Any good TDA1541A DAC kit?

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Many ameliorations with californian and australian, many very nice, some very expensive....
Just don t like this world fashion of mono cepage wine...a non is not a fruit juice with alcohol....unlickily a lot of sheety wine all around the world even in hifi it s a hobby you learn all your life...
6Z52P could be worth a try given the sky rocketing prices on D3a/E280F 6?52? / 6Z52P in triode mode | Bartola Valves

Using the triode strapped spice model provided from Bartola Valves:
Output: more than 2 Vrms
Input Impedance: around 1 ohm
THD: less than 0.01%
Good enough to give it a try.

Anyone can find the time to build a prototype and experiment a little (6Z52P, D3A or the nice 6C45)?


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I have the tubes and can order the chisel to do a quick setup and some measures. Not sure when tho, I am on the road for some 3 weeks more.

Any suggestion how to accomplish the small voltage sources?

To build a prototype you could use some simple three terminal regulator (317/337 or LT1085/LT1033) or some TPS7A4700 based regulators.
If the results will be good enough.... one could experiment other supply options like more sophisticated series regulators for the DC servo and a shunt regulator to supply the voltage controlled CCS (better isolation from AC line).
Shunt according Abraxalito fellow : diyAudio - The Art of Analog Design

of course a Pi filtering before the shunt... or a double Pi with one common L (not bad to have several common filter, e.g. one before the trafo and one on the secondary after the first caps (long Life, 105°..e.g. Panasonic FC) then caps (e.g. Panasonic FM) then non coupled L... then a last FM caps.

Can be a good fast and not expensive PS for the voltage controlled CCS or a simple Cen/ZEN
@t Stajo and unknown tubes lovers :

If you have already some experience about an other tubes stage design, I believe simple PS design like said above are enough (even good for product version) to help us to do a part of a pre selection job as Andrea ask..

Try & trust you ears, then communicate : it is a wheel of goodwilled people, a little like a Demning wheel but in a cool perspective with sharing...and no judgemnts (look at my very low technical level...)

Andrea & Shane contribute a lot with tubes and other inputs & maybe need a little help for sharing tests... don't know, just guess !

Andrea opened a thread about tubes output but unlickily people came back here, like some others speak about wine or caps in another one : not a problem of course, but difficult to follow and split the work collaboration... all these alchoolics with wine and beers are terrible for audio !

But the informal way of this thread is of course something's DIY !
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Yes. How the amplification behaves. Is there any way to test this without a current source, meaning a 1541 as source? I think I have some somewhere but it would be nice to be able to send some squares and sinuses.

The problem is you have to send a current rather than a voltage. For example a sinusoidal current at 1 kHz swinging from 0 to - 4 mA.
One could use a BF245 as voltage controlled CCS, supplied from -5 V, and a function generator to modulate the gate, using first a resistor to set precisely the current swing.

If somebody has already build such that current DAC output emulator, please share your experience.

P.S. The Salas Shunt should be fine to supply the voltage controlled CCS.
No I can't for many reason

- first i ha'm right now with Thorsten at phone, so no time (I joke of course !)
- I don't understand anything to tubes !
- Wow the list ! they are heavy fellows... this list let me shy !
- I tried already with some eavy knowledged ones for the Distinction coreboard and some of us had kindly participation...

But you can. from the first beginning I say it is collaborative !
Nowadays avoided by ECDESIGN himself for jitters issues...

Just use the two 6k8 resistor allowed on the Disctinction-1541 pcb... on s'est pris la nénéte pour ça ! (we choose the best trade offs to avoid those bad temptations...).

For checking by yourself it's better to beginn without the two résistors and try after to choose what you prefer !
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