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Amanero Isolator/Reclocker GB

Hi, I have a few questions about the u.FL connection between AKU384 and Buffalo IIISE or Otto-II from TPA.

Are these u.FL receptacles on the AKU384 board already soldered? If so, is it compatible with the socket like an H11891CT-ND (DigiKey#) ?

Also, I'm going to use coax cables such as H11555-ND (DigiKey#) for connection. Is there any problem with it?


Hi, I have a few questions about the u.FL connection between AKU384 and Buffalo IIISE or Otto-II from TPA.

Are these u.FL receptacles on the AKU384 board already soldered? If so, is it compatible with the socket like an H11891CT-ND (DigiKey#) ?

Also, I'm going to use coax cables such as H11555-ND (DigiKey#) for connection. Is there any problem with it?



Yes, these are the actual part numbers and sockets are already soldered on board. No problems using them with BIIISE or similar devices. However, even with coax cables, lengths should be a short as possible especially the MCLK one.
Joined 2007
Paid Member
Hi All,

This amanero reclocker board (the original thread board) looks very interesting, however, I would like to know if it is possible to do something like what is shown on page 5 of your (Acko) setup description (see link below - found on page 5 of the attached pdf) with a non-Esstech DAC? Also, if it is possible, if it can be done with 45.. MHz & 49.. MHz clocks?


Hope it is possible :)


Hi All,

This amanero reclockerboard (the original thread board) looks very interesting, however, I would like to know if it is possible to do something like what is shown on page 5 of your (Acko) setup description (see link below - found on page 5 of the attached pdf) with a non-Esstech DAC? Also, if it is possible, if it can be done with 45.. MHz & 49.. MHz clocks?


Hope it is possible :)



Hi Jesper,

It is possible to do this but as this is non-sync mode the clock freq should be higher as indicated but not harm trying out 45/49MHz


  • PSync.png
    30.8 KB · Views: 486
Joined 2007
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Hi Acko - thanks for replying. Just would like to make sure that I understand you correctly - and have also fully explained what I would like to do ...

The idea is to place the clock (45 & 49.. MHz oscillators) as close as possible to the DAC. Thus, the DAC's MCLK would always be either 45.158 MHz or 49.152 MHz which would then also be fed back to the RCK input on your isolator/reclocker board.

Output sampling frequencies should be up to 384 kHz which - with the DAC I'll be using - means that at 384 kHz the MCK that would have come from your reclocker and the MCLK now coming from the oscillator and going to the RCK input will be the same.

Just to make sure we communicate about the same solution .. Do you think this will work?


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Jesper, the board that is avalible now is the complete board (not separate isolator/reclocker and XO-board) and that one works like the solution on the last page of the setup description you linked earlier.
If running that board then you'll have the osciallators both feeding the Amanero (instead of original XO's) and you have the output signal (BCK, LRCK, SDATA) all alingned/reclocked to your MCK. So you pretty much get 45/49MHz MCK while the other ones are depending on your signal.
Joined 2007
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@rollE2K: Thanks for your reply .. but if it is the AKU384 on Acko's webpages then it's going to be out of the price range I'm considering for this. As it is I already have the Amanero board so would like to somehow combine it with an isolator/reclock that allows me to use a clock close to the DAC.

Hmm... will look around ...

... & thanks again for replying ;-)

the illustration you posted a link to earlier is the "older" version of "Digital Isolator & Synchronous Re-clocker for Amanero" which had a separate Isolator/reclocker board and one XO-board, while the new one have everything on the same PCB. All solutions from the illustration can be used with both boards (with some exception) but the "best" one is the one from the last page, because then everything is in sync with right clock for sampling frequency.
Of course you can reclock the signal with just one 50/100MHz clock, but that will not perform as good as dedicated clocks for each sampling frequency.
The idea is to place the clock (45 & 49.. MHz oscillators) as close as possible to the DAC. Thus, the DAC's MCLK would always be either 45.158 MHz or 49.152 MHz which would then also be fed back to the RCK input on your
isolator/reclocker board.
.. Do you think this will work?

Yes, this is good and will work. The S01/02 boards are ideal for this. In fact someone has already done it:

And if you are referring the diagram in Post# 928 then this is not exactly synchronous-no clock interaction with transport and therefore there is no need to use dual sync frequency XOs like 45.xx/49.xx or even switch between them. A single XO will do. I did indicate >50MHz in the notes to reduce the pulse width distortion of the output caused by non-synchronous clocking. For this case the higher the re-clock frequency the better. Of course if you are taking clock directly from the DAC Master Clock then the upper frequency limit is what the DAC can withstand

Output sampling frequencies should be up to 384 kHz which - with the DAC I'll be using - means that at 384 kHz the MCK that would have come from your reclocker and the MCLK now coming from the oscillator and going to the RCK input will be the same.

@384KHz the MCK output from reclocker is 24.576MHz as produced by Amanero -MCK is not used in this case (PSync mode).
Did you mean BCK output which will also be 24.576MHz. So is you are reclocking BCK with say 50MHz clock then there is a bit of headroom here although I would prefer something higher to reduce the pulse distortion as explained earlier.

Here is where the advantage of synchronous clocking comes in. You do not need to spin the clock to super high levels and if using the SO3 board with short MCK coax connections to the DAC master clock, it is just as good XO mounted close to DAC chip.
Hi, I can't find a thread for this new AKU384.
When will it be available ? It seems to be the top-notch USB/DSD/I2S interface to match a B3SE, isn't it ?

This is the thread...
AKU384 is an evolutionary design based on the reclocker series for Amanero.

Currently waiting on some custom parts -due in tomorrow and then production can continue.

You could use it with B3SE if you can disable the on board XO.