Addressing John Curl's concerns on low noise designs

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Joined 2006
Those are the real deal, mine look exactly the same except I have 2sa1085e.

Syn interested in acquiring some of these, my agent tracked down a large quantity, but its far too much for me alone to purchase all which the seller demands. 2SA1405 and compl. There are 3000 pairs at around 1 euro each. There are others bidding for them as well so price will come into play.

The tolerance range of TP92 is quite large, and as you say different from manufacturers to manufacturers.

If they are too small for our heatsink, you can just fill with thermal glue. If too large, you may try to remove some encapsulation using wet-and-dry sandpaper or Dremel.

If you still got stuck, abd need quite a few of them, please get in touch by PM.

We'd like to keep our customers happy in any case,
Disabled Account
Joined 2006
Hi Sigurd, no thats not normal, they should look like the ones on the right hand side. Some info makes me believe someone else is manufacturing them but I first have to make a long distance phonecall to be sure about this. This manufacturer has a very good reputation so I dont think there should be problems if they indeed manufactur these parts. Their current stock lists quite a large amount of these devices but it seems they are only producing the pnp parts, this is possible as its usually the pnp parts that are difficult to find and in short supply and maybe the reason they manufactured some. Your pnp part might well be from this manufacturer.
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