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Amanero Isolator/Reclocker GB

Yet it has auto I2S/DSD switching and is compatible with DDDAC and other DACs
Yes, I remembered your power switch request :)

This BBB-DSD board needs the SO3 module to work and has only a simple shutdown function when mains power (5V) is lost. Battery needs to be connected, of course, to maintain operation while shutdown is in progress (could take up to a minute). This is good enough for most applications of this nature. As I indicated before, is simpler and the design is pretty much ready. I will advise price estimates to those on the list very soon...

SuperCape is a bit more standalone with its own clocks and full UPS function. You can connect it direct to DACs (like Soren's R2R) without going through the S03 module.
However the UPS firmware is quite elaborate and will take longer time to develop/test every possible scenario of power loss (even battery conditions). -cost factor coming in to play already

Thanks for your elaborate response. I will have one of this (BBB-DSD) and one SuperCape with your highend clocks whenever it is made available.

Btw, I have been playing with Banana Pi and Banana Pro is on its way to me. This little pc is amazing...! Now with Jriver is made available on armhf platform, I have removed my pc completely. If someone could tweak the Banana Pro to have i2s output...! This will be next game changer. :p


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OK, no DoP but native DSD output wanted. That works just fine(*) with the current botic driver version 3

mpd config:

"dsd_native" "yes"
"dsd_usb" "no"
"dsd_native_type" "0" [uses 8-bit samples]

For the upcoming botic version v4 you can use:

"dsd_native" "yes"
"dsd_usb" "no"
"dsd_native_type" "3" [uses 32-bit samples, Little Endian format]


"dsd_native_type" "2" [uses 32-bit samples, Big Endian format]

this will lower the bitrate between the BBB and the DAC by a factor of 4. Type "0" will still work.

(*) provided your DAC supports it :)

Thanks lintweaker. The DAC will be a Buffalo IIIse so fully DSD capable.

I've installed Asset UPnP V5 Beta 8 on my laptop and it does indeed detect and index my DSD sample music files. As a quick test I used my control point to select a DFF file and played it on JRiver acting as a UPnP renderer. JRiver is installed on the same laptop so not a complete test, however, JRiver showed that it was receiving DSD data (which it obviously transcoded to PCM for playback on my laptop) so evidence of basic functionality established, which means I have should have a viable way forward. Next step will be to try it with BBB/Botic, once I have DSD/PCM switching with one of Acko's new boards (in the meantime I may just remap my BBB P9 header).

If you have joined the amanero directed to the S03, I think that you must remove the mclk pin from amanero to S03 for this purpose.
See my post #1932 and then joined the tmclk to your dac.

I'm not sure Iv'e been clear or I'm missing something, as per the photo Im only using the board as an isolator & not connecting the Mclk at all.

I assumed my problem was with the software or the drivers. I have tested my second DAC which also played ASIO via Foobar previously & it no longer works. I was going to play with the drivers and even try another computer to see what happens.

I am waiting for the supercape before I get into reclocking, if only there was a SATA connection on the BBB all of my wishes would be for filled.


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SuperCape EOI:

PET-240 x 2
Chanh x2
Acko x1
Stijn001 x1
Emyeuoi x 2
Mull3t x2
Myint 67x1
bk856er x1
Supersurfer x1
RollE2k x1
Crazikid x 1
Nautibuoy x1
DQ828 x 1
Lindamar x 2
iancortez x 1
CAAD x 1
Greg Stewart x 1 (but you knew that, Acko... also, maybe x 2)
IanS1 x 1
tods 1x
wlowes x 1
odem81 x1
ochabo x1
potstip x1
dwjames x1
vanofmonks x1
wollie x 2
jarrettv x 1
MadKid x 1
mvaldes x 1
lintweaker x 1
mbcoffman x 1
cyrilliu x 1
hsi68 x 1
deanoUK x 2
I have added an isolated I2C port to make it easier for your.
This is mapped to I2C channel#2 (I2C2_SCL and I2C_SDA) of the BBB.
You can now code away your control software for the AKM4490 DAC :)
An externally hosted image should be here but it was not working when we last tested it.
Wow! Thanks! Very much Appreciated!
I have a python script ready (and tested) to configure the AKM4490. When this is fully tested I'll convert it to a proper kernel module.
SuperCape EOI:

PET-240 x 2
Chanh x2
Acko x1
Stijn001 x1
Emyeuoi x 2
Mull3t x2
Myint 67x1
bk856er x1
Supersurfer x1
RollE2k x1
Crazikid x 1
Nautibuoy x1
DQ828 x 1
Lindamar x 2
iancortez x 1
CAAD x 1
Greg Stewart x 1 (but you knew that, Acko... also, maybe x 2)
IanS1 x 1
tods 1x
wlowes x 1
odem81 x1
ochabo x1
potstip x1
dwjames x1
vanofmonks x1
wollie x 2
jarrettv x 1
MadKid x 1
mvaldes x 1
lintweaker x 1
mbcoffman x 1
cyrilliu x 1
hsi68 x 1
deanoUK x 2
mclucun x 1

Any chance for a u.fl board for soekris r2r?
Banana Pi


Btw, I have been playing with Banana Pi and Banana Pro is on its way to me. This little pc is amazing...! Now with Jriver is made available on armhf platform, I have removed my pc completely. If someone could tweak the Banana Pro to have i2s output...! This will be next game changer. :p

Looks like an RPi clone and audio clocks are similarly PLL synthesized.
No provisions for slaving to an external clock. So only ASync re-clocking possible with S03.

Feedback from others indicate BBB (and other similar transports) with native re-clocking sounding better than RPi

Banana Pi/RPi will be good though for media serving or NAS applications - low cost and low power :)
Can this JRiver stream native DSD like AssetUPnP?
The Windows version of JRiver MC can certainly stream native DSD, as I reported in January -
JRiver calls this "DSD bitstreaming".
Depending on setting, JRiver can also do DoP, or DSD-to-PCM conversion.

So it's really a question of whether this feature remains in the armhf version of JRiver.

There's also the question of how to render such streams ...
acko's Edel-NMR should do it out of the box, as should Oppo blu-ray players, but opensource media renderer applications which can play native DSD are rare.
The only one I'm aware of is MPD-DSD + upmpdcli plugin.

The well known GMediaRender won't currently handle DSD.
SuperCape EOI:

PET-240 x 2
Chanh x2
Acko x1
Stijn001 x1
Emyeuoi x 2
Mull3t x2
Myint 67x1
bk856er x1
Supersurfer x1
RollE2k x1
Crazikid x 1
Nautibuoy x1
DQ828 x 1
Lindamar x 2
iancortez x 1
CAAD x 1
Greg Stewart x 1 (but you knew that, Acko... also, maybe x 2)
IanS1 x 1
tods 1x
wlowes x 1
odem81 x1
ochabo x1
potstip x1
dwjames x1
vanofmonks x1
wollie x 2
jarrettv x 1
MadKid x 1
mvaldes x 1
lintweaker x 1
mbcoffman x 1
cyrilliu x 1
hsi68 x 1
deanoUK x 2
mclucun x 1
ccliu x 2