom. Now, for 200mA output, the head amp swings up to 8V, which makes the headroom 32dB up to high frequencies, allowing an undistorted reproduction of vinyl pops :D Not a pinch of measurable impact in the output noise (0.5ohm to 1 ohm source resistor should increase the noise by only 0.03nV/rtHz).

And you are using feedback in the headamp and opamps? :) If so, I should probably be proud of myself :)

BTW, the servo in HPS 3.1 won't work properly in the Vendetta design, so be careful :)

After I'll finish the VSOP power amp project, I'll try 0.2nV/rtHz with bipolars. Not with the Hitachi devices (that would be to easy), but with off the shelf parts.
john curl said:
I might remind you that I use ESSENTIALLY the same input stage as you do, and have done so for more than 25 years.

john curl said:
No loop feedback for me, thank you.

john curl said:
I use a different servo. Been there, done that.


As you see, you did not. You are essentially following your own path, which is in every bit inferior to what/how HPS 3.1 does/works. BTW, you are using passive RIAA, which royally kills the headroom :D
Syn08, it is very foolish to challenge me on this. I developed a similar servo 20 years ago for the NAB amp project. I am now using a different servo with a different return point than you, or my previous phono design. Using the symbol you use, essentially calls me a liar, and forces me to respond strongly, in order to defend my integrity. Please refrain, unless you are sure.
SY said:
A tube first stage will fix that. :D

Allen Wright said:
Tubes wil handle headroom problems in almost all cases, 300V rails certainly allow for peaks, spikes and vinyl pops without any chance of clipping.

Hmmm... let's see... a close look at the top of the page reveals:

diyAudio Forums > Top >Amplifiers >Solid State


OTOH, the Vendetta is both solid state and uses passive RIAA, hence the poor headroom. But then, what d'ya know, it's open loop, it cancels the 2nd harmonic but has overall 0.01% harmonic and IM distortion at 3V out. Which of course, from time to time, can be conveniently neglected :rofl:
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