Addressing John Curl's concerns on low noise designs

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Anyone who is really serious can find a used Tek 575, 576, or 577 curve trace on the used equipment market, probably at a reasonable price, if you have a sharp pencil. This cannot be easily duplicated at the price point by ANY computer add on, IF you want real info. Even European used equipment dealers have a good stock of Tek equipment.
hitsware said:
>There are computer plugins
>with software available.
>Cheaper to buy, easier to use,
>and more convenient,
>especially when matching,
>or statistical data is needed.

Might as well play your guitar
through a pc then :)

It's offtop: we speak about the thingy that draws hooks on screens, they are not guitar-shaped. Long time ago they were connected to VMBus on VAX computers, now cheap hardware is available for PC. You don't need any ultra-precision equipment to draw volt-ampere characteristics of transistors in very wide ranges.

Disclaimer: I don't sell any measurement equipment/hardware/software.
jcx said:
wouldn't any steady, low noise, audio frequency mechancial excitation be adequate?

modulate the coil current at a few Hz with the MC cart tip resting on the mechanical exciter and take the fft of the preamp output looking for the coil current induced IMD products

Reading this brings to mind using a speaker driver analysis system; without a power amp and current limited of course. Should be possible to back drive it and determine at least Fs, and Qts simply from the input impedance. Could do this with the tip in free air and placed on an LP.

Such a system could also be used with some sort of transducer to measure distortion as a function of frequency, amplitude, and dc offset current.

Pete B.
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Joined 2006

Have you perhaps done any noise measurements on 2sk222 and 223. I purchased a large batch of each 3 weeks ago to last for the rest of my lifetime and got the local university to do some noise measurements for me on a couple of samples. Especially at low frequencies the results show they outperform the toshiba parts by a large margin, some displaying half the noise figures of the toshibas.

Tests were peformed by students, and they can tend to muck things up sometimes so looking for a second reference.
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Joined 2006
John, it was compaired to 3 samples of 2sk170 and 1 sample of 2sk117. I dont have time or equipment to do these nitty gritty measurements so I get students with time on their hands to do them. They might have made a mess off things, thats why I asked whether Scott maybe made any measurements as he did that with the philips parts.

Acording to the datasheet they pretty close to toshibas 2sk170 but i wasnt expecting better than results.

John could you personally ask Scott, maybe he s not looking in at this thread any longer. He mentioned that he purchased some of these sanyo parts in a thread somewhere. Will save me from having to pay a fee at profesional lab to get reliable results.
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Joined 2006
John I havent spoken to the lecturer that arranged the experiments yet, but Im a bit surprised too, I want to get some details from him on how exactly the test was performed but then again I might not fully understand, most of my electronics theory is long forgotten, after varsity I took a different career path altough Ive been building Diy amps first RF then audio since the age of 12. The nitty grity I try to learn from from you guys with experience. :angel:
homemodder said:
John and Dimitri, it seems the students werent smoking their socks after all.

Scott has posted some interesting figures in the passlabs forum on noise figures of various Jfets.

Sorry I've been away, I have several friends who would like 10 or 20 pieces of the 2SK222 (Dimitri - The main application is at Idss on a battery so they want lower range parts). All my samples have had excellent noise performance at 10Hz. I suspect the Sanyo parts will dissapear also.
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Joined 2006
They are still available in Hong Kong, agent I use for parts bought me 4000 pieces half 222 half 223. But he did some better too found me the same amount of their duals, long discontinued, paid cheaper than for the toshibas which I cannot get anywhere in large amounts.

HongKong must be a parts heaven.
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Joined 2006
John, do you mind if I build a vendetta for own use. Ive been repairing my sondek lp12 which was trashed during a break in and looking for something Diy. Never built anything for phono before. Found quite recent schematics on the net and have most of the original parts as per schematics.

Dont worry I wont build without your permission, or distribute schematics, I know this is wrong, designers depend on their designs for a income so Im asking in spirit of DIY. Besides I might need your help if you agree.

There could be a problem of fake fets, here in my adopted country 95 % of semiconducters are either fakes or cheap china copies, I purchased those toshibas here, last ones they had in stock. They do however look like the ones Ive seen picks posted here but one never truly knows, in this country anything is possible. :D
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