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Amanero Isolator/Reclocker GB

I'd like to ask for some help with a full sync implementation of the AKL-AMN-SO3 with the Amanero/Buff IIISE. Async works fine with the onboard Buff clock, but my attempt to go sync with that clock unpowered and either MCK or Turbo MCK connected to the SO3 has resulted in only 44.1 recordings being able to be played. My best guess is that I've not correctly implemented the firmware options for the Amanero.

I'm using 90/98 clocks on the SO3 board, with, I believe, slave 2224 CPLD and 1080 CPU. Can someone tell me, before I go through the reflash procedure again, what the correct choices are for the configuration bits, and whether anything else is required?

Finally, what is the difference between MCK and Turbo MCK? A diligent search of this thread has revealed nothing in terms of definitions or explanations.

Thanks in advance, guys. Async (using Daphile as the player) was terrific, but I'd like to push a bit. :) - Pat
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what cell capacity do you use?
The basic lifepo4 is 3.2 volts, so to get over 6vdc you would need to setup two of them in series. Check Ian's FIFO thread to see his setup using a battery manager pcb to hide the battery charger/protector from clock circuit. It's a relay board that cuts off the charger/protector circuit when the dac is on so the clock only sees the battery. When you turn off the dac the relay switches the battery off the clock circuit and switches it back to the charger. When your dac is off the battery is charging. When I get to using the battery with the S03 I'll use that same setup.

I may have misunderstood your question, you meant amperage probably... I'm using A123s 26650's which are rated at 2.3Ah. You could always parallel them to get more.
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Thanks for that, Roll. How about the configuration bits:

Configuration bits -
Prescaler = MCLK/4 (?)
Slave mode (MCLK Input) = Ticked (?)
Pin 1 clock selector Map = ?
Pin 11 clock selector Map = ?

Looking forward to getting this thing fully functioning. - Pat

Slave mode (MCLK Input) = Ticked
Pin 11 clock selector Map = "24.576MHz selector"

As for prescaler there are options for 98/90Mhz XOs:
1. If R4 mounted (R3 empty) then select MCLK/1 so that Amanero gets 22/24Mhz
2. If R3 mounted (R4 empty) then select MCLK/2 so that Amanero gets 22/24Mhz

The logic behind these is the total division required to get the operating frequency of the Amanero unit i.e. 22/24Mhz. e.g For #1 the external 2 stage FF divides clock by 4 so that no further division required by Amanero
batteries have noise too, guess you already know
I don't think I claimed batteries didn't have noise, I just want to find the *lowest* and least intrusive noise. If it turns out it's not batteries then I will not use them. *Your* mileage may vary...

Read Ian's recommnedations for using batteries with his clock boards, I'm just following what was discussed in his thread:

powering clock boards: http://www.diyaudio.com/forums/digi...mate-weapon-fight-jitter-275.html#post3485233

using A123 in particular: http://www.diyaudio.com/forums/digi...mate-weapon-fight-jitter-312.html#post3799475
Still no love trying to run sync with 90/98 clocks into Amanero/BuffIIISE. Still seems like a firmware problem. Can flash CPLD (slave2224) and then can flash CPU (1080), but cannot seem to get anywhere with the configuration bits, because, I'm guessing, when I try to flash after correctly setting the config bits, I get, invariably, without fail, the message "Audio Device Not Found!" and I get no effect from the bits choices. Has anyone encountered this before? I've searched here and in the Amanero GB thread, but no luck. Again, TIA - Pat
Still no love trying to run sync with 90/98 clocks into Amanero/BuffIIISE. Still seems like a firmware problem. Can flash CPLD (slave2224) and then can flash CPU (1080), but cannot seem to get anywhere with the configuration bits, because, I'm guessing, when I try to flash after correctly setting the config bits, I get, invariably, without fail, the message "Audio Device Not Found!" and I get no effect from the bits choices. Has anyone encountered this before? I've searched here and in the Amanero GB thread, but no luck. Again, TIA - Pat

After flashing CPU and cpld it helps if you unplug and plug amanero. If 90mhz clock is on pos x1, you have to check slave mod and pin 11 as clock select pin. You have to solder transistor and two resistors on designated places to be able to select x1 or x2.
Thanks, miksi -

I have definitely unplugged and plugged, as well as not doing so, among the many times that I have flashed the Amanero. In either circumstance, I get the warning "not found" message.

I'm not the first to complain, but the problem with troubleshooting anything having to do with the Amanero is that there is no way to confirm what you have done with regards to firmware flashes. You have to erase the flash first, thereby erasing what you have done, or what you believe you may have done, before you can try again. Frustrating, but there you have it.

I could try another 20-30 times to do the config bits, but have no confidence that it will work on try #35 or #54, so after I try a post in the Amanero GB thread, I'll go back to async and start working on music solutions that don't depend on USB. My friend palmito has outlined how to employ Acko's terrific board with the Raspberry Pi, and that's a way to proceed, although that would preclude the use of kipeta's excellent Daphile music player software.

Thanks again for the help - Pat
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Luckily, I am hard to embarrass. The answer is there, in the "Read Me" more or less. The last step there is "Replug the USB cable and if it's all ok the audio driver needs to detect the device." Haven't been a Windows guy for quite a while, never occurred to me that the audio driver, which is a necessity, is not the driver referred to in step 3. Found the correct driver, this time for the Amanero Combo384, on the Amanero site, downloaded it, installed the device, and was able to flash. That's the good news. Bad news, anything over 44.1 (native rate or upsampled by Daphile) is (still) overlayed with hashy noise. I'll keep working at it.
Luckily, I am hard to embarrass. The answer is there, in the "Read Me" more or less. The last step there is "Replug the USB cable and if it's all ok the audio driver needs to detect the device." Haven't been a Windows guy for quite a while, never occurred to me that the audio driver, which is a necessity, is not the driver referred to in step 3. Found the correct driver, this time for the Amanero Combo384, on the Amanero site, downloaded it, installed the device, and was able to flash. That's the good news. Bad news, anything over 44.1 (native rate or upsampled by Daphile) is (still) overlayed with hashy noise. I'll keep working at it.


There is some reference and success using BIIISE here:

If you flash
Then Configuration Bits->Slave mode is ignored regardless of any pin 1 or 11 setting. Pin 6 remains as MCK output.
The result of this is confusing as concurrently the Amanero is OUTPUTTING MCK and the SO3 is INPUTTING MCK into the Amanero - both clocks get mixed together - but - the DAC plays (!) with plenty of crackling. So you waste an hour checking all the wrong things. Doh !

If you flash
Then Configuration Bits->Slave mode works as follows -
Pin fs Group Logic Level
11 44.1 LOW
11 48 HIGH
1 44.1 HIGH
1 48 LOW

You can use any combination - Pin 1 or Pin 11 or both (obviously you only need to enable the one you intend to use).

Finally got my shiny Si590 XOs today.

:redhot: I now have my BuffaloIIIse playing from 16/44.1 to 24/384 and DSD128 with DPLL OFF :redhot: