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Alpair 7P & Alpair 12PW combination.

How good is this combo in the post #51 box likely to be? I have 7.3 pencils and love everything except the lack of dynamics and weighty bass (bass notes are there they just lack weight).

I'm either going to build these at a cost of about $600 for the parts or buy a pair of one of my favorite speakers ever made, the Audio Physic Step SLE for about the same price...
Sean - I've yet to be underwhelmed by any of Scott's designs that I've built, but if you're only missing some visceral weight on the bottom, maybe a less costly step would be to go "FAST" with your current Pensils - HP them and add stereo woofers between 100 - 150?

However, if you're looking for an absolute guarantee, you may have already answered your own question. I've not heard the SLEs - they may well be worth every penny.
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The box referred to is supposed to form a starting point for people to play with as they wish. The alignments are solid, the XO is deliberately basic & can be changed or replaced with whatever you want.

Honestly though: given that you say the Audio Physic Step SLE is one of your favourite speakers, I'd buy those, since you'd probably regret not doing so.
The 7 + 12 with a Mini DSP and a pair of the low budget, high value chip amps (if you do not have 4 quality channels of amplification) could likely be had in or around your budget. This would allow you to experiment with crossover points, filters, EQ (if that's your thing), etc. Access to quality building materials and associated prices may make or break the budget however. Just another option.
Speakercon pro connectors and complete Hypex active XO & Amps is my route so far. While not 'cheap' I think they are surprisingly good value, all things considered (digital pre-amp, in room correction, included cables, low power, small footprint, assembled and almost fool proof connecting etc)

My question at the moment I have the UcD180 modules which are 180w @ 4Ohm which will drive mids/tweets or full range.

Is it worth stumping a few quid more for the 400w version to drive any woofer, AND the 12PW.

Is 90w more than enough or worth having the headroom of 200w (@8Ohms)?
Joined 2001
Paid Member
1st passable of our 2nd take on an MTM ML-TL (with help from Woden) as another example of this combo




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