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Amanero Isolator/Reclocker GB

Finally got around to building the s03. While I wait for one of those u.fl adapter boards for the b3 (and before I ultimately purchase a b3-se if all this goes well), I decided to try the s03 with a b2 board I have laying around. Not in synchronous configuration, and with a bunch of hacked up mini coax cables (not a pretty sight).

Good news is it works, bad news is it only syncs well at 44.1/48khz, crackling like a mofo at 88.2/96 and no sync at all with anything above that. Im thinking its probably the poor wiring, so not too fussed just yet.... but just incase I've stuffed up somewhere, a few trivial questions on the amanero setup. Am I right to presume the following settings are good good?

Firmware -
CPLD Firmware -> Slave2224
CPU Firmware -> firmware_1080

Configuration bits -
Prescaler = MCLK/1
Slave mode (MCLK Input) = Ticked
Pin 1 clock selector Map = USB Plugged
Pin 11 clock selector Map = 24.576Mhz selector

Also anything worth checking on the board itself?
Finally got around to building the s03. While I wait for one of those u.fl adapter boards for the b3 (and before I ultimately purchase a b3-se if all this goes well), I decided to try the s03 with a b2 board I have laying around. Not in synchronous configuration, and with a bunch of hacked up mini coax cables (not a pretty sight).

Good news is it works, bad news is it only syncs well at 44.1/48khz, crackling like a mofo at 88.2/96 and no sync at all with anything above that. Im thinking its probably the poor wiring, so not too fussed just yet.... but just incase I've stuffed up somewhere, a few trivial questions on the amanero setup. Am I right to presume the following settings are good good?

Firmware -
CPLD Firmware -> Slave2224
CPU Firmware -> firmware_1080

Configuration bits -
Prescaler = MCLK/1
Slave mode (MCLK Input) = Ticked
Pin 1 clock selector Map = USB Plugged
Pin 11 clock selector Map = 24.576Mhz selector

Also anything worth checking on the board itself?

The setup appears correct. Possibly wiring issues,
To see if Amanero is really in Slave mode try removing R3 or R4 to cut off external clock to Amanero. DAC should go silent

I'm using the same configuration bits but my CPLD firmware is CPLD_for_1080 and now apears that I'm not using it in synchronous mode at all!?
Does the local oscilators on Amanero board disabled in full sync mode?
1. CPLD_for_1080
CPU firmware 1080
when this was flashed initialy we have standard master mode but for full sync mode we need to set Slave mode in configuration bits and also one or both pins for clock selector map. But after setting the slave mode we can't go back to master mode by simply deselecting Slave mode - full erase is needed. Also local Amanero oscillator (22579200) is always enabled in slave mode.

2. with CPLD slave 2224 and
CPU firmware 1080
the same as above but goes directly to slave mode, also local oscillator 22579200 is always on.

3. CPLD bckl_test and CPU bitclk_test apears to be a slave only mode

I think update is needed on Amanero web page...
Hi Acko

As your highlight, can I add 100ohm resistor in the input and output to avoid this issue. And I have read the Si8840 datasheet that has recommended 50~300 ohm resistor in input and output.

"All components upstream or downstream of the isolator should be properly decoupled as well. If these components are not properly decoupled, their supply noise can couple to the isolator inputs and outputs, potentially causing damage if spikes exceed the maximum ratings of the isolator (6 V). In this case, the 50 to 300 resistors protect the isolator's inputs/outputs (note that permanent device damage may occur if the absolute maximum ratings are exceeded). Functional operation should be restricted to the conditions specified in Table 1, “Recommended Operating Conditions,” on page 4 ~~~ Si844x's datasheet"
More basic questions on the S03

If I want to use the S03 for isolation only, do I power it from J6 only? If I want to use it for isolation and reclocking, do I power both J6 and J3? Or do I always power both J6 and J3 regardless of the use (isolaton only or isolation/reclocking)?

I'm going to take a stab at your question. Looking at the schematic it looks like you need to only supply 5v to J6 if you're only intending on using isolation. You'd be using a local LDO in this case to regulate to 3.3v. If you wanted to do re-clocking as well you'd need to power J3 and I believe J1 as well. J3 is for the XOs and J1 is for the Dividers/Re-clocking. Does that make sense?
Hi Acko

As your highlight, can I add 100ohm resistor in the input and output to avoid this issue. And I have read the Si8840 datasheet that has recommended 50~300 ohm resistor in input and output.

"All components upstream or downstream of the isolator should be properly decoupled as well. If these components are not properly decoupled, their supply noise can couple to the isolator inputs and outputs, potentially causing damage if spikes exceed the maximum ratings of the isolator (6 V). In this case, the 50 to 300 resistors protect the isolator's inputs/outputs (note that permanent device damage may occur if the absolute maximum ratings are exceeded). Functional operation should be restricted to the conditions specified in Table 1, “Recommended Operating Conditions,” on page 4 ~~~ Si844x's datasheet"

Hi mksung,

Glad to see it working now. It is ok to add the resistors to protect but I have not really seen this type of problem with IL715 so long as the output is not shorted. The input side 3.3V power comes from Amanero LDO that is sufficiently stable and so is the output side power from LDO of this board. So I am surprised by the failure.
Hi folks -

Could anyone tell me what the power draw is for the fully-loaded SO3 board? I'm trying to arrange a power supply system for an SO3 and a BIIIse, and I want to make sure I've got enough oomph, to use the technical term.

Also, with regard to the BIIIse, am I correct that, as has been stated by Russ, simply not powering the clock by not installing the VDD_XO is sufficient to take it out of the circuit for our (synch) purposes? TIA - Pat

Moving forward, this is the next model ...
Finished product on Teflon board with all the desired features integrated -all parts including Amanero loaded and configured


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If it is like the old PCB you NEED to have 5v to RCK/ISO and CLK. And then you need either 3.3v EXT XO or 5-6v XO (depending on what local reg you use).
If using local 3.3v reg on board, then you sould be fine with one 5v supply for all of them. Of course it may be better with more supplies - but that probably acko knows better than me :)