Any good TDA1541A DAC kit?

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Okay, lets do some analysis of the kit from pictures, shall we?

So the WM8805 section will work after a fashion, but there is no way it is ever going to offer anything like the phase-noise / jitter levels the WM8805 is capable of. In fact, I think despite all it's shortcomings, a well applied Cirrus Logic CS-8412/14 will have lower jitter.


Ciao T


Can you tell me more about what to do to have the Cirrus Logic CS-8414 to have lower jitter.



...But kinda preview of what i have...

And again, i decided to go with CPLD on digital end to get more control on clocking, I2S etc.

What i want to do is feed the TDA in simultaneous mode. I'll halve the clock rates - therefore less disturbances, and ability to go 8x oversampling.

In addition, going CPLD brings possibility to use dufferent DF ICs which aren't compatible with 1541 by default. There are many nice DFs around which were no-no for 1541 due to their high BCLK rates.

I want to implement advanced clocking scheme, which will give ability to
- Slave/Master operation of SPDIF receiver
- OS/NOS operation
- Support of Hi-Rez 88.2, 96, 172.4, 192kHz formats falling back to NOS with DF bypass.

Moreover, dual-differential mode with two TDAs becomes possible as CPLD could split/invert the i2s to L+,L-, R+,R- signals, and pack each channel pair to single I2S line (or even simultaneous way).

That will require 2's compliment to binary offset conversions etc. The VHDL thing is pretty neat and new for me, and i like it. Tiny power, tiny footprint, flexibility and "hardcoded" design. I've already coded i2s inverter with two 32-bit arrays (shiftregs in hardware).

In addition, to futher reduce digital noise on DAC board, the reclocker should work with 3.3v levels - we don't need the 5v swing anyways, and working with 3.3v both reduces voltage swing, and slows down slew rate.
And best of all, the clock driver could be 5v, but with series-paralel termination dividing the signal in half, and bringing down the logic levels to 3.3v CMOS-compatible, with no reflections on either ends of transmission line.

The problem is... I have one quad DFF on the DAC for reclocking, but need to reclock 5 signals (data_L, data_R, BCLK, LRCLK, DEM_CLK). Argh, a bit on the FAIL side. Is there any TinyLogic (or comparable) DFFs which both have slow slew rates and differential outputs? I hate going the octal DFF ICs without differential outputs just to have an possibility to go simultaneous mode...
Hi s3tup,

Did something materialized out of your project?
I'm testing Ian's I2S-PCM driver board with an AD1865 DAC and looking to try out TDA1541A as many are praising it but couldn't find any good designed commercial kits (allover through-hole components, bad or no ground-plane...).

A similar CPLD board you mention is actually Ian's I2S-PCM driver board. Since the latest version it has half-speed mode and TDA1541A was proved to work at 352.8KHz (384KHz not tested yet) in simultaneous mode with great success.

As far as DF/upsampling is concerned why not use software instead - e.g. SoX? I'm using Amanero Combo connected to a PC with LMS + Squeezelite to go 8x... waiting for my Wandboard to build an all-in-one player based on Community Squeeze Operating System

Hi s3tup,

As far as DF/upsampling is concerned why not use software instead - e.g. SoX? I'm using Amanero Combo connected to a PC with LMS + Squeezelite to go 8x... waiting for my Wandboard to build an all-in-one player based on Community Squeeze Operating System


O the PC real time upsampling with Foobar seems limited, Sox features are small and no 64 bit apodizing. With the PC Sygnalyst has the better real time upsampling but is missing an important plugin (HDCD.)
O the PC real time upsampling with Foobar seems limited, Sox features are small and no 64 bit apodizing. With the PC Sygnalyst has the better real time upsampling but is missing an important plugin (HDCD.)
Here's a try for Meridian like apodizing with SoX.
I don't use Foobar but Squezeelite. Its configuration explained here: Upsampling Impressions ... give it a try, you might like it.

For the sake of testing you can upsample offline with SoX and have all its settings at your hand. With the same filter for both SoX and Signalyst I would be curious about the results.
Hi s3tup,

Did something materialized out of your project?
I'm testing Ian's I2S-PCM driver board with an AD1865 DAC and looking to try out TDA1541A as many are praising it but couldn't find any good designed commercial kits (allover through-hole components, bad or no ground-plane...).

A similar CPLD board you mention is actually Ian's I2S-PCM driver board. Since the latest version it has half-speed mode and TDA1541A was proved to work at 352.8KHz (384KHz not tested yet) in simultaneous mode with great success.

As far as DF/upsampling is concerned why not use software instead - e.g. SoX? I'm using Amanero Combo connected to a PC with LMS + Squeezelite to go 8x... waiting for my Wandboard to build an all-in-one player based on Community Squeeze Operating System



Have you confirmed 352kHz up sampled real time via PC with Ians Dual XO driving 1541A via his PCM board?.

I've built the stage and can confirm that it works well.

As for PCB, you're meaning the commercial offerings of the same by both and parts ??


No, they used anode CCS, while I would use anode chokes as in the original Thorsten's 2005 schematic.
I meant the PCB from vanofmonks in post #479 or similar compliant with T's schematic.
However, how did you build it? did you get a pcb or what else?

SInce I'm planning to build T. output stage for myself, if there was interest we could design a PCB. Let me know if other members are interested.
If yes, starting from the anode choke mode, let me know what you think about:
- one E88CC/6DJ8/6922 or two E180F triode strapped
- chokes on the pcb or not (if yes we have to decide which one)
- B+ on the PCB or not (if yes regulated or unregulated)
- heaters supply on the PCB or not (AC, unregulated DC or regulated DC)
- output caps on the PCB or not (if yes we have to decide about footprint)


I built it point to point with carbon composite resistors and an old stock teflon socket. Loaded with pimm rev5 CCS using mu output. B supply tube rectified LC common filter then split LC for decoupling of channels.

Not sure you need a PCB for something so simple.

All the best.

If someone wants to contact me about running a group buy for the boards(I/V or dac) I would be happy to release the files to the group buy. I just really do not have time or much motivation. The I/V boards I did use a CCS, but it would be easy to leave them off and use jumpers or just tap in a choke at the end of the CCS instead. I could also add a labeled pad if people would prefer.


If someone wants to contact me about running a group buy for the boards(I/V or dac) I would be happy to release the files to the group buy. I just really do not have time or much motivation. The I/V boards I did use a CCS, but it would be easy to leave them off and use jumpers or just tap in a choke at the end of the CCS instead. I could also add a labeled pad if people would prefer.


Hi Chris:

I was very interested in your efforts and posted here, sent you emails and messages. I am still very interested but I don't have expertise and experience to take over this project. I am looking for boards and list of parts and some technical help in case things don't work.

Is there any senior member to lift the flag here?
No, they used anode CCS, while I would use anode chokes as in the original Thorsten's 2005 schematic.
I meant the PCB from vanofmonks in post #479 or similar compliant with T's schematic.
However, how did you build it? did you get a pcb or what else?

SInce I'm planning to build T. output stage for myself, if there was interest we could design a PCB. Let me know if other members are interested.
If yes, starting from the anode choke mode, let me know what you think about:
- one E88CC/6DJ8/6922 or two E180F triode strapped
- chokes on the pcb or not (if yes we have to decide which one)
- B+ on the PCB or not (if yes regulated or unregulated)
- heaters supply on the PCB or not (AC, unregulated DC or regulated DC)
- output caps on the PCB or not (if yes we have to decide about footprint)


I've built the stage and can confirm that it works well.

As for PCB, you're meaning the commercial offerings of the same by both and parts ??


Hi Shane:

I know the tube output kit; it is beautiful and is designed by Thorsten. I don't know about any offering by Can you please write some details or post link?


Sure, no problem.

I can't comment on this design as I don't have one, and really don't know anything about it other than whats stated.

The minimal bias cct using the 1541A DC offset relies pretty much on the 1541A, and therefore not universal at all. It is for this reason that I suspect it will be different. Similar enough perhaps, but different. .. And the core board is about the simplest cct you could make.



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No, they used anode CCS, while I would use anode chokes as in the original Thorsten's 2005 schematic.
I meant the PCB from vanofmonks in post #479 or similar compliant with T's schematic.
However, how did you build it? did you get a pcb or what else?

SInce I'm planning to build T. output stage for myself, if there was interest we could design a PCB. Let me know if other members are interested.
If yes, starting from the anode choke mode, let me know what you think about:
- one E88CC/6DJ8/6922 or two E180F triode strapped
- chokes on the pcb or not (if yes we have to decide which one)
- B+ on the PCB or not (if yes regulated or unregulated)
- heaters supply on the PCB or not (AC, unregulated DC or regulated DC)
- output caps on the PCB or not (if yes we have to decide about footprint)


Hi Andrea:

I believe Thorsten's stage is simple and there might not a need for PCB. Please correct me if I am missing something.

If you are going forward then,

--one E88CC/6DJ8/6922, just because there are plenty of them
--No anode chokes on PCB. DIYer might want to experiment with different chokes.
--Regulated B+ on PCB
--Regulated DC heater supply
--No output capacitors on PCB. DIYer might want to experiment with different capacitors and they can be big.

Related posts


Have you confirmed 352kHz up sampled real time via PC with Ians Dual XO driving 1541A via his PCM board?.

Hi Shane, sorry for late reply, I didn't follow this thread.

Me not, I'm using an AD1865 based DAC, but Ian confirmed it's working: 352.8 KHz listening test on NOS DAC TDA1541A and PCM1704

Bear in mind that TDA1541A will run overclocked with 352.8/384KHz material _even_ with I2S-PCM driver mode set at half-speed mode.

Is it working for you at 352.8/384KHz? Are you satisfied with the whole setup?

Bear in mind that TDA1541A will run overclocked with 352.8/384KHz material _even_ with I2S-PCM driver mode set at half-speed mode.

Is it working for you at 352.8/384KHz? Are you satisfied with the whole setup?


Hi Zsolt,

Its very satisfying at anything up to 192kHz. Might have something to do with my implementation, but 352/384 distorts.

Any good TDA1541A DAC kit

Any good TDA1541A DAC kit?
Is there any good TDA1541A DAC kit, on eBay or elsewhere?

I have followed this interesting thread closely.

I wish Mr Joshua_G the best of luck. However I believe this will be a fruitless endeavour:

- AMR products are highly optimized designs, with the sole purpose of extracting the ultimate sonic performance from CD format.

- For this goal, many experts were contracted, and many contradictory technolgies used.

- Based on his documented efforts of Mr. Thorsten Lesch, it is safe to assume that he is one of foremost authorities on TDA1541-chip applications.

Technical competence, in addition to solid financial resources has resulted in AMR line of products.

It is illogical to assume that any company, let alone a chinese diy-supplier,
would spend time and money gathering the necessary technical know-how and financial resources
to produce designs that could rival the AMR line of prdoucts, and then for some unexplainable reason
make all this available in kit-format, off ebay, for 150 USD.

I would like to help you:

- There is a DAC design that I bought a while ago, and have tested.

- It is not based on the TDA1541 chip, but can be easily modified to accomodate the TDA chip.

- It can be further upgraded (easy) through the manufacturer with better PSU, nos, and possibly better analog output stage.

- This DAC is the result of the joint efforts of some former Phillips engineers at Eindhoven.

- I have personally had business assosciations with them, and they are very competent and professional:


- It is, according to my humble (sonic) opinion, one of the very best DACs in existence today.

- I have listened to AMR products and I REALLY liked them.

- I believe this DAC can match many of the sonic qualities of DA777.

The very best of luck to you from the cold north.
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