Amp Camp Pre+Headphone Amp - ACP+

to feed the audionervosa


TVX Axial General Purpose

USA General Purpose (USR smaller, UST high temperature)
USR General Purpose

UMA Standard, Low Profile (UMT high temperature, UMV long life, UMF low impedance)
UHE Miniature, Low Impedance, High Reliability (UHD lower life)
UKL Low Leakage
URS Low Profile (URZ high temperature)
URZ Low Profile, Wide Temperature
UPM Low Impedance, High Reliability (UPW smaller)
UCS Miniature, High Reliability, High Ripple (UCA larger, UCY smaller)
UVR Miniature (UKL lower leakage, UVK smaller, UVZ high temperature)
UVZ General Audio, Miniature, Wide Temperature (UKT higher audio quality, UVY smaller)

UKT General Audio, Wide Temperature (UKA higher audio quality)
UMW Standard Audio, Low Profile
UKA High Grade Audio, Wide Temperature

UFW Standard Audio (UFG higher grade, UKW higher audio quality)
UKW Standard Audio
UFG High Grade Audio MUSE (UKZ higher grade)
UKZ Premium Audio MUSE

UPJ SMPS Low Impedance (UPS smaller, UPV long life)
UPS SMPS Low Impedance, Miniature
UPV SMPS Low Impedance, Miniature, High Reliability
UPW SMPS Low Impedance, Miniature, High Reliability (UTT long life, UPA low impedance)
UTT SMPS Miniature, High Reliability

UDB Bipolar, Speaker Network
UES Bipolar MUSE
UVP Bipolar

- not my work, and I don't recall where I grabbed it from but I have used this as a reference to Nichicon caps when building / setting up BOMs

Joined 2019
Paid Member
I think the smaller (22mf) is NP and the larger (1000mf) is P. It’s hard to say how they sound, as I’ve never tried any other caps in this circuit. It does sound fantastic, but not sure I can attribute that to the caps. I’ve not used them before the ACP, so can’t provide much insight. Sorry.
Joined 2011
Paid Member
Nichicon's graphic is pretty helpful too, since it shows relationships between their product offerings:



  • nichicon_electrolytic_products_diagram.gif
    253.6 KB · Views: 597
Nichicon's graphic is pretty helpful too, since it shows relationships between their product offerings:

Definitely referencing this moving forward. Thanks Mark!

Yes, same here! I don't know where you found that. I've looked for something like that on Nichicon's site several times. Thanks Mark!
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Joined 2017
Paid Member
Nichicon's graphic is pretty helpful too


to feed the audionervosa

used this as a reference to Nichicon caps when building / setting up BOMs


Mark, what are you doing!
I was just spending my free afternoon drawing (trying to, to be honest :) ) exactly such an Infografic (with some of the types missing), but now it’s here.
Joined 2011
Paid Member
Nichicon's diagram is proudly displayed on their website under the not-confusing title DIAGRAM SEARCH


And, oh by the way, if you need a capacitor to build yourself a 10 second or 30 second timing circuit -- as I often do, when building output muting / powerup-be-quiet circuits -- the "Low Leakage" capacitors called Nichicon UKL are truly wonderful. See how quickly you can find them on the diagram! It's fun!

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Sorry more noob questions, would using cpu thermal paste work for the heatsinks? Seems fine but just want to confirm..

I have used CPU thermal paste in some projects, but only after double-checking if electrical insulation is needed. Some have metal and if the PCB and parts aren't designed for it, can cause shorts.

Looking at my ACP (built at BA2019 thanks to a kind soul), I don't think I used any thermal interface material between the FET and heatsink.

Perhaps someone else will chime in.
Started to populate the board last night and have a few follow up questions.

There are several unlabeled holes in the board, Are these for testing? If so is there any guide on how to do that? I see in the write up a few voltage checks but I’m not confident in how to do those without blowing it up.

The through holes for the heat sinks and component there, is there a special bolt size/material? (I didn’t have the kit and ordered everything)

Also wanted to point out that my board came with an led 7.5k resistor and switch that weren’t in the parts list.

is there anything special about the switch? I’m going to run to the local electronics supply store today and try to pickup this, the bolts resistor and led.

Thanks again for the support!