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Amanero Isolator/Reclocker GB

Pls wait for a while - the next version has DSD support added and basic power monitoring/shutdown functions. I will be getting the boards for test sometime next week and if all goes well this could be a simpler solution than a full blown SuperCape
I am interested, with add DSD switching it would be sufficient for my setup with the AKL-S03 already in place.

Oops, no i2c isolation would also be a nice option. Would this be an option for the next BBB-UFL?
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No problems with this:)
If others are wondering:
Some interesting discussions have been taking place ->here and mostly related

Cheers Acko. So, to continue the story...

I've got the QNAP NAS pretty much sorted now, apart from media serving it's taking care of scheduled backups of our PCs and I'm in the process of setting up file syncing across multiple devices. But to audio matters;

Although Minimserver looked promising initially, and it does seem to do what it says on the tin, I found myself getting irritated by its complexity and I hankered after the simplicity of Asset UPnP. But, Asset doesn't do DSD, or so I thought.

I did some digging on the AssetUPnP forums and found some interesting information.

Firstly, I've downloaded and installed the DBPoweramp DSD decoding codec and I seem to have been successful in 'ripping' my DFF sample file to DoP, packaged as a WAV file.


There's some good info about DoP here;

DoP open Standard | DSD-Guide.com

It also turns out that the next major release of AssetUPnP will have DSD capability and a beta version (Windows only at this stage) is already available;


and has been tested to some extent;


So, considering that currently 99.9% of my library is FLAC and DSD on AssetUPnP looks to be pretty close I have reverted to Asset V4.4 on my new NAS for normal use and will be uninstalling Minimserver.

Furthermore, to experiment further with DSD I will look to install the beta release of Asset V5 on my laptop. I'm fairly confident that this will facilitate playback of DSD material on the BBB/Botic combo, however, the need for switching between the BBB pins for PCM/DSD output would prevent a complete evaluation.

Cheers Acko. So, to continue the story...

I've got the QNAP NAS pretty much sorted now, apart from media serving it's taking care of scheduled backups of our PCs and I'm in the process of setting up file syncing across multiple devices. But to audio matters;

Although Minimserver looked promising initially, and it does seem to do what it says on the tin, I found myself getting irritated by its complexity and I hankered after the simplicity of Asset UPnP. But, Asset doesn't do DSD, or so I thought.

I did some digging on the AssetUPnP forums and found some interesting information.

Firstly, I've downloaded and installed the DBPoweramp DSD decoding codec and I seem to have been successful in 'ripping' my DFF sample file to DoP, packaged as a WAV file.


There's some good info about DoP here;

DoP open Standard | DSD-Guide.com

It also turns out that the next major release of AssetUPnP will have DSD capability and a beta version (Windows only at this stage) is already available;


and has been tested to some extent;


So, considering that currently 99.9% of my library is FLAC and DSD on AssetUPnP looks to be pretty close I have reverted to Asset V4.4 on my new NAS for normal use and will be uninstalling Minimserver.

Furthermore, to experiment further with DSD I will look to install the beta release of Asset V5 on my laptop. I'm fairly confident that this will facilitate playback of DSD material on the BBB/Botic combo, however, the need for switching between the BBB pins for PCM/DSD output would prevent a complete evaluation.

For my understanding, what player software do you intend to use on the BBB?
I'll be using miero's botic distribution so the player will be mpd. For UPnP renderer connectivity I'll be using upmpdcli. Have I missed something?

So (If I understand your complete picture correctly) you'll be feeding MPD with DoP encoded WAV files for DSD via upnp and your DAC is connected via I2S to the BBB?

As for the DSD part, I hope not, that won't work :).
So (If I understand your complete picture correctly) you'll be feeding MPD with DoP encoded WAV files for DSD via upnp and your DAC is connected via I2S to the BBB?

As for the DSD part, I hope not, that won't work :).

No, I'm hoping to be able to stream DSD without needing DoP. The reference to ripping DSD to DoP was just to confirm functionality of that Codec.

What do you see that's wrong?
in your opinion, what is the best regulator for providing the 3.3v to the clocks on the S03?
I see you have 2 regulators in your web store: the AKR75 based on the ADM715x and the AKR47 based on the TPS7A47. Is there much difference between these? Also, can the output voltages be easily changed afterwards with these regulators?


AKR75-5V recommended. Has lower noise and better PSSR than AKR47-5V
Only available as fixed versions (factory set and optimized).
No, I'm hoping to be able to stream DSD without needing DoP. The reference to ripping DSD to DoP was just to confirm functionality of that Codec.

What do you see that's wrong?
OK, no DoP but native DSD output wanted. That works just fine(*) with the current botic driver version 3

mpd config:

"dsd_native" "yes"
"dsd_usb" "no"
"dsd_native_type" "0" [uses 8-bit samples]

For the upcoming botic version v4 you can use:

"dsd_native" "yes"
"dsd_usb" "no"
"dsd_native_type" "3" [uses 32-bit samples, Little Endian format]


"dsd_native_type" "2" [uses 32-bit samples, Big Endian format]

this will lower the bitrate between the BBB and the DAC by a factor of 4. Type "0" will still work.

(*) provided your DAC supports it :)
I am interested, with add DSD switching it would be sufficient for my setup with the AKL-S03 already in place.

Oops, no i2c isolation would also be a nice option. Would this be an option for the next BBB-UFL?

S03 will re-clock DSD.

There is no i2c for the next version of BBB-UFL ( will be called BBB-DSD) to keep things simple. Not sure if the current V3 Botic even supports I2C.
V4 maybe but has not been released and I have no information of the pin mappings and other features. So all these additional stuff for SuperCape only.
I hope you don't mind me asking this question its sort of relevant:)

I have just rebuilt my BIIISE DAC & added the Acko Isolator to the Amanero output & update the Amanero firmware and driver, but for the life of me I cannot get Foobar to play music using any of the ASIO Output Devices.

I can play music using the WASAPI Output Devices.

I have attached some screen shots in the hope somebody can spot a problem with what I'm doing.

PS: The Amanero work in the past using ASIO Output Devices before I did the updating.


  • ASIO 1.JPG
    ASIO 1.JPG
    75.5 KB · Views: 254
  • ASIO 2.JPG
    ASIO 2.JPG
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  • ASIO 3.JPG
    ASIO 3.JPG
    70.7 KB · Views: 248
  • ASIO 4.JPG
    ASIO 4.JPG
    54.7 KB · Views: 255
  • ASIO 5.JPG
    ASIO 5.JPG
    66 KB · Views: 251
  • ASIO 6.JPG
    ASIO 6.JPG
    68.5 KB · Views: 89
  • ASIO 7.JPG
    ASIO 7.JPG
    68.8 KB · Views: 86
S03 will re-clock DSD.

There is no i2c for the next version of BBB-UFL ( will be called BBB-DSD) to keep things simple. Not sure if the current V3 Botic even supports I2C.
V4 maybe but has not been released and I have no information of the pin mappings and other features. So all these additional stuff for SuperCape only.
Thanks for the update. The new BBB-DSD module will be a nice improvement.

I need I2C for my AKM4490 based DAC as is needs to be told to switch between PCM and DSD. Maybe I'll hack something up for isolated I2C support in the meantime.
Thanks for the update. The new BBB-DSD module will be a nice improvement.

I need I2C for my AKM4490 based DAC as is needs to be told to switch between PCM and DSD. Maybe I'll hack something up for isolated I2C support in the meantime.

You can pick the appropriate I2C pins on the P9 connector of the BBB and write your own software to control the AKM4990. On the BBB-DSD there is a DSD mode pin to indicate when DSD is playing and this can also be used to control your DAC. For ESS DACs DSD is auto-detect so makes it a bit simpler.

Will post pics of the new BBB-DSD soon....

the next version has DSD support added and basic power monitoring/shutdown functions. I will be getting the boards for test sometime next week and if all goes well this could be a simpler solution than a full blown SuperCape

An externally hosted image should be here but it was not working when we last tested it.
I need I2C for my AKM4490 based DAC as is needs to be told to switch between PCM and DSD. Maybe I'll hack something up for isolated I2C support in the meantime.

You can pick the appropriate I2C pins on the P9 connector of the BBB and write your own software to control the AKM4990.

I have added an isolated I2C port to make it easier for your.
This is mapped to I2C channel#2 (I2C2_SCL and I2C_SDA) of the BBB.
You can now code away your control software for the AKM4490 DAC :)
An externally hosted image should be here but it was not working when we last tested it.
Is this compatible with non-DSD, like my DDDAC?
I like the power switch being made available. ;)
An externally hosted image should be here but it was not working when we last tested it.

Does this mean no more SuperCape?

Yet it has auto I2S/DSD switching and is compatible with DDDAC and other DACs
Yes, I remembered your power switch request :)

This BBB-DSD board needs the SO3 module to work and has only a simple shutdown function when mains power (5V) is lost. Battery needs to be connected, of course, to maintain operation while shutdown is in progress (could take up to a minute). This is good enough for most applications of this nature. As I indicated before, is simpler and the design is pretty much ready. I will advise price estimates to those on the list very soon...

SuperCape is a bit more standalone with its own clocks and full UPS function. You can connect it direct to DACs (like Soren's R2R) without going through the S03 module.
However the UPS firmware is quite elaborate and will take longer time to develop/test every possible scenario of power loss (even battery conditions). -cost factor coming in to play already