Aino gradient - a collaborative speaker project

There is one cop dirty in my Minidsp 4x10HD, but the service is busy and sceptical about repair...

I installed my 2x4HD boxes and copied settings, but measurements showed need for fine tuning. After some 6 hours I got these pretty nice single spot measurements. I changed lowest xo to 200Hz, second to 1000Hz and highest to 4500Hz, all LR2 acoustic. Looks like tweeters still have different response, sample variance that I can't even hear.

I will go on with these as long as my 2x4HD units survive. The sound is very good, no difference though.

20220916_143343.jpg ainogneo83 2x4 conf1 spot 200ms 16.jpg

ainogneo83 2x4 conf1 WMT spot 20ms 16.jpg sw+tower rewponse 200ms.jpg
Multipoint handheld around the spot, L/R speakers individually.

Practically same as before. Elevation around 50Hz and dip around 100Hz come from room modes but locations are fixed. If I try to eq them, sound loses natural timbre. With more smoothing, the curve follows Toole & Olive (Harman) recommendation pretty well.

ainogneo83 2x4 conf1 spot MMM 500ms 112.jpg

ainogneo83 2x4 conf1 spot disto.jpg

ainogneo83 2x4 conf1 R spotspectr.jpg
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I was looking at that THD% graph above, and started wondering about that high tweeter distortion in purple...

It is actually room noise, in the 80dB response. Here is same THD as spl, accompanied with 95dB sweep showing harmonics.

ainogneo83 2x4 conf1 spot disto spl.jpg ainogneo83 2x4 conf1 R disto 95dB at 250cm inroom.jpg

ps. 200Hz noise peak (mechanical resonance) is in left speaker

ainogneo  2x4 mech resonance 200Hz.jpg
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Those are truly amazing speaker systems that I've read about in the past, though I was unaware of the Genelec system. Price tags are well above $10,000 however, and such implementations are probably beyond the potential of 99.9% of diyaudio members to replicate or even begin to approach: I speak for me, anyway.

The Dutch and Dutch speaker actually began as a DIY project here, and the thread is still up
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Username keyser's thread that lead to D&D 8c speaker is here It is one of the most educating treads here , ever! Thank you!

Funny thing about my speakers, obviously my Minidsp 4x10HD was sufferering fo a bit longer time before collapsing. Ten years ago 2x4HD was not invented and I thought that a single dsp chip can handle stereo better than two 2x4 units (and HD has better performance chip). Now that I have listened to my set (mostly stereo) with two 2x4HDs for 3-4 days I am confident that stereo imaging is much better now. This is most apparent when listening to mono signal like radio news reader's voice. Voice is precisely in the middle, and IMO sterophonic music has better imaging of instruments of orchestra.

I made small changes in xo freq, eg and timing, like I have done tens of times during the years with 4x10HD. Never before have I heard such a big change in imaging! 4x10HD must have lately gradually been losing it's integrity somehow. 2x4HD having again better performance dsp chip than 4x10HD can't explain that IMO, is it simply because of better channel separation with two units? Remember that I use Yamaha RX-V 685 AV-receiver as source/preamp, and every signal comes through it's mediocore dsp chip! Pushing "Pure direct" with CD source doesn't change sound.

4x10HD review and mesurements by Tom Christiansen
2x4HD test by Amir
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quality of the analog output signal is more important what we think. The Flex 8 uses some nice 5V powered oap from Ti if I am not wrong, it is a part of its musicality... price to pay VS more old MiniDSP product maybe. Your system certainly diserve something like the Flex 8 indeed or better an OktoDAAC8Pro... Alas more expensive... And a third party dsp routing (computer) is needed. Certainly the Minidsp for all the user of their soft already is the Flex8 (More than the topping that is just a multichannel DAC without the nice DSP routing options MiniDSP has).

OTOH, should not be too hard to find a 4x10HD second hand too !

Thanks for the revised notice of the Aino gradient :)
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I converted my 2016 summer outdoor measurements to VCAD2. 40ms gating to show full range directivity. 1/12 smoothing. Normalized to eliminate boundary reflection effects.
Added these to open access Google album too


  • ainogneo83 vx out 40ms 112 Directivity(hor).png
    ainogneo83 vx out 40ms 112 Directivity(hor).png
    47.5 KB · Views: 74
  • ainogneo83 vx out 40ms 112 norm Directivity(hor).png
    ainogneo83 vx out 40ms 112 norm Directivity(hor).png
    45 KB · Views: 79
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Normalization means, that the reference response (typically on-axis 0deg) is drawn as straight line (0dB) and given dark red color. Then all othere responses are referenced to that straight line. This procedure eliminates the deviations in on-axis response and reveal the pure directivity characteristics of the system, which can also achieved by super-careful equalization of the on-axis response and taking measurements in an anechoic chamber.

Much more specific and scientific explanations with Google search!

In VCAD2 the use can not choose the basis measurement for normalization, unlike in eg. Dayton Omnimic software, that I have used previously (without licencing).
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I converted some of my other speakers horizontal directivity measurements to VCAD2.

Only AW-7 was measured outdoors, but normalization helps to minimize reflection artefacts. General pattern of directivity is obvious.
All speakers except MR183w are on-stand 2-way models. MR183w and AW-7 are coaxial and JBL has a wide rectangular waveguide

AW-7 out Hann 20ms 16 Norm (hor).png MR183w in Hann 20ms 16 Directivity Norm (hor).png

Amphion Helium2 in Hamming 11ms 16 norm 90deg (hor).png ER18DXT in Hamming 30ms 16 norm 90deg (hor).png Infinity A20 in Hamming 30ms 16 norm 90deg (hor).png JBL LSR305 in Hamming 30ms 16 norm 90deg (hor).png
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