Aksa Lender P-MOS Hybrid Aleph (ALPHA) Amplifier

Joined 2014
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Hi X,
Yes, the transformers are going to be the key for stereo BB enjoyment.
Would feeding the BB 38vdc be ok? Since I have a 600va 32vac Antek already, I’d only need to purchase one more. Although, I don’t think the 600va will sag as much as the 300va I powered up the BB with. In that case I’d be in the 40vdc range and would have to buy a pair of transformers.
Joined 2014
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Hi X,
I have some encouraging news about the 600va 32vac transformer:)
Without load the psu output was 43vdc, with the BB connected it’s 38vdc. It does run hotter, of course, but the fans kicked up a bit to exhaust the extra heat(still barely audible). With 29.5vdc the aluminum mosfet clamp was 42°C, now powered with 38vdc the clamp is 50°C. Bias voltage is very steady .612v-.618v. But, dc offset increased from 2mV to 22mV?
One observation, with either transformer I tried, that I’m not comfortable with is the extreme woofer excursion at power up. It’s slow, but looks like the cone is stretched to the max :eek:!

So, this made my transformer purchase much better for my wallet, I only need one more :D
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Joined 2012
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Good news on the trafo. Thanks for testing it. I wonder if we switched to a smaller C104 cap on the LTP smoothing cap, say 100uF vs 1000uF would the movement be less? 22mV is still excellent - nothing to your speakers. Main thing is that it is stable and doesn't change with temp.

That Antek 6432 is a beast! 12lbs ea!
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Hello Hugh,

In post #2080, you provided 4 simulations for different compensation techniques. Correct me if I am wrong or have misunderstood but I think all of them are pretty similar is the conclusion? Except may be the fourth compensation technique?

I plan to go with default one for Alpha 20 (18p + 18p). Let me know if this will work fine.

Joined 2014
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Good news on the trafo. Thanks for testing it. I wonder if we switched to a smaller C104 cap on the LTP smoothing cap, say 100uF vs 1000uF would the movement be less?

I successfully powered up my second ALPHA BB board. I installed a 220uF capacitor in C104 to check if that reduced the woofer cone excursion at power up.
Result: the cone moves the same distance out/in as with the 1000uF cap. But, now it moves much faster and creates a pop sound. So it’s worse with the smaller capacitor. I’ll put in the same 1000uF cap that’s installed in the first BB board to eliminate the POP sound.
Any thoughts how to reduce/eliminate the extreme cone movement altogether?
I successfully powered up my second ALPHA BB board. I installed a 220uF capacitor in C104 to check if that reduced the woofer cone excursion at power up.
Result: the cone moves the same distance out/in as with the 1000uF cap. But, now it moves much faster and creates a pop sound. So it’s worse with the smaller capacitor. I’ll put in the same 1000uF cap that’s installed in the first BB board to eliminate the POP sound.
Any thoughts how to reduce/eliminate the extreme cone movement altogether?

My previous 60w class-A (Aleph 5) did that also and couldn't get rid of it, I had to install dc-prot/delay circuit..
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Joined 2014
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Thanks for the feedback :)
I was resisting that option (dc protect/delay) but, I’d rather be safe than have an issue with my speakers. Besides, I already have four similar to those protect/relay boards sitting in the parts bin looking for a home.

Thanks for the feedback :)
I was resisting that option (dc protect/delay) but, I’d rather be safe than have an issue with my speakers. Besides, I already have four of those protect/relay boards sitting in the parts bin looking for a home.


I think theres no more than relay in audio path so should not affect the sound! Major problem is how to power that circuit :) I ended up wounding another secondaries on both toroids, my dc-prot/delay circuits work with AC.